The mind of Lou Dobbs

I don't exaggerate it. You are assuming I agree with Dobbs because I promoted he was against "illegal" and not all immigration and lives a life that proves that fact.

I want the border closed because of the fact that we fight an enemy that wouldn't hesitate to use such a weakness against us.

I promote opening the front door so that people are not punished by being forced to live in squalid conditions here in the US.

And so forth.

Do not presume to give me my opinion.


If someone wanted to invade the US, I can think of several better ways than to send five million poor latinos aremed with nothing but the clothes on their back.
Hey stupid, an excess of workers DRIVES wages lower.

Good thing there's not an excess of workers. Otherwise there might be a problem there.

We've seen this all in the past from demagogues. A dying, unskilled labour industry just happens to have stagnant wages (SURPRISE SURPRISE!), so somebody stands on a podium and tells them who to hate for "wage overcrowding".
Damo, there is NO population problem in America. We could easily fit another fucking billion in here. The land itself could probably hold 5 billion if we spread it out evenly enough. Not that I'm advocating that we pump it up that much, but space and crowding just isn't a problem. And where it's not a problem, the free market, which you don't believe in, will make room for them.
One more time, read my posts. I have no problem with immigration and propose we open the FRONT door. The only requirement I have is that we know who is coming here.

You are the one who cares less how they are treated when they get here, by your sure desire to leave the laws as they are so that they must sneak in, paying criminals to traffic them, live in squalor to pay back their debtors so that their families are not threatened.

If someone wanted to invade the US, I can think of several better ways than to send five million poor latinos aremed with nothing but the clothes on their back.
It's not the Latinos, but who may come in with them, man you really do get emotively stupid when "speaking" on this subject. You forget to read, you forget the past conversations you had with people, then come up with stuff that is so stupid it is hard to take you seriously.

At least remember my position on this before emoting all over my website. You are making it all sticky.
Oh hell No!

Damo, there is NO population problem in America. We could easily fit another fucking billion in here. The land itself could probably hold 5 billion if we spread it out evenly enough. Not that I'm advocating that we pump it up that much, but space and crowding just isn't a problem. And where it's not a problem, the free market, which you don't believe in, will make room for them.

I like my sparsley populated little state...we want our water and such to stay clean and available!
I like my sparsley populated little state...we want our water and such to stay clean and available!

Still, China has more people than us in a smaller place, and the only place there's serious overcrowding problems is on the coast. There's plenty of rural areas in the eastern portion of it.
One more time, read my posts. I have no problem with immigration and propose we open the FRONT door. The only requirement I have is that we know who is coming here.

You are the one who cares less how they are treated when they get here, by your sure desire to leave the laws as they are so that they must sneak in, paying criminals to traffic them, live in squalor to pay back their debtors so that their families are not threatened.

Damo, I don't really even think we actually disagree on anything with this. How can we always find a way to argue about it?
Damo, there is NO population problem in America. We could easily fit another fucking billion in here. The land itself could probably hold 5 billion if we spread it out evenly enough. Not that I'm advocating that we pump it up that much, but space and crowding just isn't a problem. And where it's not a problem, the free market, which you don't believe in, will make room for them.

We should save these abundant resources for future generations of americans, not use them to cover up the problems resulting for a failing government on our southern border..
We should save these abundant resources for future generations of americans, not use them to cover up the problems resulting for a failing government on our southern border..

We aren't straining our limited resources. Our replenishible resources will be there regardless. And you seriously overestimate how much space a human being takes up.
We aren't straining our limited resources. Our replenishible resources will be there regardless. And you seriously overestimate how much space a human being takes up.

So then you agree environmentalism is a lie?

And mexico has plenty of open space. Their government is too corrupt for adequate trade to service the population. That should be changed. It would be better for both populations in the long term if we helped develop healthier system by REFUSING TO ACCEPT THEIR REFUGEES. Toughlove.