The NASTY President. Hateful And Inappropriate Divider. What A Bad Leader!

Donald J. Trump testifies truly. i second the testimonies of Donald J. Trump against all domestic enemies. my witness is true. that is two true witnesses against the domestic enemies." in the mouth of two or three witnesses every word shall be established". … game over motherfuckers. you have the right to remain silent. ...
Trump is our greatest domestic enemy. Your witness is false, like just about everything that Trump says. You are deep in your own TDS, completely deranged about Trump.

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it aln't about trump; it is about Trump's job. you do not believe the ultra winning Trump will alow the damned deepstate to survive. you are crazy if you delusionally believe Trump will fail to do the purpose of his ordination. DEATHTOTHEDEEPSTATE! it will leave a power vacuum when his ordination ends. the damned are ripe.

Trump is busily building his own deep state. Trump doesn't care about what you think "the purpose of his ordination" was. He is busy building his own power.

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It's just shocking to hear the petty negative rhetoric coming out of this President.

Trump simply has the gonads to fight back at the “petty, negative” hateful and dishonest rhetoric hurled 24/7/365 at him form the lying democrats & their major media FAKE NEWS comrades.

Trump has nary a single politically correct bone in his body. THREE CHEERS FOR ZERO POLITICAL CORRECTNESS!!!!!

He is so wrong for this diverse nation.

He’s exactly what this nation needs to expose & clean up the corrupt swamp in Washington D.C,

He’s done more for the nation’s people of color & every skin color in America since Abraham Lincoln.

He picks out groups, cites, countries, people, and down-talks them.

He’s “PICKED OUT” by lying hatful dishonest groups & slandered & lied about 24/7/365. He tells the truth about foreign and domestic “shit holes” and the crooks, socialist and democrats that govern them!

He is so negative.

Trump is positive for America, the slime that hates Trump are negative for America. You’re a negative for America. You’re a hate monger a bleeping liar & a socialist anti-American neo-commie!

He is hurtful and divisive.

You’re hateful & divisive!

He is tearing this country apart.

YOU & the leftist media are tearing at America, but America sees & knows your hatful divisive game & rejects it!

He is the worst. He brings out the worst in people.

He brings out the tears & hate in the “WORST” people! Democrats, progressives, leftist, communist, socialist, fascist & their Leftist media propaganda machine.

He is not a good leader, Not even close; not even trying to be a good leader for all Americans.

He doesn't know how!

He’s leading America into its best conditions economically, peacefully & safe conditions in my 83 year lifetime! “GO DONALD!!!!!”

The nation just can't work with such poor leadership. He's making us dysfunctional.

The left is born dysfunctional! It’s a mental disability! The rest of us are enjoying the Trump economy, peaceful times and pursuit of happiness!

HE is dysfunctional.

You only hope and wish he would be dysfunctional, cause he’s eating your leftist lunch!

He needs help badly. He is sick. He needs counseling.

But it’s YOU” who are sooooo mentally disturbed, whining & crying like an infant!

We do not need to have him project his tasteless hatred on our nation,

But YOUR tasteless hatred is OK, right? Like you’re practicing what you’re preaching, huh?

which is so in need to someone to pull us together.

Like AOC, right?

We have GOT to get rid of hm and get somebody more positive.

Ain’t gonna happen snowflake!

Trump is NO GOOD for America.

I’ll put you down as a “Maybe” for Trump 2020!
Trump is busily building his own deep state. Trump doesn't care about what you think "the purpose of his ordination" was. He is busy building his own power.

Trump simply has the gonads to fight back at the “petty, negative” hateful and dishonest rhetoric hurled 24/7/365 at him form the lying democrats & their major media FAKE NEWS comrades.

Trump has nary a single politically correct bone in his body. THREE CHEERS FOR ZERO POLITICAL CORRECTNESS!!!!!

He’s exactly what this nation needs to expose & clean up the corrupt swamp in Washington D.C,

He’s done more for the nation’s people of color & every skin color in America since Abraham Lincoln.

He’s “PICKED OUT” by lying hatful dishonest groups & slandered & lied about 24/7/365. He tells the truth about foreign and domestic “shit holes” and the crooks, socialist and democrats that govern them!

Trump is positive for America, the slime that hates Trump are negative for America. You’re a negative for America. You’re a hate monger a bleeping liar & a socialist anti-American neo-commie!

