The Newest Obama Mystery Question

Your theory has the following holes.

1. The number was issued, according to the SS office, in 1977 to 79, Obama had a job where he needed his SSN in 1975 when he worked at Baskin Robbins in Hawaii.

You can stop right there. You don't know that any of that is actually true and given Orly Taitz's track record, there is no reason the believe it is true.
You can stop right there. You don't know that any of that is actually true and given Orly Taitz's track record, there is no reason the believe it is true.
Considering Orly Taitz is simply jumping on a report from a Private Investigator I don't really have to rely on this Taitz person. You may want to "stop right there" but most of this you can look up for yourself. Even the numbers assigned to Asia, Europe, etc. for the SSNs... Apple's theory is half-baked in ignorance.
Your theory has the following holes.

1. The number was issued, according to the SS office, in 1977 to 79, Obama had a job where he needed his SSN in 1975 when he worked at Baskin Robbins in Hawaii.
2. Obama was not living overseas in 1977 to 79.
3. There is nothing in any history of Obama that would put him out of the nation in 1977 to 79, or in Connecticut.
4. There are different numbers assigned to those living outside the US, depending on what continent they are from. They do not correspond to what "office" processes anything, that is just hopeful guessing based on an urge not to find out things...
5. The SSNs are assigned by where your mailing address is, not by what office "processes" the application.

Obama's father was apparently living in Conneticut at the time he became employed...maybe he was visiting his dad?

Jun 12, 2010
Obama Social Security Number Nonsense
As I reported earlier, the "birthers" who claim that Barack Obama was born in Kenya making him ineligible to be President, are trying a new tack, claiming that the President's Social Security number must be a fake since it is a number that was being assigned at the time to people living in Connecticut even though Barack Obama was living in Hawaii at the time he took his first job. They managed to get questions asked about this asked at a White House press briefing.

The Associated Content blog gives a possible explanation of the Social Security number, that Barack Obama was living not in Hawaii but in Indonesia at the time the Social Security number was assigned and that Obama obtained it by mail, using the return address of his father, who was divorced from his mother and living in Connecticut at the time. I think a simpler and more likely explanation is that Obama obtained his Social Security number while visiting his father in Connecticut. It would have been easier to have obtained that Social Security number by walking into an office while back in the U.S. on a visit rather than obtaining it while oveseas. Others who read this blog might have more knowledge of the process of issuing Social Security numbers to American citizens who were residing overseas back in that era. I suppose it is done now when a birth is registered with a U.S. embassy oveseas but there would have been a different process back in the 1970s.
Considering Orly Taitz is simply jumping on a report from a Private Investigator I don't really have to rely on this Taitz person. You may want to "stop right there" but most of this you can look up for yourself. Even the numbers assigned to Asia, Europe, etc. for the SSNs... Apple's theory is half-baked in ignorance.

At least you didn't discount the arrival of the Anunnaki. :)
I think the ODD thing is, how we elected this man we know so very little about. In comparison to most previous presidents, we know virtually nothing about Obama. Well, except for bad shit... He attended school in Indonesia, (where the only way you could attend was if you were Muslim and not a citizen of the US), no actual certificate of birth or name of a doctor who delivered him... Mom and Dad were both Communist... now, a bogus SS number... it just keeps getting curiouser and curiouser.

Just for you, Dixie.

Obama’s father is Communist Frank Marshall Davis
Andy Martin – Obambi.wordpress Oct 22, 2008

Andy Martin told a Honolulu news conference today that after an intense international investigation he is convinced that Barack Obama, Junior, the presidential candidate is really the son of Obama’s controversial mentor Frank Marshall Davis.

“Mendacious adults ’switched’ Obama at birth. That is why he has refused to allow access to the original or ‘vault’ birth certificate,” Martin told a Honolulu news conference. “We believe the original certificate did not list a father. Barack Obama became the father as a result of an agreement between Ann Dunham, Frank Marshall Davis and Barack Obama, Sr.

“The disclosure by the two women in his life that he was not the ’son’ of his ‘father’ also explains why he manifests such extreme ambivalence to both his mother and grandmother. He is angry because he was cheated of his real father...

Obama has probably suspended his campaign and is flying to Honolulu because he is deathly afraid his grandmother may make a ‘dying declaration’ and blow the whistle on his family fraud. Dying people often blurt out the truth. The true facts of Obama’s parentage also reflect why there has been so much tension and alienation, as well as genuine love, in Obama’s relationship with his grandmother...

“Madelyn Dunham is the last surviving person who knows the truth about the switch. That is why as we closed in on Dunham, Obama went ballistic, cancelled his campaign and came to Hawai’i to head us off...

“By the time Barack Obama learned who he was, it was too late to change his identity. He was who he was, so he continued the ruse of being the son of an ‘African herder,’ which was yet another lie. ‘Dreams From My Father’ bears no connection to dreams from Barack Obama; there were none. It was Frank Marshall Davis who communicated his dreams to his secret son...

“There is a simple way for Obama to resolve this controversy: he can either admit the truth of these facts and order the immediate release of his vault certificate; or he can submit to a DNA test. We can conduct a Maury Povich-style DNA test to determine filiation between Obama and his brothers, one of whom blogs at
Notice the libtard responses in this thread. An apparent anomaly was discovered, so instead of researching facts, automatically resorted to ad homs, attacks on the messenger, and ridicule.

