The Main Stream Opinion Media Is Heavily Conservative

Hello Geeko Sportivo,

Those things could work and work very well, but only if most of the country is in favor of it. Countries which have done those things see they are popular.

If you gave away free educations, every child now in school- and from now on- would want to grow up to be Doctors and Lawyers and everyone of them would want to go to the most expensive schools- That's as much as $500,000.00 per child!

In a free market enterprise system, it would no longer be free if you refused people of wanting to start or own a Healthcare Insurance Business.

The Democrats have already produced a National Healthcare System as a choice and last hope to acquire Healthcare insurance for themselves and their families. It just needs some work to make it able to compete with the mainstream Healthcare Insurance Companies on a level playing field.

America is about having choices, and not forcing people to close legal businesses, and forcing people onto a National Healthcare system.

And most people agree with me on these matters, or Biden would not have won the Primary or the presidency!

Democracy is about giving the Voting Majority what they want. Not what a minority of voters want.
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Libs can't defend their opinions.

Lots of people recently have been asking why the Left refuses to allow people who dont agree with them to speak, what is it that makes them so afraid? I think it is that at some level they know that their beliefs are Bull Shit.....they know that upon a full and honest evaluation of those beliefs the fact that they are Bull Shit could not be hidden.
Hello Geeko Sportivo,

If you gave away free educations, every child now in school- and from now on- would want to grow up to be Doctors and Lawyers and everyone of them would want to go to the most expensive schools- That's as much as $500,000.00 per child!

Not true. Advanced fields of study would require demonstrating aptitude. Only those students which qualify should be advanced to higher levels of study. Also, government-paid tuition should only cover education expenses at state public schools, not expensive ivy league schools. I would also strongly favor a "make-the-cut-or-get-thrown-out' policy. We don't want people thinking they can simply make a career out of going to school. Public education works for K-12. It needs to be expanded to K-16. And those students who wish to go into trades should have that option, and have their trade school expenses covered the same as public school, up to 17 years of education, the equivalent of K-16.

One thing you said above is actually quite beneficial to the USA. We need more doctors. If this system graduates more qualified doctors, that is a good thing!

In a free market enterprise system, it would no longer be free if you refused people of wanting to start or own a Healthcare Insurance Business.

It is true that a national healthcare service would put most individual healthcare insurance companies out of business. But it is also true that millions of jobs would be created to run the national healthcare service. And they should be good secure jobs with great benefits.

There could still be a market for luxury healthcare insurance which would be above and beyond the standard care. If a national healthcare service would provide rudimentary treatment with standard qualified doctors and mass accommodations, a luxury healthcare insurance system could provide treatment by the best doctors, with upgraded larger nicer rooms and luxury treatment.

The Democrats have already produced a National Healthcare System as a choice and last hope to acquire Healthcare insurance for themselves and their families. It just needs some work to make it able to compete with the mainstream Healthcare Insurance Companies on a level playing field.

I disagree. What was produced was a guaranteed profit-generator for existing powerful insurance corporations, who pretty much wrote the law. It was a step towards universal healthcare, but it doesn't cover everybody and it is too expensive because there is so much guaranteed profit built into it. And the Republicans gutted the one thing that made it plausible, the mandate to get it. Without that, it can't work and will become increasingly expensive. We can patch it up and nurse it along but we really need single payer. Perhaps the next step is a public option.

America is about having choices, and not forcing people to close legal businesses, and forcing people onto a National Healthcare system.

Nothing is going to please everyone, so no matter what improvements are made, there will always be someone who objects. Fair competitive business is one thing. Predatory rigged-market business is quite another. The fact that health insurance is tied to employment is a huge mistake which destroys competition. Health insurance is not currently a fair competitive business. It needs to be de-coupled from employment at the very least.

And most people agree with me on these matters, or Biden would not have won the Primary or the presidency!

Biden favored a Public Option. He also favored reducing the qualification age for Medicare.

Democracy is about giving the Voting Majority what they want. Not what a minority of voters want.

We do not live in a strict democracy. It is a democratic republic. The general public does not vote on measures. We vote for leaders and lawmakers. THEY vote for measures. Sometimes this means laws are created which do not have a majority of public approval. The reasoning is that lawmakers spend more time learning the details of proposed legislation than the general public. This system is not perfect, but it is better than a strict democracy which would require the general public to vote directly on every measure, and be very cumbersome.
Hello Nordberg,

You know it's not being done to promote fair programming out there!

btw, David Koch died in 2019.

They did not bury the foundation and the rest of his family with him. The Kochs bros. father was a big part of starting the John Birch Society. They are deep and dark foes of the people running the country. They are generations of super-wealthy seeking superpowers over our government. The wealthy have great patience because nothing they do can hurt them. They are creating a plutocracy. Time has shown they are winning.
We often hear conservatives complaining about how the media is liberal.