You’re hateful & divisive!

YOU & the leftist media are tearing at America, but America sees & knows your hatful divisive game & rejects it!

He brings out the tears & hate in the “WORST” people! Democrats, progressives, leftist, communist, socialist, fascist & their Leftist media propaganda machine.

He’s leading America into its best conditions economically, peacefully & safe conditions in my 83 year lifetime! “GO DONALD!!!!!”

The left is born dysfunctional! It’s a mental disability! The rest of us are enjoying the Trump economy, peaceful times and pursuit of happiness!

You only hope and wish he would be dysfunctional, cause he’s eating your leftist lunch!

But it’s YOU” who are sooooo mentally disturbed, whining & crying like an infant!

But YOUR tasteless hatred is OK, right? Like you’re practicing what you’re preaching, huh?

Like AOC, right?

Ain’t gonna happen snowflake!

I’ll put you down as a “Maybe” for Trump 2020!

its amusing the demmycunts think Trump is the one causing division in this country.......

They blame the opposition for their own crimes. It's the leftist scam they think other folk are stupid enough to buy into, some are, them folks are supporting the OP.
He insults people. It's negative and divisive. Hurts the nation. Causes hatred, amplifies racism.
He does insult people; I won't deny that. I've noticed that he usually does so as a "counter-punch", though, rather than being the instigator. Many liberals insult him though, too... The insults fly both ways. Usually, liberals start it, then Trump finishes it. Trump also knows that any little thing he says or does gets liberals in a tizzy, and then uses that knowledge to troll them. I find it funny.

Why is he wrong for this nation? He makes polarization worse not better. He does not uphold the constitution. His EOs have been ruled unconstitutional.
It's liberals who are polarizing and divisive. Affirmative Action is divisive, feminism is divisive, using the court system to circumvent the Constitution is divisive, liberal cities attempting to control the conservative boonies is divisive, censoring and/or shutting down conservative speech is divisive, black lives matter is divisive, Antifa is divisive, gun grabbing/regulating/etc. is divisive, forcing social issues such as abortion and gay marriage down everyone's throats is divisive, attempting to shut down public displays of Christianity is divisive, ... ... ...

You are entitled to your views about liberals but that has no bearing on why this nasty president is inappropriate.
I'm saying that liberals tend to be the ones who actually keep picking out certain people and dividing them from the rest... They keep acting like blacks and hispanics are so downtrodden and stupid and need government assistance in order to be anything in life (I'd be insulted if I were a black or hispanic)... They keep dividing women from men... They keep dividing rich from poor... They keep dividing city from country... They keep dividing Christians from Atheists... ... ... ...

That's whataboutism.
No, it's not. I'm quite literally saying that Trump isn't a consistently negative person and that liberals are actually the ones who are being consistently negative.

More whataboutism. It doesn't justify the president.
Again, no it's not. I'm quite literally saying that Trump isn't hurtful and divisive, and that liberals are actually the ones who are being hurtful and divisive. I've provided examples of liberal divisiveness. You haven't provided any for why you think Trump is divisive... My argument, essentially, is that liberals are projecting their own issues onto Trump.

He has gone about it the wrong way. He doesn't deal.
Yes, he does.

He issues ultimatums.
That's sometimes part of the overall dealing process.

He started a trade war. That doesn't help anybody.
China started it. He is deciding to finally fight back instead of continuing to fold over like a cheap tent as past Presidents have done...

And he has had to resort to socialism to make impacted farmers whole.
Farm subsidies have been around since the Great Depression days (I think?), so it's not like this is anything new on Trump's part ... But yes, Trump has continued the pattern. That's one area where I am not in line with the President. I am not a fan of government subsidies of any kind.

I can't address that which you do not present. You say Trump is causing people to be dysfunctional. Explain what you mean by that...

He has admitted he is messed up. He said it was because his father rode him so hard as a kid.
I'm not familiar with this story, but I wouldn't be surprised if Trump has gone through such issues. Plenty of people have had the displeasure of experiencing childhood issues that needed sorting out later in life. Ten years into my adulthood and I am still trying to sort out some deep rooted issues from my childhood. At least Trump, like myself, has identified where [insert issue here] stemmed from, and has worked hard to break free from the shackles of it now that he has identified where [insert issue here] stems from. That's self-reflection; that's trying to improve oneself through the gaining of knowledge. I commend Trump for that.

