The most astonishing comment about the War, so far...

He did it again. Yes folks, I'm actually Darla and I like to have conversations with myself because the beeswax is melting from the irongate that is sticking out of the garden of gardenias in little italy where you get great spinach gnocci. Its raining on cloud nine where the bumble bees congregate is why hte mystery of nam' was never fixed but I know BB is lonely and wants pictures of chicks is what happens when you drink too much and post ramblings about nothingness 'iRREGARDLESS" of your affair with SF I think you two may have something there that can be salvaged.

"Ooops I did it again......"

Works for me. I just pulled a Cypress and skimmed and started answering. As I said, I'm mad at myself and won't make the mistake again.

Hey, no worries man. Do you know how many mistakes and blunders I make, because I skim stuff without reading all of it? lol

I think it was that asshole, Cawacko, that tried to suggest I was making reference more broadly to the Global "war" on terror.

(just teasing cawacko!)

It's not one of my usual mistakes. I usually don't answer threads where I didn't get all the information first. Usually I just ask annoying questions if such is the case.

I don't think Republican Senator Warner's question was dumb at all. It is almost universally acknowelged that Senator Warner is the top, and most credible, republican Senator on military mattters.

You guys, as a knee-jerk reaction, diagreed with me...simply because it was me. You didn't think about the fact, that the most credible republican senator on military matters, bascially thought Patreus might should know the answer too.


That's funny, that y'all just have a gut level reaction to any post started by "cypress", without even looking at the whole context.


I don't care at all that its a Republican Senator that asked. Do you think they don't ask dumb questions or aren't politicians like Democrats are?

And it wasn't a knee jerk response to you. My response is how I feel.
I don't care at all that its a Republican Senator that asked. Do you think they don't ask dumb questions or aren't politicians like Democrats are?

And it wasn't a knee jerk response to you. My response is how I feel.

cawacko, just admit it:

were you the one that started the rumour on this thread that I said that Patreus was being asked broadly about the Global war on terror and broadly about homeland security? Fess up dude! You got a couple of neocons riled up at me, and calling me dishonest :rolleyes:

Because every sane poster who went back and read the first thread said it was entirely clear I was talking specifically about the strategy in Iraq. Well, not every poster. Superfreak still wants to cling to the fantasy that I'm the biggest liar in history. But, that's just because he's had some sort of psychological breakdown with regard to me. Everyone else, said it was perfectly clear what I was saying.

Apologize up, dude! ;)
Let's count the ways...It is the sixth anniversary since major incursions have been noted...but hey crank away and discredit the General ...he is after all just a General! And this is just a message board with many opinions...enough'?:corn:

Yeah and a meteor has not struck my house since I threw a budweiser can in the attic either.
The old we have been safe since we have been killing them over there illogic.

Well more of them undoubtably hate us now so when they do come back over here there will be more of them.
The old we have been safe since we have been killing them over there illogic.

Well more of them undoubtably hate us now so when they do come back over here there will be more of them.

All the more reason to ban all immigration from theocratic nations creating deranged lunatics. THAT would actually make us safer, and has shit thing one to do with iraq. But of course that is not acceptable to libs.