Okay...we have been on different paths. I do not remember asking for a discussion on the issue of whether the god of the Bible committed murder/genocide, but I certainly am willing to discuss it...although to discuss it within the bounds of Christianity would be close to an absurdity.
There is no way the Bible...or any Christian tradition would indicate that anything the god of the Bible did is anything like murder/genocide. The Bible and Christian tradition would not accuse the god of the Bible of jaywalking. So, of course, sticking strictly to within the bounds of Christianity...would yield a walk-over win in such a discussion.
I am not interested in what Christianity says about what the god of the Bible did...they are captives. It would be like taking the word of a Ugandan about the character of Idi Amin (when he was in power)...while Amin was standing over him/her with a machete in hand. I am interested only in reading what the god did described...and then assigning/assessing a morality to it myself.
With that in mind...yes, the god of the Bible (according to Christianity) has total authority over "its creation"...and I agree that one duty of a governing authority (such as a county government, a state government, or a federal government) to serve justice to a party that has been found guilty of a crime?
Allow me to add that the "to serve justice" must itself be proportional to the crime committed.

That's a hard question to answer (many genres, time periods, etc etc)... but since this one was just as good on its final episode as it was on its pilot episode, I would have to say that Everybody Loves Raymond is (to this day) my favorite television program.My turn for a question:
If you have a favorite...what is your favorite television program?
My next question: Can the destruction of life be a form of justice?