Trump is a very sad man. If he was happy he wouldn't have to cheat on his wives.
I don't know why his first two marriages dissolved, nor do I care. He seems quite happy with this marriage, though. Good for him.

Plenty of money but still can't enjoy life. He is the perfect example of why money doesn't buy happiness.
He seems to be enjoying life to me. He seems quite happy with being a successful businessman, TV personality, and now President. He seems to get along quite well with his wife and children. He seems to be very driven in various goals that he wants to accomplish.

Whataboutism again.
Once again, not whataboutism. I've addressed your claim that Trump is full of hate (by explaining how he doesn't seem to be full of hate). You haven't provided any examples of Trump's "hate" for me to comment on. I've then made the counterpoint that, once again, liberals are projecting their own issues onto Trump, and provided examples of such hatred and vitriol.

If he was a positive force he would have approval over 70% with this economy.
Approval ratings (even assuming that they aren't the joke that they are) are completely unrelated to how "positive" a person is. Would you say Obama was much more "positive" than Trump is? Obama, during much of his Presidency, especially his 2nd term, had approval ratings quite similar to Trumps (low to mid 40s). So Obama was just as "negative" as Trump, then? What about George W Bush, who reached an approval rating as high as 90% after the events of 9/11. Was he super-duper positive?? What about George W Bush towards the end of his 2nd term when his approval rating dipped down as low as 25%? Did he become super-duper negative during the last bit of his Presidency?? Must've been much more negative than Trump, since Trump's approval rating has never dipped anywhere near that low...

How could any president have an economy like this and not even get half the nation to approve of him. He's messed up.
See above. Also, no other President in the history of this country has ever had such a level of hatred and vitriol directed his way.

And if you don't believe it he will be the first to tell you how great he is for the country. If really was, he wouldn't have to keep carrying on about it.
He's proud of what he's accomplished. He actually HAS accomplishments to talk about. Good for him.

All propped up by out of control deficit. Tax the rich enough to eliminate the deficit and THEN let's see how things are doing. That would be the responsible thing to do. You sure can't lower the deficit during a recession. If it can't be done now, when can it EVER?
It is not possible to "tax the rich" out of deficit (let alone debt). Spending cuts, and I mean SEVERE spending cuts, must be made in order to reverse course. If spending doesn't get cut significantly, then there's no way out, no matter how much you "tax the rich"...

Wrong. The media is the same media, serving the nation, building reputation.
The media is a propaganda tool for the left, building up leftist viewpoints while tearing down conservative viewpoints... talking over and at conservatives while only being respectful towards other leftists. That's not journalism. That's propaganda.

It only LOOKS liberal to the far right because EVERYTHING looks liberal to the far right.
More projection... This is actually, once again, a liberal issue. This is why they hate Fox News so much, even though it is not "hardcore conservative" by any means. They've even started to hate other "liberals" and "centrists" since they view them as "alt-right" and "right-wing extremists" since those people happen to be quite a bit right from their extremely far left leanings. They think they are the center, but they are really so far left they are almost falling off of the scale.

And he thinks that is going to help him bring peace to the region? Nothing could have angered Palestinians more.
Jerusalem is Israel's capital; It ought to be recognized as such. There's never going to be peace in that region. Temporary faux peace? Sure... True peace? No...

Most illegal immigrants overstay visas. The wall is a feel-good project aimed at the uninformed. It's a waste of money.
It will greatly assist border patrol. Walls work.

The tax break was irresponsible.
I like less money being stolen from me.

We need to reduce the deficit.
Yes, we do. In order to do that, we must GREATLY reduce spending... I think Ron Paul took this issue more seriously than most, if not all, recent politicians.

Trump has consistently chosen the wrong way to go at almost EVERY instance. And he has done so with hurtful vitriol. He has no respect for people unlike him and he has no respect for people LIKE him because he has no respect for himself.
More projection of liberal issues onto Trump...
Trump cannot help offending. The Repubs fought the 911 responders bill until it was too obviously a political liability, then they caved. When they do, they take credit for the bill they fought. Then Daffy even declared himself a near first responder. There was no applause when he did that. It fooled no one and embarrassed all.
Trump is the president of the US. All of it. He is president of Baltimorians too. What programs has Trump offered to help these terrible rat-infested cities? In the end, it is the president's job to fix what is wrong. He has ignored it and now claims a congressman from one district is really to blame.
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Trump cannot help offending. The Repubs fought the 911 responders bill until it was too obviously a political liability, then they caved. When they do, they take credit for the bill they fought. Then Daffy even declared himself a near first responder. There was no applause when he did that. It fooled no one and embarrassed all.

