The Matt Gaetz Ethics Report Is Going to Be Released After All The House Ethics Committee secretly voted to release the findings of its investigation,

Poor Nancy... They should send her an invite to the medical history group here... She probably needs something to do....;)
Cabinet is looking great... Confirmation should be one hundred percent... Strong choices....They're going to get things done.... And I doubt anyone is going to steal women's luggage/ clothing...;) Kam didn't win for Many reasons....
Ok... I think you're exaggerating a bit.... But that's your choice...( I don't
think democrats should be throwing moral stones in the house...or there's that...:)) I say let's just focus on having peoplel actually get things done for the next four years...wouldn’t that be lovely?
“exaggerating?” You don’t think finding out the person the President wanted to appoint to lead the nation’s judicial system was a deceitful immoral scumbag doesn’t say something about the person making that nomination?

And getting things done ain’t happening, didn’t happen the first time around even when Trump had majorities in both houses of Congress, besides, it’s not Trump’s shtick, doesn’t feed the rich wing media’s need for theater, got to be melodrama, not running the country
Cabinet is looking great... Confirmation should be one hundred percent... Strong choices....They're going to get things done.... And I doubt anyone is going to steal women's luggage/ clothing...;) Kam didn't win for Many reasons....
I disagree, rapists, sexual assaulters, and pedophiles do not look great and are not strong choices. You better get right with god before it's too late.
If it is confirmed that Gaetz is a pedo do you think the magas in here will speak out against it or pretend like it never happened?
They'll pretend it's fake newz or make some other excuse just like they've done for Pedo Don the past 8 years.