And since Trump many of them won't even listen any more.

But the one thing they will listen to is talking head opinion pundits.

Naturally, both flavors can be found.

But the thing is this:

This media is overwhelmingly dominated by conservatives.

Sure, there are liberal pundits. They are out there. But they are vastly outnumbered by the conservative ones.

Of this, there can be no dispute.

GOD you're not merely stupid, but the most dishonest hack I have ever seen. :palm:
Donald says you should be watching OANN or Newsmax, you dumb cunt.

You should try extracting your head from you asshole.


Bret last Sat said that there are only two corporate media outlets that dont follow the scripts that the elite hand out....FoxNews and WSJ. I dont pay much attention to WSJ because almost everything they do is behind a paywall, but I will need to take a look at them.
Bret last Sat said that there are only two corporate media outlets that dont follow the scripts that the elite hand out....FoxNews and WSJ. I dont pay much attention to WSJ because almost everything they do is behind a paywall, but I will need to take a look at them.

What a lack of knowledge you continually display. I have often seen a daily catchphrase spoken by a Fox talking head and then showing the exact same words by every single head repeating it verbatim every show all day and night. It is a standard for propaganda stations.
You are a fan of gross repetition. You listen to it exclusively without understanding what you are doing.
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What a lack of knowledge you continually display. I have often seen a daily catchphrase spoken by a Fox talking head and then showing the exact same words by every single head repeating it verbatim every show all day and night. It is a standard for propaganda stations.
You are a fan of gross repetition. You listen to it exclusively without understanding what you are doing.

Take your complaint up with Bret, the one who said it. My brother still likes NYPOST but my evaluation is that they are almost completely captured by the Revolution but pretends otherwise. This practice of pretending to be off script so that they can Mind Mold people away from objecting to the Revolution has become very common, and is one of the reasons that I say somewhat often that the Nazi's were better people than the WOKE Revolution, because they were more honest.
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I have heard Eric Weinstein as well compliment FoxNews...Both Eric and Bret are hard on the Left....but they speak truth, and both understand that the destruction of journalism dooms us to Hell.
I have heard Eric Weinstein as well compliment FoxNews...Both Eric and Bret are hard on the Left....but they speak truth, and both understand that the destruction of journalism dooms us to Hell.

Rightys complimented that propaganda channel and you think that is worth pointing out? Fox is a propaganda network that said it was competing with ESPN in court. How will you handle it when you can no longer believe Fox, that you were taken for years.
We often hear conservatives complaining about how the media is liberal.

And since Trump many of them won't even listen any more.

But the one thing they will listen to is talking head opinion pundits.

Naturally, both flavors can be found.

But the thing is this:

This media is overwhelmingly dominated by conservatives.

Sure, there are liberal pundits. They are out there. But they are vastly outnumbered by the conservative ones.

Of this, there can be no dispute.

I disagree. Studies over the years have confirmed that most print and broadcast journalists tend to be liberal. That does not necessarily mean they show bias in their reporting because it is bad for their career. And, studies show about the same amount of time given to the two major candidates in presidential elections. I don't see a liberal bias in the major broadcast news (ABC, CBS, NBC) but cable news like CNN, MSNBC, Fox, Newsmax, OAN are not news but partisan cheerleaders. We like media that talks trash about the other side (like JPP).

In Sheryl Atkinson's new book "Slanted" she talks about the changes in journalism schools and how they teach to make the stories personal. She also writes about uprisings of the young reporters in the NY Times because they did not like the take on the stories being produced by the editors.
The only people who say Fox is news at all or fair, are avid viewers of it. Nobody else is fooled. It is a very right-wing slanted station that is all right, all the time.
Hello Flash,

I disagree. Studies over the years have confirmed that most print and broadcast journalists tend to be liberal. That does not necessarily mean they show bias in their reporting because it is bad for their career. And, studies show about the same amount of time given to the two major candidates in presidential elections. I don't see a liberal bias in the major broadcast news (ABC, CBS, NBC) but cable news like CNN, MSNBC, Fox, Newsmax, OAN are not news but partisan cheerleaders. We like media that talks trash about the other side (like JPP).

In Sheryl Atkinson's new book "Slanted" she talks about the changes in journalism schools and how they teach to make the stories personal. She also writes about uprisings of the young reporters in the NY Times because they did not like the take on the stories being produced by the editors.

Sort of a non-sequitor here.

You've really diverted into a different subject.

"Talking head opinion pundits" and

"print and broadcast journalists"

have some overlap, but are not really the same group.