The moon landing was faked

It's called cognitive dissonance. It's when your brain needs a safe space and rejects anything that goes against your view of the world. It's very common among sheeple who need government to tell them what to believe. That's not how science works.

Geologists have identified the moon rock as petrified wood, yet you keep parroting government propaganda with the rest of the science deniers. I bet you believe in the magic bullet theory, too.
Example of an elderly mentally ill conspiracy theorist.

FWIW, when I was in HS, I was into the conspiracy theory about space aliens; ancient astronauts and Project Bluebook.

Eventually, after higher education, I realized that such conspiracies are impossible to keep secret as the Pentagon Papers and Watergate revealed. Governments are too big and too bureaucratic to keep such things secret for long.

I also realized that, in any large group, there are a percentage of nutjobs. The 9/11 Truthers can find one scientist out of hundreds who will support their beliefs and that’s the one (or handful) of nutjobs they’ll believe.

Even airline pilots, of which were were over 60,000, had a few nutjobs who believed 9/11 was a hoax. The vast majority understood the truth since it would be impossible to keep such a thing a secret.

Another example is the TWA 800 crash. The nutjobs said a missile, but all the sane pilots understood both the impossibility of keeping a shoot down a secret along with the science behind reconstructing the accident and the problems of Kapton wiring.
Geoligists have identified the moon rock as petrified wood .


My friend from graduate school did his thesis on Moon rocks, and even kept a couple in his desk drawer. Moon rocks are iron and magnesium-rich mafic rocks, but lacking the hydrated silicate minerals commonly found in earth rocks.

The geochemistry and isotopic signature of moon rocks have been extensively studied and described in the legitimate scientific literature.

Radiometric isotopes indicate moon rocks are over a billion years old, up to over four billion years old. Trees weren't even around that far back; trees evolved sometime in the Carboniferous or Devonian periods less than 400 million years ago.
Example of an elderly mentally ill conspiracy theorist.

FWIW, when I was in HS, I was into the conspiracy theory about space aliens; ancient astronauts and Project Bluebook.

Eventually, after higher education, I realized that such conspiracies are impossible to keep secret as the Pentagon Papers and Watergate revealed. Governments are too big and too bureaucratic to keep such things secret for long.

I also realized that, in any large group, there are a percentage of nutjobs. The 9/11 Truthers can find one scientist out of hundreds who will support their beliefs and that’s the one (or handful) of nutjobs they’ll believe.

Even airline pilots, of which were were over 60,000, had a few nutjobs who believed 9/11 was a hoax. The vast majority understood the truth since it would be impossible to keep such a thing a secret.

Another example is the TWA 800 crash. The nutjobs said a missile, but all the sane pilots understood both the impossibility of keeping a shoot down a secret along with the science behind reconstructing the accident and the problems of Kapton wiring.
No human has left low earth orbit. The rockets are not big enough to pass through the exosphere. Space exploration requires redundancy yet NASA was melodramatic about astronauts having only one chance to leave the moon. It's a fairytale for adults who still want to believe in magic.

My friend from graduate school did his thesis on Moon rocks, and even kept a couple in his desk drawer. Moon rocks are iron and magnesium-rich mafic rocks, but lacking the hydrated silicate minerals commonly found in earth rocks.

The geochemistry and isotopic signature of moon rocks have been extensively studied and described in the legitimate scientific literature.

Radiometric isotopes indicate moon rocks are over a billion years old, up to over four billion years old. Trees weren't even around that far back; trees evolved sometime in the Carboniferous or Devonian periods less than 400 million years ago.
Proving you know nothing about radiometric isotopes. They're only good for about 50,000 years, and ineffective on rock. You think hearsay is scientific evidence and refuse to recognize how grants are given and careers made. You still believe in fairytales.
Where did all the science deniers run off to? I want to debate more of their hearsay and fairytales.

My friend from graduate school did his thesis on Moon rocks, and even kept a couple in his desk drawer. Moon rocks are iron and magnesium-rich mafic rocks, but lacking the hydrated silicate minerals commonly found in earth rocks.

The geochemistry and isotopic signature of moon rocks have been extensively studied and described in the legitimate scientific literature.

Radiometric isotopes indicate moon rocks are over a billion years old, up to over four billion years old. Trees weren't even around that far back; trees evolved sometime in the Carboniferous or Devonian periods less than 400 million years ago.

Agreed, but don’t put much hope that the nutjobs will accept scientific fact over their conspiracy theories and wacky ideas.
Here's the thing. Even if the moon landing was a ruse, which given the government's inability to keep secrets would be a stunning revelation,

the moon effort jump-started the digital revolution.

Whether that was good or bad is still under discussion.
The idiocy of gullible cretins like Goat is amusing. He also thinks Israeli and W blew up the buildings on 9/11 for reasons because Joooos. He will now be triggered by your comments about PhDs. lol

Many of our posters who believe all the conspiracy theories joined the crowd on this one.

Buzz Aldrin's daughter was one of my students.

[h=1]Man punched in the face by Buzz Aldrin still insists moon landing was fake: report[/h]
Proving you know nothing about radiometric isotopes. They're only good for about 50,000 years, and ineffective on rock.

That's only true for carbon[SUP]14[/SUP] isotopes.

If you knew anything about geosciences, you would know there are more radiometric isotopes dating techinques than just carbon. Potassium, Rubidium, Strontium isotopes to name a few, and some of these radiometric techniques have half lives of a billion years or more.
Agreed, but don’t put much hope that the nutjobs will accept scientific fact over their conspiracy theories and wacky ideas.

