The most astonishing comment about the War, so far...

1) It is Cypress... it is what he does

2) It is Cypress... the king of bullshit, spin and cherry picking. He was hoping no one would call him out for an actual quote. That way he could continue to spin his normal amount of BS.

This is why I ingore him.

Oh course, Darla agreed with everything I said. So, will you be ignoring Darla too?

Yes it is..............

You know what, this is a good time for me to sign off.

The vet man has snowed ya..I on the other hand..never mind..ya are fat or whatever...only God knows the answer to that one...kudos darla..if ya are me... if not....carry on with the
I just read through the 1st post - there is nothing out of context about it. It's very clear what Warner is asking.

He is NOT asking about our ports.
I just read through the 1st post - there is nothing out of context about it. It's very clear what Warner is asking.

He is NOT asking about our ports.

Thanks to you too.

It was very clear. I thought so too. I could have gotten the transcript if somebody asked. But, its more fun for Superfreak to pretend that I'm lying and misleading the board! lol
The vet man has snowed ya..I on the other hand..never mind..ya are fat or whatever...only God knows the answer to that one...kudos darla..if ya are me... if not....carry on with the

What is this, your tenth beer of the day? Do you always degrade women?

Can you translate his post Damocles? ;)
Oh yeah oh yeah!

The vet man has snowed ya..I on the other hand..never mind..ya are fat or whatever...only God knows the answer to that one...kudos darla..if ya are me... if not....carry on with the

The twinkle toed moonlight skewers the kababs of lambs. My days in nam' taught me to look where you are in the hopes of catching a traitor in the code pink rule states that you are not to imbide. If that is the ferret I swerved by don't let it out of your sights are set so high that milk money can't be gotten.

"He's a people purple eater......" yeah daddy-o!
I just read through the 1st post - there is nothing out of context about it. It's very clear what Warner is asking.

He is NOT asking about our ports.
Works for me. I just pulled a Cypress and skimmed and started answering. As I said, I'm mad at myself and won't make the mistake again.

I also note that you didn't mention the fact that it was totally left out that he actually answered it differently after rethinking, but heck spin for your friends. That's okay.

As I stated it was the "quoted" part of the question that I read and thought he asked.

Next time I will seek out and read the actual context rather than suggested context and answer as I find that even the proposed answer turned out to be different than reflected and I trusted.
"I also note that you didn't mention the fact that it was totally left out that he actually answered it differently after rethinking, but heck spin for your friends. That's okay"

What did I spin?
Okee Dokee..then....

The twinkle toed moonlight skewers the kababs of lambs. My days in nam' taught me to look where you are in the hopes of catching a traitor in the code pink rule states that you are not to imbide. If that is the ferret I swerved by don't let it out of your sights are set so high that milk money can't be gotten.

"He's a people purple eater......" yeah daddy-o!

Darla aka lady T is having another Scotch on the me when ya sober up...kay!
The twinkle toed moonlight skewers the kababs of lambs. My days in nam' taught me to look where you are in the hopes of catching a traitor in the code pink rule states that you are not to imbide. If that is the ferret I swerved by don't let it out of your sights are set so high that milk money can't be gotten.

"He's a people purple eater......" yeah daddy-o!

What is this, your tenth beer of the day? Do you always degrade women?

Can you translate his post Damocles? ;)


'I don't know what you look like Darla, but I hope you're hot cause I really want you. Like Dave told me earlier, Al Bundy never gets laid. If you are hot, call me. If not, well, call me anyways...'
Don't cry to damo.............

What is this, your tenth beer of the day? Do you always degrade women?

Can you translate his post Damocles? ;)

ya made your bed with is the time to exit stage right...or left...or whatever y'all bs'ers do when called

Don't you have a kitty to tend too about now...time is money or so they say!
Works for me. I just pulled a Cypress and skimmed and started answering. As I said, I'm mad at myself and won't make the mistake again.

I also note that you didn't mention the fact that it was totally left out that he actually answered it differently after rethinking, but heck spin for your friends. That's okay.

As I stated it was the "quoted" part of the question that I read and thought he asked.

Next time I will seek out and read the actual context rather than suggested context and answer as I find that even the proposed answer turned out to be different than reflected and I trusted.

I'm getting a headache really. Cypress didn't do anything misleading or wrong. Cawacko misunderstood his post, and you guys all went by what Cawacko wrote, and are all not going to just back off of it. You made a mistake.

Do we need 50 posts of you and SF claiming you didn't make a mistake, Cawacko took off, smart guy, and another 50 by Cypress saying it all happened because he's not Darla? And then of course add in the odd three or four pornographic ones from the drunken asshole...and I think we see why I have a headache.
"I also note that you didn't mention the fact that it was totally left out that he actually answered it differently after rethinking, but heck spin for your friends. That's okay"

What did I spin?
Please, pretending that it was all in context when the actual answer is missing is spin.

He didn't just answer "I don't know." as you, yourself, later point out. Yet you say, "The original post took nothing out of context." I find that to be totally non-factual considering the answer "I don't know." is found to be out of context specifically from the fact that he rethought and answered differently.

One or the other is wrong. Which one was spin?


'I don't know what you look like Darla, but I hope you're hot cause I really want you. Like Dave told me earlier, Al Bundy never gets laid. If you are hot, call me. If not, well, call me anyways...'

or is that a poison?..never mind ya are cramping my style...ex quarterback wannabbe (R) WB...nice try fly guy!;)
"He didn't just answer "I don't know.""

Yes, he did. I watched a lot of that testimony; he totally floundered, and refused to answer despite several follow-up questions.

From what I understand, he LATER amended his remarks; it wouldn't surprise me if someone told him how bad it looked. Because trust me - it looked, and sounded, BAD.

No spin, Damo.
"He didn't just answer "I don't know.""

Yes, he did. I watched a lot of that testimony; he totally floundered, and refused to answer despite several follow-up questions.

From what I understand, he LATER amended his remarks; it wouldn't surprise me if someone told him how bad it looked. Because trust me - it looked, and sounded, BAD.

No spin, Damo.
Cool 'nuff. I have to trust you because I don't have time to find the transcript.

As I said, from what I now know about it, he should have had an answer and expected the question. It was my fault I just skimmed and read the 'quoted' words....

Works for me. I just pulled a Cypress and skimmed and started answering. As I said, I'm mad at myself and won't make the mistake again.

I also note that you didn't mention the fact that it was totally left out that he actually answered it differently after rethinking, but heck spin for your friends. That's okay.

As I stated it was the "quoted" part of the question that I read and thought he asked.

Next time I will seek out and read the actual context rather than suggested context and answer as I find that even the proposed answer turned out to be different than reflected and I trusted.

Works for me. I just pulled a Cypress and skimmed and started answering. As I said, I'm mad at myself and won't make the mistake again.

Hey, no worries man. Do you know how many mistakes and blunders I make, because I skim stuff without reading all of it? lol

I think it was that asshole, Cawacko, that tried to suggest I was making reference more broadly to the Global "war" on terror.

(just teasing cawacko!)
Resident Sherlock holmes!

Darla aka lady T is having another Scotch on the me when ya sober up...kay!

He did it again. Yes folks, I'm actually Darla and I like to have conversations with myself because the beeswax is melting from the irongate that is sticking out of the garden of gardenias in little italy where you get great spinach gnocci. Its raining on cloud nine where the bumble bees congregate is why hte mystery of nam' was never fixed but I know BB is lonely and wants pictures of chicks is what happens when you drink too much and post ramblings about nothingness 'iRREGARDLESS" of your affair with SF I think you two may have something there that can be salvaged.

"Ooops I did it again......"