The moon landing was faked

I don't think the moon landing was faked......but I think they forgot to put film in the camera and rather than admit it, they faked the pictures......
It would be hard to fake the moon rocks. I had a friend do his PhD on them.
The Hasselblad 70mm were not airtight. There was nothing to keep out the dust. Plus the radiation and heat (250 degrees) would melt the film.

I thought this was a moon landing:

"Accidental, unintentional contact between your naked arse-cheeks and another individual's naked arse-cheeks, resulting in a panicked moment of pause, sudden development of perfect posture on bolting upright, butt-hole puckering and the grunted "sorry" cough being elicited. Commonplace at such establishments as gyms or work locker rooms."

We all need to take great care at the gym to ensure this doesn't happen. You cannot "fake" a moon landing.
The Hasselblad 70mm were not airtight. There was nothing to keep out the dust. Plus the radiation and heat (250 degrees) would melt the film.
You can fake film till the cows come home if you want, but you can't fake moon rocks which people actually handled, studied and wrote PhD theses about.
The oldest Moon rocks are 4.4 billion years old, which is extraordinary.

Moon rocks lack any of the hydrated silicates common in earth rocks.

Isotopic signature of moon rocks are good evidence that the Moon was once a chunk of the Earth knocked off in an impact event early in the formation of the solar system.
You can fake film till the cows come home if you want, but you can't fake moon rocks which people actually handled, studied and wrote PhD theses about.

The idiocy of gullible cretins like Goat is amusing. He also thinks Israeli and W blew up the buildings on 9/11 for reasons because Joooos. He will now be triggered by your comments about PhDs. lol
The idiocy of gullible cretins like Goat is amusing. He also thinks Israeli and W blew up the buildings on 9/11 for reasons because Joooos. He will now be triggered by your comments about PhDs. lol

There must be a whole science of psychology that explains human gullibility and the propensity to be duped by conspiracy theories.
There must be a whole science of psychology that explains human gullibility and the propensity to be duped by conspiracy theories.

In the old days they would put ppl like CO, goat, Hawkeye, TDAK, and the rest of the alternative facts gang in a special home with walls with padding and hand-crafted "comfort shirts." Maybe we need to visit those times. :laugh:

You can fake film till the cows come home if you want, but you can't fake moon rocks which people actually handled, studied and wrote PhD theses about.
Agreed, but you are using rational discussion to persuade irrational people. It never works.

The bigger picture here is that the conspiracy theorist nutjobs are claiming that the United States successfully fooled all First World nations about the Moon landing. Their argument believes that the Soviet Union and PRC are either so fucking stupid that the US has fooled them for over 50 years…OR that the USSR and PRC are part of the conspiracy.

What rational person would believe either scenario? IMO, none. Only the psychos and the stupid.
Agreed, but you are using rational discussion to persuade irrational people. It never works.

The bigger picture here is that the conspiracy theorist nutjobs are claiming that the United States successfully fooled all First World nations about the Moon landing. Their argument believes that the Soviet Union and PRC are either so fucking stupid that the US has fooled them for over 50 years…OR that the USSR and PRC are part of the conspiracy.

What rational person would believe either scenario? IMO, none. Only the psychos and the stupid.

It seems like a lot of MAGA cultists on this board still believe in the Kraken conspiracy theories.

That is just begging for a PhD dissertation investigation in psychology or sociology.
It seems like a lot of MAGA cultists on this board still believe in the Kraken conspiracy theories.

That is just begging for a PhD dissertation investigation in psychology or sociology.

Studying conspiracy theorists online has been a long term hobby of mine. It’s a mixed bag ranging from young, inexperienced, relatively uneducated people to older people who are either stupid or irrational. There are several online articles from reputable sources. Since the rise of the Alt-Right in American politics, the number of studies available have increased.
Why people believe in conspiracy theories
Yes, it is definitely the case that the conspiracy theories have ways being with us. Believing in conspiracy theories and being suspicious about the actions of others is in some ways quite an adaptive thing to do. We don't necessarily want to trust everybody and trust everything that's happening around us. And so they have always been with us and to some extent, people are all, I guess you could call everybody a conspiracy theorist if you want to use that term at one point or another…

… We argue that people are drawn to conspiracy theories in order to satisfy or in an attempt to satisfy three important psychological motives. The first of these motives are epistemic motives… The second set of motives, we would call existential motives. And really they just refer to people's needs to be or to feel safe and secure in the world that they live in... The final set of motives we would call social motives and those refer to people's desire to feel good about themselves as individuals and also feel good about themselves in terms of the groups that they belong to. And I guess at the individual level, people like to feel... Well, they like to have high self-esteem. They like to feel good about themselves. And potentially one way of doing that is to feel that you have access to information that other people don't necessarily have…..
There must be a whole science of psychology that explains human gullibility and the propensity to be duped by conspiracy theories.
It's called cognitive dissonance. It's when your brain needs a safe space and rejects anything that goes against your view of the world. It's very common among sheeple who need government to tell them what to believe. That's not how science works.

Geologists have identified the moon rock as petrified wood, yet you keep parroting government propaganda with the rest of the science deniers. I bet you believe in the magic bullet theory, too.