The Most Politically Intolerant Americans Tend To Be Urban, Highly Educated Whites

Being a Republican in San Francisco this is kind of right up my alley. In the real world I generally don't speak politics with people or when I do it's more on a local or state level but I don't make it a point to announce my political party affiliation. But I've had multiple experiences in SF of people finding out I'm a Republican and looking at me like I'm from another planet and you can just see them judging. It's really kind of interesting.

The Seattle elite wannabees are similar, (Seattle [gay bay North] is trying hard to be the most fucked up city on the Left coast), an honor now belonging to gay bay South. I'm not a Republican, butt: I am cornservative, n' I try to keep a low profile n' not to get my car keyed n' such as I don't wanna have to send a Liberal Progressive to the ER.
The reason the Republicans are hopping from ridiculous excuse to ridiculous excuse to defend Trump from impeachment is because they know he's guilty. I wish I could give them the benefit of the doubt and say maybe they just are that stupid. But if that was the case, they wouldn't be changing their stance every week. They would have accepted by now that Trump tried to bribe a foreign government to take down one of his political opponents.
He didn't bribe a foreign government. The funny part is that the Dims have already shot themselves in the foot and appear too stoopid to avoid shooting themselves in the head with this impeachment nonsense, as Pelosi seems willing to actually go through with impeaching him and allowing for a Senate trial hahahaha. That'll only give the Republicans ALL ELECTION YEAR to expose the Dims.

Fascism has always been characterized by one person or party having unlimited power. Now obviously, America doesn't have a Fascist government yet. However, Republicans now believe that their president is above the law, which makes them Fascists. If the Republican party ever completely took over congress, we would have Fascism, no question. Democrats or any other party would be powerless since Republicans are now in the process of normalizing the rigging of elections.
That's not fascism. That's dictatorship/oligarchy.

It would be easier to list the crimes he hasn't committed. But when it comes to impeachment, it's for the crime of bribery.
He didn't bribe anyone.
Being a Republican in San Francisco this is kind of right up my alley. In the real world I generally don't speak politics with people or when I do it's more on a local or state level but I don't make it a point to announce my political party affiliation. But I've had multiple experiences in SF of people finding out I'm a Republican and looking at me like I'm from another planet and you can just see them judging. It's really kind of interesting.

A SF "Republican" is more to the left than Liberals where I live.
The reason the Republicans are hopping from ridiculous excuse to ridiculous excuse to defend Trump from impeachment is because they know he's guilty. I wish I could give them the benefit of the doubt and say maybe they just are that stupid. But if that was the case, they wouldn't be changing their stance every week. They would have accepted by now that Trump tried to bribe a foreign government to take down one of his political opponents.

Fascism has always been characterized by one person or party having unlimited power. Now obviously, America doesn't have a Fascist government yet. However, Republicans now believe that their president is above the law, which makes them Fascists. If the Republican party ever completely took over congress, we would have Fascism, no question. Democrats or any other party would be powerless since Republicans are now in the process of normalizing the rigging of elections.

Maybe for some people. Here in the Western world, most people are in favor of it. Not sure it can still be "far left" if most people want it.

It would be easier to list the crimes he hasn't committed. But when it comes to impeachment, it's for the crime of bribery.

There are two things we all know. First, Democrats are pushing impeachment because they got their asses kicked in 2016 and, secondly, you're a Democrat because you support their push.