The most astonishing comment about the War, so far...

Me likes Patreus...........

he kinda/sorta reminds me of Maximus...a short Italian dude with spunk...go Maximus/Patreus....Generals always win in the end...don't ya know!:)

I think I will pull out my oldies movies...Sparticus..and of course the Gladiator...I love to learn from history...and not to forget Mel Gibsons version of ....??????????? 'Freedom'..thats the clue here boys and girls..albeit not the title!:cof1: keyboard needs replacement or my fingures do...oh well time will tell..had to edit this last
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"I disagree. Because even if he accomplishes every goal that is set forth with regards to Iraq, he doesn't know if America will be safer as a result"

Look at the context of the question.

No one is asking Petraeus to judge the effectiveness of any effort outside of Iraq. They're asking specifically if the Iraq strategy will make us MORE or LESS safe, regardless of what is happening elsewhere.

Go get mad at cawacko, if you thought the question was about GLOBAL national security and the GLOBAL war on terror.

I never said that. I said specifically it was about Patreus's Iraq strategy.

:readit: :cool:
Yet you only quoted that portion of the question.

Click away.

Then you didn't even represent the actual exchange correctly or inform that he had rethought and actually answered entirely differently.
I disagree. Because even if he accomplishes every goal that is set forth with regards to Iraq, he doesn't know if America will be safer as a result. He could make some vague generalizations about America being safer from Iraq, but not on the whole. These idiot politicians want to be able to pin any future problems on the first moron that actually trys to give them an answer to that question.

It does not matter if it is a Rep or a Dem asking the question. Patreus was smart to answer it as he did.

I disagree. Because even if he accomplishes every goal that is set forth with regards to Iraq, he doesn't know if America will be safer as a result.

The TOP repubilcan senator on Military matters - John Warner - evidently thought Patreus's should have some clue if his iraq strategy and war would make america safer, or not.

Y'all just decided to take a contrarian view, because the name "cypress" was on the thread.

We went by the quotes. In the quotes the ONLY question you put was "would the US be safer?"

Cutting off the question gave us a different perspective on the question.

When provided with the full text of the actual question rather than some spin, that didn't even bother to mention that he rethought and answered the question in the affirmative, that suggested something different I posted a different answer.

Senator Warner (R-Virginia) asked Patreus that if we continued the surge and achieved all of our objectives in Iraq, "would it make the U.S. safer?"

It's funny that I didn't have a problem understanding what this meant.
Yet you only quoted that portion of the question.

Click away.

Then you didn't even represent the actual exchange correctly or inform that he had rethought and actually answered entirely differently.

I thought everybody had seen it. Its been all over cable news and the internet.

No one asked me to post the exact transcript. I would have, but I was too lazy to go find it, because I thought most people had seen the exchange.
Well, at least one of the most telling comments yesterday.

Senator Warner (R-Virginia) asked Patreus that if we continued the surge and achieved all of our objectives in Iraq, "would it make the U.S. safer?"

Patreus replied that he didn't know.

"He doesn't know"???

We've been told at various times that Iraq was an imminent threat, the central front on the war on terror, that we have to fight them there so we don't fight them here.

And now the top General is saying that even if we meet our objectives in Iraq, he doesn't know if it will "make us safer?"

Then why the hell are we still there, if we don't even know if "winning" makes us any safer?

This is very telling. We've been fed bullshit for five years. Now, I don't know: maybe Fox News and Bush trotted out patreus later to reshape that statement. I don't know. But, first impressions are very telling.

Note, in the original post, where are the quotes?

And a person who admits to skimming often and not getting all context shouldn't throw stones.

Also note, how the original post doesn't mention that Patraeus actually answered the question differently after rethinking. It pretends that the statement was made in vacuum, that nothing following was any different and that the assertion stood at that.
Senator Warner (R-Virginia) asked Patreus that if we continued the surge and achieved all of our objectives in Iraq, "would it make the U.S. safer?"

It's funny that I didn't have a problem understanding what this meant.

