The melting pot

the right imagines a pot that all the immigrants hop into when they come.

then after some time the brand new Americans pop out of the pot.

They don't understand the pot.

when you enter America you climb into the pot.

there we all bubble and boil into an ever changing American metal.

get you asses back to melting and quit trying to climb out of the pot
the right imagines a pot that all the immigrants hop into when they come.

then after some time the brand new Americans pop out of the pot.

They don't understand the pot.

when you enter America you climb into the pot.

there we all bubble and boil into an ever changing American metal.

get you asses back to melting and quit trying to climb out of the pot

Me thinks you don't actually understand this issue and as one who claims to speak for people of color I'm rather surprised.

Pluralism vs. Melting Pot
Again just a simple paragraph describing what has gone on in this country. Like I said I'd be very surprised if you weren't familiar with this.

""Today the trend is toward multiculturalism, not assimilation. The old "melting pot" metaphor is giving way to new metaphors such as "salad bowl" and "mosaic", mixtures of various ingredients that keep their individual characteristics. Immigrant populations within the United States are not being blended together in one "pot", but rather they are transforming American Society into a truly multicultural mosaic.""
The melting pot is more a "right-wing" position today. Glad to see you joining us Desh. See even though of us with political differences do have share some common beliefs.

Since the 1960s, scholars and political activists, recognizing that the “melting pot” concept fails to acknowledge that immigrant groups do not, and should not, entirely abandon their distinct identities, embraced multiculturalism and diversity. Racial and ethnic groups maintain many of their basic traits and cultural attributes, while at the same time their orientations change through marriage and interactions with other groups in society. The American Studies curriculum serves to illustrates this shift in attitude. The curriculum, which had for decades relied upon the “melting pot” metaphor as an organizing framework, began to employ the alternative notion of the “American mosaic.” Multiculturalism, in the context of the “American mosaic,” celebrates the unique cultural heritage of racial and ethnic groups, some of whom seek to preserve their native languages and lifestyles. In a sense, individuals can be Americans and at the same time claim other identities, including those based on racial and ethnic heritage, gender, and sexual preference.

Multiculturalism has been embraced by many Americans, and has been promoted formally by institutions. Elementary and secondary schools have adopted curricula to foster understanding of cultural diversity by exposing students to the customs and traditions of racial and ethnic groups. Government agencies advocate tolerance for diversity by sponsoring Hispanic and Asian American/Pacific Islander heritage weeks. The United States Post Office has introduced stamps depicting prominent Americans from diverse backgrounds.
not in the way I see the pelting pot.

In my vision of the melting pot we are all in the pot all the time.

we absorb each others cultures and the metal in the pot becomes stronger for it.

My version IS highlighting all of us benifitting from each culture to become the best the world as a whole has to offer.
The American culture will always be the melding of the worlds ideas.

the combining of all the best ideas the world has to offer.

Yes every immigrant will likely give up something about the culture they left.

Usually that is exactly why they came to America
The American culture will always be the melding of the worlds ideas.

the combining of all the best ideas the world has to offer.

Yes every immigrant will likely give up something about the culture they left.

Usually that is exactly why they came to America

They came to America to give up something about the culture they left?

You should read some history.
well most blacks didn't chose to come here some did though.

Most came for what America has to offer that their home countries did not.

man you don't believe in this country much huh
In a sense, individuals can be Americans and at the same time claim other identities, including those based on racial and ethnic heritage, gender, and sexual preference.

Multiculturalism has been embraced by many Americans, and has been promoted formally by institutions. Elementary and secondary schools have adopted curricula to foster understanding of cultural diversity by exposing students to the customs and traditions of racial and ethnic groups. Government agencies advocate tolerance for diversity by sponsoring Hispanic and Asian American/Pacific Islander heritage weeks. The United States Post Office has introduced stamps depicting prominent Americans from diverse backgrounds.

I sure as hell don't see how that translates to a "right wing" position, wacko.

All the right wingers on here (the extreme ones, not ones like you, Grind, etc...) want everyone, regardless of nationality, to speak English and act white.

I just can't wait for the day when everyone will look like this:

What will the RacistX's and USF's of America do?????
when you eat sushi or a relleno you are melting a little.

When you dance the salsa or the tango you are melting a little.

when you smell fresh French bread or baklava and think YUM you are melting a little.

when you hear gypsy punk or reggae and it makes you smile you are melting a little.

when you see a beautiful black woman or a handsome Asian man and think what an attractive person you melt a little.

melt dammit
I sure as hell don't see how that translates to a "right wing" position, wacko.

All the right wingers on here (the extreme ones, not ones like you, Grind, etc...) want everyone, regardless of nationality, to speak English and act white.

I just can't wait for the day when everyone will look like this:

What will the RacistX's and USF's of America do?????

Howey, I said the melting pot was more a "right-wing" position. What you highlighted above is the multicultural position.
same with my explanation of the melting pot

Desh you're obviously free to have your own personal definition of the melting pot but it does seem you do not understand what multiculturalism is and how it came about all basically against or in place of the melting pot. These multicultural positions came from the left.