The moon landing was faked

He must have frantically googled for information on radiometric isotopes, because he ended up with the catastrophically mistaken idea that carbon 14 is the only radiometric dating technique out there.

It's what the ignorant and stupid do. Now you will be hated and insulted for showing everyone else what a loser imbecile he is.
That's only true for carbon[SUP]14[/SUP] isotopes.

If you knew anything about geosciences, you would know there are more radiometric isotopes dating techinques than just carbon. Potassium, Rubidium, Strontium isotopes to name a few, and some of these radiometric techniques have half lives of a billion years or more.

Anyone who has taken an archaeology or physical anthropology class knows this. Goat gets his "facts" from other psychos.

Types of radiometric dating

This one has proven especially useful in dating hominin remains.

Potassium-argon dating is a method that allows us to calculate the age of a rock, or how long ago it was formed, by measuring the ratio of radioactive argon to radioactive potassium within it.

Radioactive potassium (40K – a solid) decays to radioactive argon (40Ar – a gas), at a known rate. When volcanic rocks are formed and cooled, all argon within the rock is released into the atmosphere, and when the rock hardens, none can re-enter.

This means that any argon present in a volcanic rock must have been produced by the decay of radioactive potassium, so measuring the ratio can enable a scientist to date the sample.

This method is limited, because it’s only applicable to volcanic rocks, but is useful for older archaeology because it has a date range of about 4.3 billion to 100,000 years ago.
sorry cunt......I've said nothing about Armstrong and I've already posted that I believe there was a moon theory is they faked the photos because they forgot to pack the film for the camera......

but I asked about the rocks because you had argued they couldn't be faked........then you posted they originally came from earth......seemed like an obvious contradiction.......when I asked you hadn't yet mentioned "hydrated silicates".......though I wonder if there aren't possibly rocks on earth in areas with little water that have the same structure.....

Yes, Pmp, somebody scoured the Earth to find samples of basalt and gabbro which all just fantastically and improbably happened to not have a trace of any hydrated silicates, and then gave them to Neil Armstrong and 12 other Apollo astronauts and convinced them to lie about collecting them from the lunar surface, and not spill the beans for 50 years.

Great theory, you have there
It's what the ignorant and stupid do. Now you will be hated and insulted for showing everyone else what a loser imbecile he is.

I try to keep my mouth shut when I don't have any actual or tangible knowledge of a topic. Is that unusual message board etiquette?
Anyone who has taken an archaeology or physical anthropology class knows this. Goat gets his "facts" from other psychos.

Types of radiometric dating

This one has proven especially useful in dating hominin remains.

I would have thought anyone with the slightest interest in the Earth sciences would have been aware there were various radiometric isotope dating techniques, some of which are sufficient for dating rocks billions of years old.

You don't even need to have had any university level geology classes to have this knowledge. A reader of National Geographic would be able to acquire this information.
Yes, Pmp, somebody scoured the Earth to find samples of basalt and gabbro which all just fantastically and improbably happened to not have a trace of any hydrated silicates, and then gave them to Neil Armstrong and 12 other Apollo astronauts and convinced them to lie about collecting them from the lunar surface, and not spill the beans for 50 years.

Great theory, you have there

again, cunt.....a question is not a "theory"....get off your undeserved pedestal and have a fucking discussion.........
Conspiracy theories start to look retarded when they have to invoke fantastical claims of the global scientific and engineering communities operating in league with national governments to perpetrate the perfect hoax, and then cover it up for 50 years.
Conspiracy theorists are like a circle jerk; they don’t look retarded to each other.

Additionally, they often epitomize the Dunning-Kruger Effect.
I would have thought anyone with the slightest interest in the Earth sciences would have been aware there were various radiometric isotope dating techniques, some of which are sufficient for dating rocks billions of years old.

You don't even need to have had any university level geology classes to have this knowledge. A reader of National Geographic would be able to acquire this information.

The problem here is that you have to actually *read* something to learn. You even have to be able to read if you prefer to watch a video rather than learning from text. Idjits like PiMP and Goat struggle with that, apparently.
The problem here is that you have to actually *read* something to learn. You even have to be able to read if you prefer to watch a video rather than learning from text. Idjits like PiMP and Goat struggle with that, apparently.

It takes being fortunate enough to have good parents and role models. We had all kinds of magazine subscriptions at our house when I was a kid: National Geographic, Smithsonian, Newsweek, Time, National Review, Harvard alumni magazine, etc.
The problem here is that you have to actually *read* something to learn. You even have to be able to read if you prefer to watch a video rather than learning from text. Idjits like PiMP and Goat struggle with that, apparently.
OMG! mean Facebook and YouTube aren’t enough???
The problem with the "moon landing was faked" conspiracy theory is that there is too much readily available information that disproves it.

Pictures of the landing sites from the Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter. These picture show the descent module, experiments left behind and the tracks of the lunar lander.



Then there are the laser reflectors left by each of the trips to the moon. Anyone with the equipment can bounce a laser off the moon and time how long it takes to get there and back. I would bet that any number of people would love to prove that these reflectors don't exist and yet no one has.

There are five reflecting panels on the Moon. Two were delivered by Apollo 11 and 14 crews in 1969 and 1971, respectively. They are each made of 100 mirrors that scientists call “corner cubes,” as they are corners of a glass cube; the benefit of these mirrors is that they can reflect light back to any direction it comes from. Another panel with 300 corner cubes was dropped off by Apollo 15 astronauts in 1971
That's only true for carbon[SUP]14[/SUP] isotopes.

If you knew anything about geosciences, you would know there are more radiometric isotopes dating techinques than just carbon. Potassium, Rubidium, Strontium isotopes to name a few, and some of these radiometric techniques have half lives of a billion years or more.

And, it's not like we need dating of moon rocks as evidence we went to the moon.
Look at you, frantically googling and then running back here to post incomplete information that you frantically acquired in just 40 seconds.

Obviously, before this thread you had absolutely no idea there were radiometric dating techniques besides carbon 14, which is only used for organic matter.

When you date discrete mineral crystals, you don't have to worry about the rock cycle, because you are dating the time of crystal formation, not rock formation. You can get dates on sedimentary rocks which are recycled rock material by dating volcanic ash layers embedded in the sedimentary strata.

Common radiometric isotope techniques used on rocks and minerals include Uranium 235, rubidium 87 and potassium 40. These methods are sufficient to date rocks billions of years old.

, method has,atom of a new isotope.
Leave it to Cypress to post government propaganda. I've read peer reviewed papers on radioactive decay 25 years ago and they're constantly updated after being falsified. The Dutch national museum was given what the US claimed to be a moon rock but was easily identified as petrified wood.

The evidence of faked moon landings is overwhelming. Common sense will tell you that NASA would not send men to the moon to collect rocks without a geologist, or at least consulting with geologists on what type of rocks to look for.

The Apollo missions were an attempt to show the world that we had better rockets than the Soviets, but it was quickly proven that no rocket was big enough to leave low earth orbit. It was a military scam to screw taxpayers out of more of their hard-earned money.
That's amazing! What was she like?

Great. Like many 8th grade girls she was taller and more mature than many boys. She was very good in choir and is still involved in the music industry.

The last I read a few years ago Buzz had dementia and some individual was trying to take over his affairs and his children were suing to prevent it.