Actually, only 2 republican senators opposed the 911 bill and for damned good reason. If the Congress had a few more thinkers and honest folk like those 2 senators, wwe might not be headed straight downthe road to bankruptcy. Here’s Rand Paul’s answer to the lying bastard Jon Stewart.

Trump is the president of the US. All of it. He is president of Baltamorians too. What programs has Trump offered to help these terrible rat-infested cities?


In the end, it is the president's job to fix what is wrong. He has ignored it and now claims a congressman from one district is really to blame.

What the bleep has Baltimore’s Congress critter done for Baltimore? ZERO, ZIP, NOTA! Trump has poured more taxpayer’s money into the corrupt DEMOCRAT GOVERNED Baltimore than Obama did! Trump has engineered the lowest unemployment rate for blacks and folks of color in the entire history of these United States! You need to get your ass informed friend!
Actually, only 2 republican senators opposed the 911 bill and for damned good reason. If the Congress had a few more thinkers and honest folk like those 2 senators, wwe might not be headed straight downthe road to bankruptcy. Here’s Rand Paul’s answer to the lying bastard Jon Stewart.


What the bleep has Baltimore’s Congress critter done for Baltimore? ZERO, ZIP, NOTA! Trump has poured more taxpayer’s money into the corrupt DEMOCRAT GOVERNED Baltimore than Obama did! Trump has engineered the lowest unemployment rate for blacks and folks of color in the entire history of these United States! You need to get your ass informed friend!

The responder's group went to the Senate and fought with McConnell who is the god of all bills. The Repubs kept it from getting passed for years. The final vote is often just giving up when you have lost and trying to deflect blame.
Trump's economy is just a continuation of the economy Obama handed to Daffy. What has Trump done except creating pains with stupid tariffs? The tax bill was just a gift to the top 1 percent. You may not know it but the wealth gap is worse than the Gilded Age. It can be a serious problem and Trump made it worse.
It's just shocking to hear the petty negative rhetoric coming out of this President.

He is so wrong for this diverse nation.

He picks out groups, cites, countries, people, and down-talks them.

How inappropriate!

He is so negative.

He is hurtful and divisive.

He is tearing this country apart.

He is the worst. He brings out the worst in people.

He is not a good leader, Not even close; not even trying to be a good leader for all Americans.

He doesn't know how!

The nation just can't work with such poor leadership. He's making us dysfunctional. HE is dysfunctional. He needs help badly. He is sick. He needs counseling. We do not need to have him project his tasteless hatred on our nation, which is so in need to someone to pull us together.

We have GOT to get rid of hm and get somebody more positive.

Trump is NO GOOD for America.

Go sit in the corner and cry .... you little sissy !
The responder's group went to the Senate and fought with McConnell who is the god of all bills. The Repubs kept it from getting passed for years.

Because “pay go” was abandoned and Democrats & some republicans refused to find wasted money programs to eliminate to pay for the responder’s victim’s bill. Big government swamp dwellers don’t give a damned how much money they waste. That’s why we have a 22 trillion $ debt and rising by leaps and bounds The lazy incompetent bastards in Washington are a disgrace to their congressional offices

Trump's economy is just a continuation of the economy Obama handed to Daffy.

Sure and Obama’s economy was just a continuation of the Bush economy. Billion’s of dollars of deficits & trillion’s of dollars added to the national debt. Big government wasteful spenders on steroids on both sides of the isle Bush, Obama & now Trump pouring taxpayer’s money down the monster government shit hole!

What has Trump done except creating pains with stupid tariffs?

He’s created the conditions for millions of jobs by deregulation, increasing wages, and the reestablishment of manufacturing, mining and fossil fuels recovery & the #1 exporter of energy on earth plus American energy independence! All things Obama obstructed.

The tax bill was just a gift to the top 1 percent.

The Trump tax cuts delivered a 25% reduction in federal taxes to middle America, reduced the corporate tax rate that brought, and is bringing back thousands of American jobs and corporate industry to America from offshore.

