"Michael Gazzaniga is one of the most venerated experimental neuroscientists of our age. "
'Gazzaniga finds a more general cause for the persistence of religious belief in that “humans are belief-formation machines…. It seems to be what our human brains do.” Yet in this possibility there is for Gazzaniga also cause for hope. Religion and philosophy are the stories we once told ourselves. But now that we can see these stories for what they truly are, mere fictions, we can replace them with a more scientific account. And it is this possibility that leads Gazzaniga to happily conclude, almost in a religious rapture of his own, “that a universal ethics is possible.” “There could be a universal set of biological responses to moral dilemmas, a sort of ethics, built into our brains.”'
Michael Gazzaniga is one of the most venerated experimental neuroscientists of our age. He is a fellow of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences, president of the American Psychological Society, and a member of the President’s Council on Bioethics. He is the author of many highly regarded...