The most astonishing comment about the War, so far...


Will work for Scooby snacks
Well, at least one of the most telling comments yesterday.

Senator Warner (R-Virginia) asked Patreus that if we continued the surge and achieved all of our objectives in Iraq, "would it make the U.S. safer?"

Patreus replied that he didn't know.

"He doesn't know"???

We've been told at various times that Iraq was an imminent threat, the central front on the war on terror, that we have to fight them there so we don't fight them here.

And now the top General is saying that even if we meet our objectives in Iraq, he doesn't know if it will "make us safer?"

Then why the hell are we still there, if we don't even know if "winning" makes us any safer?

This is very telling. We've been fed bullshit for five years. Now, I don't know: maybe Fox News and Bush trotted out patreus later to reshape that statement. I don't know. But, first impressions are very telling.
Well, at least one of the most telling comments yesterday.

Senator Warner (R-Virginia) asked Patreus that if we continued the surge and achieved all of our objectives in Iraq, "would it make the U.S. safer?"

Patreus replied that he didn't know.

"He doesn't know"???

We've been told at various times that Iraq was an imminent threat, the central front on the war on terror, that we have to fight them there so we don't fight them here.

And now the top General is saying that even if we meet our objectives in Iraq, he doesn't know if it will "make us safer?"

Then why the hell are we still there, if we don't even know if "winning" makes us any safer?

This is very telling. We've been fed bullshit for five years. Now, I don't know: maybe Fox News and Bush trotted out patreus later to reshape that statement. I don't know. But, first impressions are very telling.

Well, at least he's telling the truth here. But really, how can this be a shock. Haven't we been saying this for years now?

Let's count the ways...It is the sixth anniversary since major incursions have been noted...but hey crank away and discredit the General ...he is after all just a General! And this is just a message board with many opinions...enough'?:corn:
Well, at least he's telling the truth here. But really, how can this be a shock. Haven't we been saying this for years now?

I dunno. I guess we're supposed to shut up.

A pro-war con here was lecturing yesterday, than any liberal who made judgements before patreaus testified was an idiot. Even though we all predicted exactly what would happen 6 months ago, and we were pretty much right.
I dunno. I guess we're supposed to shut up.

A pro-war con here was lecturing yesterday, than any liberal who made judgements before patreaus testified was an idiot. Even though we all predicted exactly what would happen 6 months ago, and we were pretty much right.

He said except for Darla though. Remember? Because I remember you commenting on it about 17 times.

He said except for Darla though. Remember? Because I remember you commenting on it about 17 times.


Well, I didn't want to embarrass SF anymore. He seemed to call every liberal idiots, for pre-judging patreaus, but then he fell all over himself to apologize and exempt you, even though you had said the same thing LadyT, me, USC, and Lorax said six months ago.

Strange. ;)
I just don't find this all that astonishing.

His job is Iraq. This is like asking a guy putting in your new bathroom if the kitchen would look good when the bathroom was done.

Will we be safer in the US? I think we would just because we'd have the military once again at our disposal.
I just don't find this all that astonishing.

His job is Iraq. This is like asking a guy putting in your new bathroom if the kitchen would look good when the bathroom was done.

Will we be safer in the US? I think we would just because we'd have the military once again at our disposal.

Damo, think about it:


-President Roosevelt: Will invading Okinawa, which will be extremely bloody and costly, help us to defeat Japan?

-General MacArthur: I don't know sir.
I don't get it here, I know libs want to go after any positive news and since this general brings some, they need to hit him, but how exactly would he know if it would make us safer here? That's a politicians question.

Cypriss is being stupid as usual.
Damo, think about it:


-President Roosevelt: Will invading Okinawa, which will be extremely bloody and costly, help us to defeat Japan?

-General MacArthur: I don't know sir.
Rubbish, this analogy doesn't fit. How about, "Will getting the Japanese out of the Phillipines make the US any safer?"

"I don't know, winning the war would make us safer..."
Damo, think about it:


-President Roosevelt: Will invading Okinawa, which will be extremely bloody and costly, help us to defeat Japan?

-General MacArthur: I don't know sir.

Are you retarded? It's not like we're moving on from Iraq to the motherland of the enemy. The question was about the US.
Here, it should be more like this:

-President Roosevelt: Will invading Okinawa, which will be extremely bloody and costly, help to make us safer in America?

-General MacArthur: I don't know, are you sure your name isn't cypriss?
I don't get it here, I know libs want to go after any positive news and since this general brings some, they need to hit him, but how exactly would he know if it would make us safer here? That's a politicians question.

Cypriss is being stupid as usual.

Generals are politicians......
I just don't find this all that astonishing.

His job is Iraq. This is like asking a guy putting in your new bathroom if the kitchen would look good when the bathroom was done.

Will we be safer in the US? I think we would just because we'd have the military once again at our disposal.

That was my thought as well. The General's duty is to win the war in Iraq or carry out his assignment there. The big picture in regard to the overall war on terrorism is the CIC.
"The big picture in regard to the overall war on terrorism is the CIC."

Well, that certainly makes me feel all warm, fuzzy & safe.

Bush has been so spot on with his assessments & "gut feelings" about terror & his strategy's effectiveness against it, why should any of us question it?
"The big picture in regard to the overall war on terrorism is the CIC."

Well, that certainly makes me feel all warm, fuzzy & safe.

Bush has been so spot on with his assessments & "gut feelings" about terror & his strategy's effectiveness against it, why should any of us question it?
I donno... :dunno:

Maybe you hate America?

;) <---- Winky to denote a joke....'s slightly better than what Dano tries to pass off as a joke. I had a small, involuntary chuckle - barely audible, but it was there...
I knew it wasn't that funny, it's why I added the whole winky comment. I just like using SR's line whenever it fits.