You may not know it but the wealth gap is worse than the Gilded Age. It can be a serious problem and Trump made it worse.

You’re purposely unaware that the wealth gap is closing under Donald J. Trump & women and people of color are enjoying the lowest unemployment rates in American history!
They blame the opposition for their own crimes. It's the leftist scam they think other folk are stupid enough to buy into, some are, them folks are supporting the OP.

The right spent 8 years dividing the country with their constant lies about Obama. Now you're upset that people are telling the truth about Trump.

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Obama . Never met his father, an alcoholic bigamist, who abandoned him as an infant, yet O worshiped him . Then his mother abandoned him to whore around the South Pacific and East Africa. No wonder he was mentored by a domestic terrorist and Jeremiah White, hated cops, and stirred hatred against whites. During O's terms it became racist just to be a white male. He claimed a feral thuglet "could've been my own son."
So now we have Trump, the antidote to Obama. We had the Kavanaugh hearing which dims sank to new all time lows, parading out a deranged slut making outrageous, unsubstantiated bogus claims from 30+ yrs. ago. We had two yrs of the Mueller investigation which was conducted for the sole purpose of a soft coup attempt.
You reap what you sow.

Your brain has been thoroughly laundered through the RWNJ spin machine. It's sad. Obama's mom earned a Ph.D and did a lot of important work in anthropology. She was married twice, unlike the man-whore in the WH with his three wives, and he only managed to eke out a BS in Economics.

Your claim that Obama hated cops is gold-plated bull shit. I'll never understand how cons can be so hateful about a decent man and a good president. Because you guys didn't like Hillary, you stood by while a lowlife grifting con artist became president. He lost the respect of our allies and made our country the laughing stock of the world. This is who you guys put into the historical record, and it sucks.
Trump cannot help offending. The Repubs fought the 911 responders bill until it was too obviously a political liability, then they caved. When they do, they take credit for the bill they fought. Then Daffy even declared himself a near first responder. There was no applause when he did that. It fooled no one and embarrassed all.
Trump is the president of the US. All of it. He is president of Baltimorians too. What programs has Trump offered to help these terrible rat-infested cities? In the end, it is the president's job to fix what is wrong. He has ignored it and now claims a congressman from one district is really to blame.

When trump said he was down there at Ground Zero with the first responders, I gagged. What a narcissistic p.o.s. he is.
He does insult people; I won't deny that. I've noticed that he usually does so as a "counter-punch", though, rather than being the instigator. Many liberals insult him though, too... The insults fly both ways. Usually, liberals start it, then Trump finishes it. Trump also knows that any little thing he says or does gets liberals in a tizzy, and then uses that knowledge to troll them. I find it funny.

It's liberals who are polarizing and divisive. Affirmative Action is divisive, feminism is divisive, using the court system to circumvent the Constitution is divisive, liberal cities attempting to control the conservative boonies is divisive, censoring and/or shutting down conservative speech is divisive, black lives matter is divisive, Antifa is divisive, gun grabbing/regulating/etc. is divisive, forcing social issues such as abortion and gay marriage down everyone's throats is divisive, attempting to shut down public displays of Christianity is divisive, ... ... ...

I'm saying that liberals tend to be the ones who actually keep picking out certain people and dividing them from the rest... They keep acting like blacks and hispanics are so downtrodden and stupid and need government assistance in order to be anything in life (I'd be insulted if I were a black or hispanic)... They keep dividing women from men... They keep dividing rich from poor... They keep dividing city from country... They keep dividing Christians from Atheists... ... ... ...

No, it's not. I'm quite literally saying that Trump isn't a consistently negative person and that liberals are actually the ones who are being consistently negative.

Again, no it's not. I'm quite literally saying that Trump isn't hurtful and divisive, and that liberals are actually the ones who are being hurtful and divisive. I've provided examples of liberal divisiveness. You haven't provided any for why you think Trump is divisive... My argument, essentially, is that liberals are projecting their own issues onto Trump.

Yes, he does.

That's sometimes part of the overall dealing process.

China started it. He is deciding to finally fight back instead of continuing to fold over like a cheap tent as past Presidents have done...

Farm subsidies have been around since the Great Depression days (I think?), so it's not like this is anything new on Trump's part ... But yes, Trump has continued the pattern. That's one area where I am not in line with the President. I am not a fan of government subsidies of any kind.

