The nation's median household income - by state

school is not soley about making money USC, you would understand why they are excluded had you gone.
Ornot, get the illegals out and increase votec and college funding that's how you get those below the median up. Also teach economics in high school obviously from your ignorant post you've never had it.
The "illegals" are just another excuse: there's no real evidence that they have any negative effect on the economy at all. It's just reflexive, jingoistic nonsense, for the most part.

Secondly, as I've tried to point out to you, education is not the answer to increasing social stratification and the petrification of social mobility. In fact, while I support increasing support for education, that is, at best, a side issue.

In short, the right -- and I mean the economic right, here -- has NO agenda at all for what I consider to be one of the two most critical issues facing the nation today. What they call a platform is actually just a stage for more smoke and mirrors.
The "illegals" are just another excuse: there's no real evidence that they have any negative effect on the economy at all. It's just reflexive, jingoistic nonsense, for the most part.

Secondly, as I've tried to point out to you, education is not the answer to increasing social stratification and the petrification of social mobility. In fact, while I support increasing support for education, that is, at best, a side issue.

In short, the right -- and I mean the economic right, here -- has NO agenda at all for what I consider to be one of the two most critical issues facing the nation today. What they call a platform is actually just a stage for more smoke and mirrors.

For God sakes Ornot, have some pity and don't use words like "stratification" and "petrification" you are talking to someone who can't spell "too"!
LOL, no evidence that 20 million people working below minimum wage have and effect on the economy.
THanks ornot, that's comical
What piece of shit liberal arts school did you go to again.
Sorry Duhla, had to pullout the old spinster card on you but you brought up social skills.
LOL, no evidence that 20 million people working below minimum wage have and effect on the economy.
THanks ornot, that's comical
What piece of shit liberal arts school did you go to again.
Sorry Duhla, had to pullout the old spinster card on you but you brought up social skills.

What piece of shit liberal arts school did you go to again.

Graduate degree from Stanford University, if I'm not mistaken.

You went....where?....Lousiana State University....:cof1:
LOL, no evidence that 20 million people working below minimum wage have and effect on the economy.
THanks ornot, that's comical
What piece of shit liberal arts school did you go to again.
Sorry Duhla, had to pullout the old spinster card on you but you brought up social skills.
The question is whether they have a *negative* effect on the economy, you ninny. Are they actually "taking jobs away from American workers" as the podium banging demagogues -- oh, sorry, I mean "idjits" -- continually rant or are they creating as many jobs as they "take"? It's been shown rather conclusively that their net contribution to federal revenue is actually positive rather than negative: they contribute more in taxes than they take out in services.
you colllasal moron ornotbitme
the issue is median wages
only a freaking tool is going to argue illegals haven't hurt median wages you moron.
Castrocypress Cal berkely nuff said on that hippy love fest school. Does it even have a business school.:clink: