The NASTY President. Hateful And Inappropriate Divider. What A Bad Leader!

Oh right democrats turn things to shit with a slew of lies and deceptions and when someone mentions the damage they have proven to do, because these sicko democrats have no validity, they whine such lies as hater to try and make their lies of the individual the issue and to try and hide where their sick democrat party behavior obviously leads while even being so sick and twisted to try and pass the blame the devastation of their actions have obviously caused on those exposing their sick behavior. Their pea brained like mentalities got old long ago but at least their sick transparency is shining through for the majorities to see.

Goodbye Robo,

You’re a negative for America. You’re a hate monger a bleeping liar & a socialist anti-American neo-commie! You’re hateful & divisive! YOU & the leftist media are tearing at America, ... The left is born dysfunctional! It’s a mental disability! But it’s YOU” who are sooooo mentally disturbed, whining & crying like an infant! But YOUR tasteless hatred is OK, right? ... snowflake!

We've just had our last conversation. I am sorry. I have to poof you for that. We'll never talk again. Feel free to respond to this, explain yourself, justify your hurtful personal attack, anything you like. I won't read it. You might as well be talking to a brick wall. Knock yourself out. We are done. And there is no undoing it. You've gone too far.

Here, I thought we were talking about politics, trading our ideas and impressions about leadership and government and how these things affect the nation we share. And then, seemingly out of nowhere, you launch into this completely unprovoked missive directed at me. I've said nothing about you. And now you go off on me with the sucker-punch. That is unacceptable. If our ability as two very different Americans to trade ideas, thoughts and impressions was a golden goose then you just shot the goose.

What happened?

Well, obviously I can't talk to you anymore. You've got some kind of grudge going on and apparently decided I am responsible for your mixed up feelings, which I am not. I will not be your enabler for abuse. Feel free to unload on me all you like from now on, I won't read a single word of it. EVER! You may as well not even bother posting it. It will be like trying to have a conversation with a rock.

I suspect that simply because I am one of the majority of Americans who oppose President Trump, and you want to believe in him, perhaps believe that he has the nation's better interest in mind (which he does not, he represents a minority of hateful views) and since I respectfully voice what I feel is wrong with his approach, (which is about as American as can be to voice dissent of wrongdoing as I see it,) that this bothers you because you don't understand it.

Trump is indefensible. Trump never tries to defend himself or his actions. When called to the mat for any objectionable thing he has done or said, he never defends himself. Instead, he attacks anyone who criticizes him. Ya know what that is? That's ADHD. He can't stick to a subject, particularly if it is a bothersome one. So if somebody wants to talk about some reprehensible thing he has done or said, make that the subject of discussion, he won't do that, won't defend his actions. He is a bully and has to control the conversation to always be about what he wants to talk about. And what he wants to talk about is DENY, DEFLECT, ATTACK. That is his simpleton strategy.

I have said NOTHING about you. I have not attacked you, or tried to make our conversations about you. That's because we are not here to talk about one another. We are here to talk about politics. Just Plain Politics. That's what I came here for, anyway. I didn't come here to talk about you and I certainly didn't come here to hear you trash talk about me. What you have done is unacceptable. I won't stand for it. I have laid out my Personal Ignore Policy in my Signature for all to see. You have been duly warned, No poster is immune. It applies universally. I don't care what other people think Just Plain Politics means. I decide what that means to me and for me.

If Donald Trump was a poster here I am certain I would have him on Ignore. He wouldn't be able to discuss a subject without losing his cool, getting angry, and going off on people with different views. I am certain of it. And anybody who wants to act the bully like that? I don't want to talk to them. I have higher standards than that. Nobody wins in a bully contest. It's just blood and cuts and more blood. Food fights. Flame wars. Frustrated people unloading on one another. What's the point in that? That's not a political discussion. That's just an insult contest. I didn't come here for that.

This place is what we make it. It is NOTHING without the posters. We all bring a little of ourselves to this place and it becomes what we put into it. It's a Forum. So I am here to stand up for what is right and the American Way. That means a wide diversity of many cultures and views working together to make a whole which is greater than the sum of it's parts. I am here to stand up for respectful discussion, mutual respect, and civil discourse.

I have to say that I am disappointed in you, Robo. You have done a good job of expressing yourself and your support for our President in a respectful way up until now. I don't know what happened to cause you to unload on me, and I can no longer care. I have to let you go. What you have done is so unacceptable that I now have to turn your into the latest example that I mean what I say in my PIP. I can't let it go. If I don't draw a line and stand behind it then I don't stand for anything. It's like the song goes...

