Maybe. Although I'd rather try to change that than raise taxes on the 1%. All the attempts to tax the wealthy more usually fail for reasons that are similar to what you're referring to.
In short, if you understand that corporate lobbyists manipulate both parties, it should be clear that the tax policies written by the politicians they fund will benefit them. Oftentimes, lobbyists write the policies in reality.
What typically happens is that when taxes are raised on the wealthy, it tends to affect the bottom end of the top bracket more than the top end. Small business owners typically pay a higher percentage in taxes than billionaires, for example.
This is why small business owners are usually the most adamant about keeping taxes low, while certain billionaires will often talk about wanting to tax the wealthy more. It's because billionaires have more ways to hide their income than small business owners.
The only way that's going to change is if we change certain corporate laws. Changing tax laws rarely accomplishes much.