The Mob Is Calling For Zimmerman's Head.

I hope the mob gets him. Zimmermann is almost completely representative of the ways of the old south, except that he's latino. He represents corruption, racism, murder, hypocracy, failed institutions, and he truly represents the mob mentality of small towns down there. He shot a black kid, and will now become yet another patron saint of the South, even though he was a felon and a loser before this incident.


So Carter was wrong as well? Good luck with the arse kissing to the Darlaks.
So Carter was wrong as well? Good luck with the arse kissing to the Darlaks.

Carter is usually wrong. I actually admire him in many ways. He is one of the only high-profile politicians in America that is Pro-Palestine that is willing to run around saying and doing controversial things, which is ballsy. I also like that he tried hard to be a peacetime president. Also, the fact that he has been disowned by much of the South - that tells me there is something good about him right there.
Off with his Head!!!

Thanks, you just stated what I was going to post, that Zimmer is a Latino, just Like President Obama is a Black Man, both are like 50/50 bars, both have a honky parent. Latinos are a minority, therefore, like Blacks, they cannot be accused of racism. I can hardly wait until saturday when they start their demonstrations.
You mean the ferals have more riots planned?

Good fucking God, what a bunch of diaper pissing crybabies. How embarrassing.
I hope the mob gets him. Zimmermann is almost completely representative of the ways of the old south, except that he's latino. He represents corruption, racism, murder, hypocracy, failed institutions, and he truly represents the mob mentality of small towns down there. He shot a black kid, and will now become yet another patron saint of the South, even though he was a felon and a loser before this incident.


That's it 3D, show everyone how stupid you can really be.
Care to prove that he was a "felon"; that is, unless you're just full of shit.
Pretty sure assault and battery is a felony. Perhaps not in Floriduh...

No, it's called "Beat a Niggrah Day". Basically every day in Florida, celebrated primarily in meth-infested trailer parks and Suzie Chutzpah Bravo's family reunions twice a year.