Senator Warner (R-Virginia) asked Patreus that if we continued the surge and achieved all of our objectives in Iraq, "would it make the U.S. safer?"

It's funny that I didn't have a problem understanding what this meant.

Which portion was quoted? That is the portion that I believed to be the Senator's question. Hence the quote marks.

I also believed his original assertion that the conversation ended there. His pretense that the question wasn't later answered differently is also a large part of the original disingenuousness of the post.

Next time I will not trust a post of Cypress' I will find and read the actual story because now I know he quotes out of context and pretends that anything after that hadn't happened.

I am pissed at myself for not being my usual careful self.

I thought everybody had seen it. Its been all over cable news and the internet.

No one asked me to post the exact transcript. I would have, but I was too lazy to go find it, because I thought most people had seen the exchange.

'Walking Eagle'..ya are for all
Which portion was quoted? That is the portion that I believed to be the Senator's question. Hence the quote marks.

I also believed his original assertion that the conversation ended there. His pretense that the question wasn't later answered differently is also a large part of the original disingenuousness of the post.

Next time I will not trust a post of Cypress' I will find and read the actual story because now I know he quotes out of context and pretends that anything after that hadn't happened.

Next time I will not trust a post of Cypress' I will find and read the actual story because now I know he quotes out of context and pretends that anything after that hadn't happened.


All you have to do is ask me for the transcript. It was cawacko that evidently led you astray on the context. Not me. I said that the question was specifically about Patreus's iraq strategy. Sorry that I was too lazy to find the transcript, in my first post, but I thought most people had seen the exchange on cable news, or internet.

You can trust me dude. Just ask me for the transcript, next time. I'll find it. :clink:
Which portion was quoted? That is the portion that I believed to be the Senator's question. Hence the quote marks.

I also believed his original assertion that the conversation ended there. His pretense that the question wasn't later answered differently is also a large part of the original disingenuousness of the post.

Next time I will not trust a post of Cypress' I will find and read the actual story because now I know he quotes out of context and pretends that anything after that hadn't happened.

Senator Warner (R-Virginia) asked Patreus that if we continued the surge and achieved all of our objectives in Iraq, "would it make the U.S. safer?"

He clearly states that "Senator Warner asked" and anything that comes after that is clearly what he asked. Give me a break!
While I do see Damo's point, I in the recessess of my heart, I'd hope that the general running the show in Iraq would have an answer to a question like that.
But I think what Damo's getting at is that at the end of the day whether or not generals or commanders agree with what their doing or whether or not they vehemently disagree with it, they are in the military and take orders from the President and as a consequence are beholden to his stupidity and ill advisements. The irony is that the same Congress that's asking him whether or not this illegal occupation will make us safe is the same one that sent him in there. The question needs to be asked to Bush and Congress. And since the answer is no, I submit to you:

Pull out of Iraq Now.
I thought everybody had seen it. Its been all over cable news and the internet.

No one asked me to post the exact transcript. I would have, but I was too lazy to go find it, because I thought most people had seen the exchange.
I'm just pissed at myself for trusting without a link. I won't make that type of mistake again.

I see that if you had seen the exchange then you would know that he rethought and answered differently, what made you suggest that such an answer never came?
Damo, you're a smart guy - Warner knew what he was saying; so did Patreus & everyone else who was watching.

Irregardless of what happens with our borders, ports, et al. - our specific strategy in Iraq, which is what he referenced, is either going to make us LESS or MORE safe.

He's not asking the general about all other aspects of our security. To try to portray it that way is kind of hopeless....

psst.... no such word as irregardless.

Now back to our regularly scheduled programming
I'm just pissed at myself for trusting without a link. I won't make that type of mistake again.

I see that if you had seen the exchange then you would know that he rethought and answered differently, what made you suggest that such an answer never came?

1) It is Cypress... it is what he does

2) It is Cypress... the king of bullshit, spin and cherry picking. He was hoping no one would call him out for an actual quote. That way he could continue to spin his normal amount of BS.

This is why I ingore him.