I can't address that which you do not present. You say Trump is causing people to be dysfunctional. Explain what you mean by that...

I'm not familiar with this story, but I wouldn't be surprised if Trump has gone through such issues. Plenty of people have had the displeasure of experiencing childhood issues that needed sorting out later in life. Ten years into my adulthood and I am still trying to sort out some deep rooted issues from my childhood. At least Trump, like myself, has identified where [insert issue here] stemmed from, and has worked hard to break free from the shackles of it now that he has identified where [insert issue here] stems from. That's self-reflection; that's trying to improve oneself through the gaining of knowledge. I commend Trump for that.

I don't know why his first two marriages dissolved, nor do I care. He seems quite happy with this marriage, though. Good for him.

He seems to be enjoying life to me. He seems quite happy with being a successful businessman, TV personality, and now President. He seems to get along quite well with his wife and children. He seems to be very driven in various goals that he wants to accomplish.

Once again, not whataboutism. I've addressed your claim that Trump is full of hate (by explaining how he doesn't seem to be full of hate). You haven't provided any examples of Trump's "hate" for me to comment on. I've then made the counterpoint that, once again, liberals are projecting their own issues onto Trump, and provided examples of such hatred and vitriol.

Approval ratings (even assuming that they aren't the joke that they are) are completely unrelated to how "positive" a person is. Would you say Obama was much more "positive" than Trump is? Obama, during much of his Presidency, especially his 2nd term, had approval ratings quite similar to Trumps (low to mid 40s). So Obama was just as "negative" as Trump, then? What about George W Bush, who reached an approval rating as high as 90% after the events of 9/11. Was he super-duper positive?? What about George W Bush towards the end of his 2nd term when his approval rating dipped down as low as 25%? Did he become super-duper negative during the last bit of his Presidency?? Must've been much more negative than Trump, since Trump's approval rating has never dipped anywhere near that low...

See above. Also, no other President in the history of this country has ever had such a level of hatred and vitriol directed his way.

He's proud of what he's accomplished. He actually HAS accomplishments to talk about. Good for him.

It is not possible to "tax the rich" out of deficit (let alone debt). Spending cuts, and I mean SEVERE spending cuts, must be made in order to reverse course. If spending doesn't get cut significantly, then there's no way out, no matter how much you "tax the rich"...

The media is a propaganda tool for the left, building up leftist viewpoints while tearing down conservative viewpoints... talking over and at conservatives while only being respectful towards other leftists. That's not journalism. That's propaganda.

More projection... This is actually, once again, a liberal issue. This is why they hate Fox News so much, even though it is not "hardcore conservative" by any means. They've even started to hate other "liberals" and "centrists" since they view them as "alt-right" and "right-wing extremists" since those people happen to be quite a bit right from their extremely far left leanings. They think they are the center, but they are really so far left they are almost falling off of the scale.

Jerusalem is Israel's capital; It ought to be recognized as such. There's never going to be peace in that region. Temporary faux peace? Sure... True peace? No...

It will greatly assist border patrol. Walls work.

I like less money being stolen from me.

Yes, we do. In order to do that, we must GREATLY reduce spending... I think Ron Paul took this issue more seriously than most, if not all, recent politicians.

More projection of liberal issues onto Trump...
Trump doesn't get nearly the amount of "hatred and vitriol" that the right threw at Obama every single day of his administration. And Trump's criticism is based on facts a lot more than Obama's was.
Most of his accomplishments are things that others did that he's taking credit for. Just like the rest of his life. Relatively minor increases in taxes on the very richest could have balanced the budget, with a bit left over to start paying down the debt. The rich would still have had far more than the rest of us. As it is, he's increasing the debt faster than Obama did.
You clearly don't believe that the U.S. is a community. It's just you against everyone else.

Sent from my SM-G950U using Tapatalk
The right spent 8 years dividing the country with their constant lies about Obama. Now you're upset that people are telling the truth about Trump.

Sent from my SM-G950U using Tapatalk
Obama got a free pass and was handled with kid gloves compared to the hate and vitriol directed at W and Trump. You must have been comatose during W Bush's 8 years in the White House. The media and left shit and pissed on W, only he didn't have the guts to defend himself. They do it to Trump but he kicks ass and takes names.

Another reason we elected him.