The Mob Is Calling For Zimmerman's Head.

philly rabbit

Verified User
And the evil kingdom is on their side trying to find a racist link to Zimmerman so they can trounce on the constitution and string this guy up. Liberals my friends are destroying the rule of law in America. Liberals want to once and for all destroy the country as a nation of laws and make it a nation of men and social justice trumping all order of the law.

Yesterday Jesse Jackson announced that he will appeal to the UN .. the UN for heaven's sake my dear friends to try and lynch Zimmerman on international human rights violations. Meanwhile the Black Panthers and the good Reverend Al Sharpton are firing up the mobs demanding revenge and social justice for Trayvon and Zimmerman's head on a platter. Eric Holder of the Evil Kingdom's justice department has announced he will go after Florida's stand your ground law as a violation of .. (trumpets and fanfare!) social justice and human rights!
And the evil kingdom is on their side trying to find a racist link to Zimmerman so they can trounce on the constitution and string this guy up. Liberals my friends are destroying the rule of law in America. Liberals want to once and for all destroy the country as a nation of laws and make it a nation of men and social justice trumping all order of the law.

Yesterday Jesse Jackson announced that he will appeal to the UN .. the UN for heaven's sake my dear friends to try and lynch Zimmerman on international human rights violations. Meanwhile the Black Panthers and the good Reverend Al Sharpton are firing up the mobs demanding revenge and social justice for Trayvon and Zimmerman's head on a platter. Eric Holder of the Evil Kingdom's justice department has announced he will go after Florida's stand your ground law as a violation of .. (trumpets and fanfare!) social justice and human rights!

Yeah, the left thrives on mob mentality. Make no mistake to the hardcore lefties on this board from BAC to Howey to Darla to Desh, this isn't about a black boy. This is about pure partisan politics. They are trying to use black people for their own partisan gain.

BTW, did you hear their hero Rachel Jeantel on Piers Morgan say that Trayvon was afraid that Zimmerman was a "gay rapist" and that Trayvon didn't want to kill him he was "just doin some whoopass"

So in that interview, good ole unimpeachable Rachel tells us that a) Trayvon is a homophobe (not surprising amongst blacks) and b) was the aggressor

Case closed. End of story.

Hey, let them gin up the folks to riot. They are only going to get more black people hurt. Remember, whitey does outnumber them and will only take this shit for so long. Just sayin
I hope the mob gets him. Zimmermann is almost completely representative of the ways of the old south, except that he's latino. He represents corruption, racism, murder, hypocracy, failed institutions, and he truly represents the mob mentality of small towns down there. He shot a black kid, and will now become yet another patron saint of the South, even though he was a felon and a loser before this incident.

He's a child molester and avowed racist. He's digging his own grave, doesn't need any help.

You weren't there and you don't know what happened.

The court system determined what happened and this sham trial that should have never occurred in the first place but did occur because the kid was black and it went down on demand from Reverend Al and his ass hats determined anyway that:

!. Zimmerman was no racist which was the basis of the trial in the first place, the man's alleged racism and,

2. He, Zimmerman acted in self defense.

But that's not good enough for you because the trial you lefties demanded in the first place didn't come out the way you wanted it too.

The rule of law and the verdict doesn't matter because you keep tooting your social justice horn and now you're still all out for Zimmerman's head
I hope the mob gets him. Zimmermann is almost completely representative of the ways of the old south, except that he's latino. He represents corruption, racism, murder, hypocracy, failed institutions, and he truly represents the mob mentality of small towns down there. He shot a black kid, and will now become yet another patron saint of the South, even though he was a felon and a loser before this incident.


It's pretty clear Zimmeran is a f'ing loser. I don't wish death on the man but I don't have any sympathy if/when his life sucks going forward.
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Zimmermann doesn't even need to be targeted. His own stupidity and bad decision-making will see to it that his quality of life remains low, and he will likely not live to old age if he continues to be such a total fuck-up.
Zimmermann doesn't even need to be targeted. His own stupidity and bad decision-making will see to it that his quality of life remains low, and he will likely not live to old age if he continues to be such a total fuck-up.

Considering his violent track record, against the police, against his girlfriend, and against of course, Martin, I don't think this guy is going to clean up.
The Mob? As in the Mafia? La Cosa Nostra? This Thing of Ours? Odd. Seems tangential to their business operations, but I suppose expansion is the name of the game.
I hope the mob gets him. Zimmermann is almost completely representative of the ways of the old south, except that he's latino. He represents corruption, racism, murder, hypocracy, failed institutions, and he truly represents the mob mentality of small towns down there. He shot a black kid, and will now become yet another patron saint of the South, even though he was a felon and a loser before this incident.

Thanks, you just stated what I was going to post, that Zimmer is a Latino, just Like President Obama is a Black Man, both are like 50/50 bars, both have a honky parent. Latinos are a minority, therefore, like Blacks, they cannot be accused of racism. I can hardly wait until saturday when they start their demonstrations.