It took ID to rescue them and find a reasonable explanation.
*It's important to keep in mind, and account for, the Anunnaki when speaking of Social Security Numbers.
*Some time in the future, while running for office, this sentence will become the central theme of the opposition to my campaign.
Notice the libtard responses in this thread. An apparent anomaly was discovered, so instead of researching facts, automatically resorted to ad homs, attacks on the messenger, and ridicule.

It took ID to rescue them and find a reasonable explanation.

And pass up an opportunity to slam Dixie???

Not on your life fella! You know the Dim Mantra:

"Never let a good crisis go to waste!"
*"It's important to keep in mind, and account for, the Anunnaki when speaking of Social Security Numbers."

*Some time in the future, while running for office, this sentence will become the central theme of the opposition to my campaign.

Knowing your opponent's strategy in advance is half the battle already won. :ninj:
Obama's father was apparently living in Conneticut at the time he became employed...maybe he was visiting his dad?

Jun 12, 2010
Obama Social Security Number Nonsense
As I reported earlier, the "birthers" who claim that Barack Obama was born in Kenya making him ineligible to be President, are trying a new tack, claiming that the President's Social Security number must be a fake since it is a number that was being assigned at the time to people living in Connecticut even though Barack Obama was living in Hawaii at the time he took his first job. They managed to get questions asked about this asked at a White House press briefing.

The Associated Content blog gives a possible explanation of the Social Security number, that Barack Obama was living not in Hawaii but in Indonesia at the time the Social Security number was assigned and that Obama obtained it by mail, using the return address of his father, who was divorced from his mother and living in Connecticut at the time. I think a simpler and more likely explanation is that Obama obtained his Social Security number while visiting his father in Connecticut. It would have been easier to have obtained that Social Security number by walking into an office while back in the U.S. on a visit rather than obtaining it while oveseas. Others who read this blog might have more knowledge of the process of issuing Social Security numbers to American citizens who were residing overseas back in that era. I suppose it is done now when a birth is registered with a U.S. embassy oveseas but there would have been a different process back in the 1970s.
See? This is what I was looking for... If his father lived in Connecticut, he could easily have just sent paperwork in for him and passed on the SSN. That makes sense actually, and actually answers my question in the first post.

Back in the day, there really was no reason to get a SSN until you began to work. I didn't get mine until I was 15 and got my first job that withheld taxes.
See? This is what I was looking for... If his father lived in Connecticut, he could easily have just sent paperwork in for him and passed on the SSN. That makes sense actually, and actually answers my question in the first post.

Back in the day, there really was no reason to get a SSN until you began to work. I didn't get mine until I was 15 and got my first job that withheld taxes.

It was 1986 when the IRS demanded SS#'s on tax returns for dependents, until then you just claimed a number for dependents.

I have not been able to find proof his dad "did" live there at the time, but this link claims he did.
It was 1986 when the IRS demanded SS#'s on tax returns for dependents, until then you just claimed a number for dependents.

I have not been able to find proof his dad "did" live there at the time, but this link claims he did.
Right, it isn't evidence, but it gives somebody some direction. We can find out though, there's rental records, etc. That's how we found out the "My father left when I was 2" crap was BS and they had left his father behind long before he was 2. They moved to Washington state and lived there until after his father left Hawaii, there are rental and school records that prove his mother and he lived in Washington State while his father was still attending college in Hawaii...
Right, it isn't evidence, but it gives somebody some direction. We can find out though, there's rental records, etc. That's how we found out the "My father left when I was 2" crap was BS and they had left his father behind long before he was 2. They moved to Washington state and lived there until after his father left Hawaii, there are rental and school records that prove his mother and he lived in Washington State while his father was still attending college in Hawaii...

I just read that Obama Sr moved to Conneticutt when Jr. was 2? So he would have had to be living in CT from 1963/64 for more than 10 years to be the answer to the mystery of the CT SS#...should be easy enough to discover I suppose.
I just read that Obama Sr moved to Conneticutt when Jr. was 2? So he would have had to be living in CT from 1963/64 for more than 10 years to be the answer to the mystery of the CT SS#...should be easy enough to discover I suppose.
It depends on whether the report that the SSN was issued in 1977 to 79 is correct. If it is, then I think his father had died in an accident in Kenya before then, and he certainly wasn't still there as a student, not unless he was the worst student on the planet.... If it was issued while his father was still at Harvard it would make more sense.
It depends on whether the report that the SSN was issued in 1977 to 79 is correct. If it is, then I think his father had died in an accident in Kenya before then, and he certainly wasn't still there as a student, not unless he was the worst student on the planet.... If it was issued while his father was still at Harvard it would make more sense.

Sr died in 1982. Jr went to work in 1975/76? So he would have needed it then.
Sr died in 1982. Jr went to work in 1975/76? So he would have needed it then.
Yes, that was one of the mysteries about it. According to the PI who sought the information, the SSN was issued in 77 to 79, but his first job was in 75 at Baskin Robbins. I think his father was living in Kenya by the 70s, he went to Harvard when Obama was 2, it would take a cripplingly bad student to be there 10 years later...

Of course I'm not sure, his father isn't somebody I've followed.
Yes, that was one of the mysteries about it. According to the PI who sought the information, the SSN was issued in 77 to 79, but his first job was in 75 at Baskin Robbins. I think his father was living in Kenya by the 70s, he went to Harvard when Obama was 2, it would take a cripplingly bad student to be there 10 years later...

Of course I'm not sure, his father isn't somebody I've followed.

Apparently Obama's own words in his book make the claim that after 2 he only knew his father via stories from his mother and grandmother except for 1 visit from his father coming to Hawaii when he was 11? So no trip to CT by Jr? hmmmmmmmmmmm~~~