Oh right democrats turn things to shit with a slew of lies and deceptions and when someone mentions the damage they have proven to do, because these sicko democrats have no validity, they whine such lies as hater to try and make their lies of the individual the issue and to try and hide where their sick democrat party behavior obviously leads while even being so sick and twisted to try and pass the blame the devastation of their actions have obviously caused on those exposing their sick behavior. Their pea brained like mentalities got old long ago but at least their sick transparency is shining through for the majorities to see.


Do you pay any attention to what Trump says and does?
Hello David Jeffrey Spetch,

Oh right democrats turn things to shit with a slew of lies and deceptions and when someone mentions the damage they have proven to do, because these sicko democrats have no validity, they whine such lies as hater to try and make their lies of the individual the issue and to try and hide where their sick democrat party behavior obviously leads while even being so sick and twisted to try and pass the blame the devastation of their actions have obviously caused on those exposing their sick behavior. Their pea brained like mentalities got old long ago but at least their sick transparency is shining through for the majorities to see.


No, I don't see that at all.

I disagree with all of that. And it is out of context here.

It is the president who will not defend his actions, always pivots to personal attacks, refuses to answer to criticism with anything more than personal attacks and insults.

Your post is classic whataboutism.

This is not a thread about Democrats. This is a thread about the President's character. Your post is an attack on Democrats, not the topic of discussion here. Any remarks about Democrats are a deflection from the subject. Why? Because that is the tone being set by the President. Never defend. Always attack. You've said NOTHING about the subject of this thread!

If you would care to make an on-topic post I would be happy to address your points.
Goodbye Robo, We've just had our last conversation. I am sorry.

I’m not sorry at all, your Trump hate word vomit is boring, uninformed, brainwashed programed leftist garbage designed by the captors of your blind soul to divide the nation, slander a President & enslave the nation with socialist misery, goodbye! Make sure you keep this promise I’ll expect to never see your leftist puking rhetoric again on my threads or directed at me on any thread, good riddance!
Hello Celticguy,

Who ? Poli ?

Low blow. I have leveled valid criticisms of the President. If you would like to dispute what I have said go right ahead. It is out of line to try to make this about me. I am not here to defend myself from personal attacks nor engage in insult contests. I have made that crystal clear. Respect is a two way street. I will talk to anybody here, of any political viewpoint, as long as a certain line is not crossed. That line is going personal. Please don't test me on this. I would like to continue our discussions but I have my standards, below which I shall not sink. I will not be talking about you, and I expect the same in return. I don't care what others are doing. Observing wrong does not justify taking part, doesn't make it 'OK.'

Hello Celticguy,

Low blow.
I was actually trying to defend you. They did not reference who they were directing their comment where i had been responding toward you but they seemed to be referencing DJT. I was seeking clarification for YOUR benefit.
Ease off tiger.
Hello Celticguy,

I was actually trying to defend you. They did not reference who they were directing their comment where i had been responding toward you but they seemed to be referencing DJT. I was seeking clarification for YOUR benefit.
Ease off tiger.

Thanks. A bit touchy today after having to excommunicate somebody who treated me respectfully for a long time, then just lost it and went off on me. I don't enjoy doing that. It is a needless loss.
It's just shocking to hear the petty negative rhetoric coming out of this President.

He is so wrong for this diverse nation.

He picks out groups, cites, countries, people, and down-talks them.

How inappropriate!

He is so negative.

He is hurtful and divisive.

He is tearing this country apart.

He is the worst. He brings out the worst in people.

He is not a good leader, Not even close; not even trying to be a good leader for all Americans.

He doesn't know how!

The nation just can't work with such poor leadership. He's making us dysfunctional. HE is dysfunctional. He needs help badly. He is sick. He needs counseling. We do not need to have him project his tasteless hatred on our nation, which is so in need to someone to pull us together.

We have GOT to get rid of hm and get somebody more positive.

Trump is NO GOOD for America.

You consider it negative because you disagree and don't like hearing things the way they need to be said. You thin skinned bleeding hearts need to grow a pair and accept that sometimes the truth needs to be stated in a manner that, while it may hurt your feelings, it gets the job done.

Are you concerned about getting the job done or having a fuzzy feeling about what you hear. Sometimes you can't have both.
Obama got a free pass and was handled with kid gloves compared to the hate and vitriol directed at W and Trump. You must have been comatose during W Bush's 8 years in the White House. The media and left shit and pissed on W, only he didn't have the guts to defend himself. They do it to Trump but he kicks ass and takes names.

Another reason we elected him.