He must have frantically googled for information on radiometric isotopes, because he ended up with the catastrophically mistaken idea that carbon 14 is the only radiometric dating technique out there.
That's only true for carbon[SUP]14[/SUP] isotopes.

If you knew anything about geosciences, you would know there are more radiometric isotopes dating techinques than just carbon. Potassium, Rubidium, Strontium isotopes to name a few, and some of these radiometric techniques have half lives of a billion years or more.
Don't believe everything you find on Google and Wikipedia. Bone and rock cannot be dated. Post your link so we can read it ourselves.
Don't believe everything you find on Google and Wikipedia. Bone and rock cannot be dated. Post your link so we can read it ourselves.
I spent a career working in the geosciences. I don't need to rely on Wikipedia.

I accept your tacit confession that you just had no idea there were other radiometric isotopes besides carbon 14.

There potassium-argon isotope series is good for dating rocks up to 4.3 billion years old
I spent a career working in the geosciences. I don't need to rely on Wikipedia.

I accept your tacit confession that you just had no idea there were other radiometric isotopes besides carbon 14.

There potassium-argon isotope series is good for dating rocks up to 4.3 billion years old
Geology use the stratum to guess at the age of rock. The radioactive decay happens to the organic material surrounding the rock. Potassium-argon isotope cannot account for the rock-cycle. Post your link and prove me wrong.

You want us to believe the fairytale of humans bringing back moon rocks. Why would NASA send men to the moon knowing the odds of them making it back are slim to none?
He must have frantically googled for information on radiometric isotopes, because he ended up with the catastrophically mistaken idea that carbon 14 is the only radiometric dating technique out there.

A key point about conspiracy theories is that they take a few facts and then extrapolate them into a fantastic claims.

Common goatisms are Bush and Jews conspiring to blow up the WTC and Nixon being able to fool the Soviets and Red Chinese for over 50 years with a fake Moon landing.

Gee, too bad Nixon couldn’t fool Americans about Watergate with equal dexterity. LOL
Geology use the stratum to guess at the age of rock. The radioactive decay happens to the organic material surrounding the rock. Potassium-argon isotope cannot account for the rock-cycle. Post your link and prove me wrong.

You want us to believe the fairytale of humans bringing back moon rocks. Why would NASA send men to the moon knowing the odds of them making it back are slim to none?

Look at you, frantically googling and then running back here to post incomplete information that you frantically acquired in just 40 seconds.

Obviously, before this thread you had absolutely no idea there were radiometric dating techniques besides carbon 14, which is only used for organic matter.

When you date discrete mineral crystals, you don't have to worry about the rock cycle, because you are dating the time of crystal formation, not rock formation. You can get dates on sedimentary rocks which are recycled rock material by dating volcanic ash layers embedded in the sedimentary strata.

Common radiometric isotope techniques used on rocks and minerals include Uranium 235, rubidium 87 and potassium 40. These methods are sufficient to date rocks billions of years old.

, method has,atom of a new isotope.
A key point about conspiracy theories is that they take a few facts and then extrapolate them into a fantastic claims.

Common goatisms are Bush and Jews conspiring to blow up the WTC and Nixon being able to fool the Soviets and Red Chinese for over 50 years with a fake Moon landing.

Gee, too bad Nixon couldn’t fool Americans about Watergate with equal dexterity. LOL

Conspiracy theories start to look retarded when they have to invoke fantastical claims of the global scientific and engineering communities operating in league with national governments to perpetrate the perfect hoax, and then cover it up for 50 years.
The oldest Moon rocks are 4.4 billion years old, which is extraordinary.

Moon rocks lack any of the hydrated silicates common in earth rocks.

Isotopic signature of moon rocks are good evidence that the Moon was once a chunk of the Earth knocked off in an impact event early in the formation of the solar system.

wait!......if moon rocks originally came from earth, how are moon rocks proof of the moon landing?........
wait!......if moon rocks originally came from earth, how are moon rocks proof of the moon landing?........

Already addressed multiple times on this thread, and I am losing patience to deal with nincompoops who don't have the slightest knowledge of geologic processes. I usually keep my mouth shut if I don't have actual knowledge of a topic.

Unlike Earth rocks, the moon rocks are utterly devoid of hydrated silicate minerals, because the moon doesn't have a water cycle like the earth does.

So your claim is that NASA got Neil Armstrong and the other appolo astronauts to lie about collecting lunar rocks. That theory of yours just makes you look retarded.
Already addressed multiple times on this thread, and I am losing patience to deal with nincompoops who don't have the slightest knowledge of geologic processes. I usually keep my mouth shut if I don't have actual knowledge of a topic.

Unlike Earth rocks, the moon rocks are utterly devoid of hydrated silicate minerals, because the moon doesn't have a water cycle like the earth does.

So your claim is that NASA got Neil Armstrong and the other appolo astronauts to lie about collecting lunar rocks. That theory of yours just makes you look retarded.

sorry cunt......I've said nothing about Armstrong and I've already posted that I believe there was a moon theory is they faked the photos because they forgot to pack the film for the camera......

but I asked about the rocks because you had argued they couldn't be faked........then you posted they originally came from earth......seemed like an obvious contradiction.......when I asked you hadn't yet mentioned "hydrated silicates".......though I wonder if there aren't possibly rocks on earth in areas with little water that have the same structure.....
Many of our posters who believe all the conspiracy theories joined the crowd on this one.

Buzz Aldrin's daughter was one of my students.

[h=1]Man punched in the face by Buzz Aldrin still insists moon landing was fake: report[/h]

That's amazing! What was she like?