Goodbye Robo,
You’re a negative for America. You’re a hate monger a bleeping liar & a socialist anti-American neo-commie! You’re hateful & divisive! YOU & the leftist media are tearing at America, ... The left is born dysfunctional! It’s a mental disability! But it’s YOU” who are sooooo mentally disturbed, whining & crying like an infant! But YOUR tasteless hatred is OK, right? ... snowflake!
We've just had our last conversation. I am sorry. I have to poof you for that. We'll never talk again. Feel free to respond to this, explain yourself, justify your hurtful personal attack, anything you like. I won't read it. You might as well be talking to a brick wall. Knock yourself out. We are done. And there is no undoing it. You've gone too far.
Here, I thought we were talking about politics, trading our ideas and impressions about leadership and government and how these things affect the nation we share. And then, seemingly out of nowhere, you launch into this completely unprovoked missive directed at me. I've said nothing about you. And now you go off on me with the sucker-punch. That is unacceptable. If our ability as two very different Americans to trade ideas, thoughts and impressions was a golden goose then you just shot the goose.
What happened?
Well, obviously I can't talk to you anymore. You've got some kind of grudge going on and apparently decided I am responsible for your mixed up feelings, which I am not. I will not be your enabler for abuse. Feel free to unload on me all you like from now on, I won't read a single word of it. EVER! You may as well not even bother posting it. It will be like trying to have a conversation with a rock.
I suspect that simply because I am one of the
majority of Americans who oppose President Trump, and you want to believe in him, perhaps believe that he has the nation's better interest in mind (which he does not, he represents a minority of hateful views) and since I respectfully voice what I feel is wrong with his approach, (which is about as American as can be to voice dissent of wrongdoing as I see it,) that this bothers you because you don't understand it.
Trump is indefensible. Trump never tries to defend himself or his actions. When called to the mat for any objectionable thing he has done or said, he never defends himself. Instead, he attacks anyone who criticizes him. Ya know what that is? That's ADHD. He can't stick to a subject, particularly if it is a bothersome one. So if somebody wants to talk about some reprehensible thing he has done or said, make that the subject of discussion, he won't do that, won't defend his actions. He is a bully and has to control the conversation to always be about what he wants to talk about. And what he wants to talk about is DENY, DEFLECT, ATTACK. That is his simpleton strategy.
I have said NOTHING about you. I have not attacked you, or tried to make our conversations about you. That's because we are not here to talk about one another. We are here to talk about politics. Just Plain Politics. That's what I came here for, anyway. I didn't come here to talk about you and I certainly didn't come here to hear you trash talk about me. What you have done is unacceptable. I won't stand for it. I have laid out my Personal Ignore Policy in my Signature for all to see. You have been duly warned, No poster is immune. It applies universally. I don't care what other people think Just Plain Politics means. I decide what that means to me and for me.
If Donald Trump was a poster here I am certain I would have him on Ignore. He wouldn't be able to discuss a subject without losing his cool, getting angry, and going off on people with different views. I am certain of it. And anybody who wants to act the bully like that? I don't want to talk to them. I have higher standards than that. Nobody wins in a bully contest. It's just blood and cuts and more blood. Food fights. Flame wars. Frustrated people unloading on one another. What's the point in that? That's not a political discussion. That's just an insult contest. I didn't come here for that.
This place is what we make it. It is NOTHING without the posters. We all bring a little of ourselves to this place and it becomes what we put into it. It's a Forum. So I am here to stand up for what is right and the American Way. That means a wide diversity of many cultures and views working together to make a whole which is greater than the sum of it's parts. I am here to stand up for respectful discussion, mutual respect, and civil discourse.
I have to say that I am disappointed in you, Robo. You have done a good job of expressing yourself and your support for our President in a respectful way up until now. I don't know what happened to cause you to unload on me, and I can no longer care. I have to let you go. What you have done is so unacceptable that I now have to turn your into the latest example that I mean what I say in my PIP. I can't let it go. If I don't draw a line and stand behind it then I don't stand for anything. It's like the song goes...