You are, as usual, completely delusional. The right heaped abuse on Obama, lying continuously. W and Trump only got and get what they deserve. Trump doesn't 'defend' himself. He never addresses the actual issues, he just attacks whoever or whatever is critical of him. That's the behavior of a stupid bully. He doesn't address the actual issues because he knows that he's in the wrong and his critics are right.

You appear to be a perfect Trump voter, gullible and motivated by hate for your fellow man.

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I’m not sorry at all, your Trump hate word vomit is boring, uninformed, brainwashed programed leftist garbage designed by the captors of your blind soul to divide the nation, slander a President & enslave the nation with socialist misery, goodbye! Make sure you keep this promise I’ll expect to never see your leftist puking rhetoric again on my threads or directed at me on any thread, good riddance!
The usual projection. Robo has proven himself to be a gullible and blind totally devoted Trump cultist. To him, Trump is an object of religious worship. He is completely buried in the right-wing swamp of brainwashing.

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You liberals are the hateful , inappropriate ones .....
Trump is more hateful and inappropriate than just about any "liberal". I'm sure there must be one or two somewhere, but I haven't seen any. OTOH, there are plenty of righties here who are hateful and inappropriate daily. But none of that seems to bother you.

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Hello Celticguy,

Thanks. A bit touchy today after having to excommunicate somebody who treated me respectfully for a long time, then just lost it and went off on me. I don't enjoy doing that. It is a needless loss.

Robo is hardly "a needless loss". His posts are typically mindless rants, usually fact free and based entirely on right-wing propaganda. I've considered banning him myself, but, so far, it's been entertaining blowing holes in his nonsense. He's a perfect Trump cultist, doesn't deal in facts and just attacks anyone who brings up inconvenient facts.

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Any member of this board knows it is the rightys that are rude and nasty. Some post over and over, always nasty. When a lefty responds in kind I cringe. I don't approve of that. I can think of no lefty who is rude all the time.
Hello rjhenn,

Robo is hardly "a needless loss". His posts are typically mindless rants, usually fact free and based entirely on right-wing propaganda. I've considered banning him myself, but, so far, it's been entertaining blowing holes in his nonsense. He's a perfect Trump cultist, doesn't deal in facts and just attacks anyone who brings up inconvenient facts.

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The referenced poster no longer matters to me. We all have to make our own decisions about who we talk to here. One of the things I like about JPP is that it is a very active site. That allows me to be very discerning in who I talk to. Since the site has so much activity it is quite impossible to keep up to speed on all the discussions, and interface with all the posters views. It is only logical to filter out the nasty posters who take cheap shots and are no pleasure to talk to, in order to leave more time to interface with the more intellectual posters who present challenging points in a civil manner.

It makes no sense to waste my limited time here talking to shallow minds when there are minds of all caliber participating. By seeking out only the higher quality posters, I am more challenged and forced to really think about my responses. This causes me to do more research to back up my points, and thus I learn more, and constantly improve.

By maintaining high standards of acceptability and strict adherence to my PIP, the result is banned people talking about how 'unreasonable' I am, and that is actually very beneficial to my style because it spreads the word around that I don't talk smack. I walk the walk to back up the talk. People understand I mean what I say. Anybody can go off on me one time. That's on them. But they better make it good that one time because as soon as they do they are done talking with me. After that all they can do is talk at me as if they are speaking to a brick wall. I will not reply because I simply do not read anything they post. They lost the right to have me read what they say. And it is not like they have not been warned up front how I deal with that.

It has nothing to do with their political position. It is completely about the way they present it and how they treat me.

I came here to talk about politics, not be an enabler for a troll.

I invented my style and my PIP gradually over time, experimenting with different ways of dealing with trolls. When I hit on this method it just felt very right immediately, and from that point on I have never been bothered by trolls. It has been completely effective and the resulting experience has been a fantastic joy. I get what I came here for and nobody unloads their grief on me. They can try it one time and that's on them. If I don't poof them then it's on me if they continue to harass me. And I just won't stand for it.

I stand up for what I believe in and that is about as American as I can be.

I am free to voice my views and I will defend them from anybody who posts respectful criticism. I simply don't want to make time for cheap shots. Life is just too short to be somebody else's punching bag. I don't attack others here personally. I offer complete respect, and that's what I shall have in return. It is not too much to ask. I am not here to solve the mental issues of others.

I came to talk about Just Plain Politics.
Trump is more hateful and inappropriate than just about any "liberal". I'm sure there must be one or two somewhere, but I haven't seen any. OTOH, there are plenty of righties here who are hateful and inappropriate daily. But none of that seems to bother you.

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Look in the mirror !