The Netherlands still practicing Socialist Euthanasia of the Mentally Ill

Mental illness can be excruciating to live with, you must know that feeling. And she did not drop in and say kill me. She had to go through the same procedures. Her parents had to sign on and doctors had to agree. They have to agree the illness is insolvable.

Insolvable? Modern medicine is always coming up with new cures.

I didn't see the part about the parents telling her to go kill herself. :dunno:
Insolvable? Modern medicine is always coming up with new cures.

I didn't see the part about the parents telling her to go kill herself. :dunno:

Nope. If such a treatment existed, they would not permit euthanasia. Parents are in charge of the decision. So are several doctors.
I missed the part where I advocated that, but that's OK.
I had to wait until I was fifteen.

The Netherlands made adult sex with 12 year olds legal in the 90's. Why are white libs so ignorant about what they advocate. :palm:
Nope. If such a treatment existed, they would not permit euthanasia. Parents are in charge of the decision. So are several doctors.

They could come up with a cure the day after her State execution, moron.

I didn't see the part about the parents telling her to go kill herself.
The Netherlands made adult sex with 12 year olds legal in the 90's. Why are white libs so ignorant about what they advocate. :palm:

When we have
as sophisticated a social safety net
as that of the Netherlands,

I will go on record right now,
as choosing to draw the line on adults having sex with twelve year olds.

This sliding to the right is making me dizzy.
Am I now a Reagan Democrat?????
When we have
as sophisticated a social safety net
as that of the Netherlands,

I will go on record right now,
as choosing to draw the line on adults having sex with twelve year olds.

This sliding to the right is making me dizzy.
Am I now a Reagan Democrat?????

Can you List 3 sophisticated Dutch social safety net laws you want the U.S. to adopt?
Can you List 3 sophisticated Dutch social safety net laws you want the U.S. to adopt?

I'm sure that I can, but there's no need.

We don't share any values, dog.
What I think is good you think is shit and vice versa.
The whole forum already knows this, and we needn't burden them further.

The purpose of replacing dead Rush with dead MLK as your avatar would be a more interesting subject.
I'm sure that I can, but there's no need.

We don't share any values, dog.
What I think is good you think is shit and vice versa.
The whole forum already knows this, and we needn't burden them further.

The purpose of replacing dead Rush with dead MLK as your avatar would be a more interesting subject.

You are so uniformed. You advocate for Swedish laws, but can't name 3. :palm:

Both Rush and MLK advocated for judging people as individuals. Why don't you know this?
You are so uniformed. You advocate for Swedish laws, but can't name 3. :palm:

Both Rush and MLK advocated for judging people as individuals. Why don't you know this?

I have learned something new, I admit.
Previous to dog's counsel, I was unaware that the Netherlands adopted Sweden's laws.
I have learned something new, I admit.
Previous to dog's counsel, I was unaware that the Netherlands adopted Sweden's laws.

Sweden, the Netherlands, South Africa, any Black African nation, ... take your pick.
Sweden, the Netherlands, South Africa, any Black African nation, ... take your pick.

Gotta love that home schooling geography, 'dog.
The original subject was euthanasia.
We've with this discussion proven the obvious benefit to euthanizing sorry creatures like bigdog.
You are so uniformed. You advocate for Swedish laws, but can't name 3. :palm:

Both Rush and MLK advocated for judging people as individuals. Why don't you know this?

The last sentence is a crock! Limbaugh was a duplicitious right wing hucksters who dealt in racist/sexist dog whistles. He lumped people and causes into a single entity that he trashed with lies and misinformation....small wonder why the GOP awarded him the highest civilian honor TWICE from their perspective.
Your change in avatars is just another way to mock black're not fooling anyone but owners of Big Dumb Dogs like yourself.
The last sentence is a crock! Limbaugh was a duplicitious right wing hucksters who dealt in racist/sexist dog whistles. He lumped people and causes into a single entity that he trashed with lies and misinformation....small wonder why the GOP awarded him the highest civilian honor TWICE from their perspective.
Your change in avatars is just another way to mock black're not fooling anyone but owners of Big Dumb Dogs like yourself.

You are just parroting the State media propaganda lies about Rush. All you know about Rush is filtered thru Leftist media lying racist hacks.

It is white libs that stereotype everyone by skin color, etc..
"And the vast majority of the 6,585 deaths from euthanasia in the Netherlands in 2017 were cases of people with a physical disease. But 83 people were euthanised on the grounds of psychiatric suffering. So these were people - like Aurelia - whose conditions were not necessarily terminal.

Aurelia Brouwers' wish to die came with a long history of mental illness.

"When I was 12, I suffered from depression. And when I was first diagnosed, they told me I had Borderline Personality Disorder," she says. "Other diagnoses followed - attachment disorder, chronic depression, I'm chronically suicidal, I have anxiety, psychoses, and I hear voices."

Aurelia's doctors would not endorse her requests for euthanasia. So she applied to the Levenseindekliniek - the End of Life Clinic - in The Hague. This is a place of last resort for those whose applications have been rejected by their own psychiatrist or GP. The clinic oversaw 65 of the 83 deaths approved on psychiatric grounds in the Netherlands last year, though only about 10% of psychiatric applications are approved, and the process can take years."

You socialist dems wish Biden would give the State the power to execute the mentally ill, too. I suppose you are for gov't forced sterilization as well. :palm:

I usually agree with you Bigdog. But this lady isn't being forced, your OP states that dying is her wish.

Do you support forcing people to live when they want to die? :dunno:
Yes, really. In socialism, "the experts" rule, and they view the citizens as cattle. "Experts" are the new priesthood.

The State should not be involved in such matters.

Hitler had a massive welfare State that included Obamacare.

You are a complete idiot.
I usually agree with you Bigdog. But this lady isn't being forced, your OP states that dying is her wish.

Do you support forcing people to live when they want to die? :dunno:

Yes, she is not be forced, like in socialist gov't sterilization or mandatory socials gov't abortions.

By getting the State to make the decision and perform the suicide, she absolves herself of personal responsibility for commuting her own suicide. It allows her to blame others for what she is about to do to herself.
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