The Newest Obama Mystery Question

Apparently Obama's own words in his book make the claim that after 2 he only knew his father via stories from his mother and grandmother except for 1 visit from his father coming to Hawaii when he was 11? So no trip to CT by Jr? hmmmmmmmmmmm~~~
The reality is he never lived with his father, his mother took him to WA where she went to college (they were there 20 days after his birth), she didn't return to HI until after Sr had left for Connecticut.
Again, you can stop right there. Shouldn't you first try to determine if the report is correct before you start concocting wild theories about it?
That's why I posted this, maroon. To see if somebody had more information. So far, the source was right about everything else, I have nothing to disprove them about that, if you do though, I'd sure like to see it.
Shorter Damo:

Disprove this idiot:

[ame=""]Womb Raiders - Orly Taitz | July 28, 2009 - Arianna Huffington |[/ame]

The SSN is actual, it is from Connecticut, the SSN administration did say that the SSN was for Connecticut, they also say that per continent those overseas get ones with other numbers starting the first three, they do not get one from the "office it was issued from".

The PI does say that the SSN administration told him that the number was from a batch issued between 1977 and 79. We'd like to verify that, and it could be verified or falsified.

I posted a thread asking for information if somebody had some, I did not insist that something was true that hadn't been verified.

Thanks for playing the game of hacktacular personal accusation. But you lose. You do get a copy of the home game though, and parting gifts from the following sponsors:

dailydose of dailykos 'r' us, drudgeisking 'r them, and the letter "w".

The SSN is actual, it is from Connecticut, the SSN administration did say that the SSN was for Connecticut, they also say that per continent those overseas get ones with other numbers starting the first three, they do not get one from the "office it was issued from".

The PI does say that the SSN administration told him that the number was from a batch issued between 1977 and 79. We'd like to verify that, and it could be verified or falsified.

I posted a thread asking for information if somebody had some, I did not insist that something was true that hadn't been verified.

Thanks for playing the game of hacktacular personal accusation. But you lose.

What you seem unable to wrap your mind around is the fact that there is nothing to substantiate the claim that the Connecticut SSN that we have heard oh so much about is Obama's other than Orly Taitz said so in documents she filed in court. That's the problem. Unless you can credibly tie that SSN to Obama, and you haven't, none of the other stuff matters.
What you seem unable to wrap your mind around is the fact that there is nothing to substantiate the claim that the Connecticut SSN that we have heard oh so much about is Obama's other than Orly Taitz said so in documents she filed in court. That's the problem. Unless you can credibly tie that SSN to Obama, and you haven't, none of the other stuff matters.
This just means you didn't read, Orly Taitz simply gathered information from a different source and used it, because Orly says something does not mean it is the source of the information.

My bet is there is a logical reason for the SSN being from Connecticut, but the question is, "What is that reason?" There is nothing in the official history of your Great Leader that gives us a clue.

Anyway, enjoy your parting gifts, you lost. Your sad attempt to kill "the messenger" hit a target that had nothing to do with the information's actual reality.
This just means you didn't read, Orly Taitz simply gathered information from a different source and used it, because Orly says something does not mean it is the source of the information.

My bet is there is a logical reason for the SSN being from Connecticut, but the question is, "What is that reason?" There is nothing in the official history of your Great Leader that gives us a clue.

Anyway, enjoy your parting gifts, you lost.


Look I know you're a closet birther and all, but please. Accepting at face value the connection between Obama and this SSN is ridiculous. Hell, Orly Taitz says that, according to the private investigators, Obama used "39 different SSNs: and the Connecticut one is the one he "used most often." If that doesn't set you bullshit meter pegging and instead piques your curiosity about one of the 39 SSNs then you might, just might, be suffering from a severe case of ODS with a unhealthy amount of birtherism.

Look I know you're a closet birther and all, but please. Accepting at face value the connection between Obama and this SSN is ridiculous. Hell, Orly Taitz says that, according to the private investigators, Obama used "39 different SSNs: and the Connecticut one is the one he "used most often." If that doesn't set you bullshit meter pegging and instead piques your curiosity about one of the 39 SSNs then you might, just might, be suffering from a severe case of ODS with a unhealthy amount of birtherism.
Another sad attempt to "kill" the wrong "messenger"...
Another sad attempt to "kill" the wrong "messenger"...

I'm not killing anything. The P.I. reports show that Obama used 39 different SSNs. If that doesn't lead you to conclude that the P.I. reports aren't exactly 100% accurate you really are neck deep in the birther bullshit and enjoying it.
I'm not killing anything. The P.I. reports show that Obama used 39 different SSNs. If that doesn't lead you to conclude that the P.I. reports aren't exactly 100% accurate you really are neck deep in the birther bullshit and enjoying it.
Mostly I enjoy making you get all hot and bothered. Me... I just wanted to know if anybody had any evidence that BHO was in Connecticut or some other reason he'd use a number from there.
See? This is what I was looking for... If his father lived in Connecticut, he could easily have just sent paperwork in for him and passed on the SSN. That makes sense actually, and actually answers my question in the first post.

Back in the day, there really was no reason to get a SSN until you began to work. I didn't get mine until I was 15 and got my first job that withheld taxes.

"If" his father lived in Connecticut is correct. Every record I've seen has him moving directly from Hawaii to Cambridge, MA to attend Harvard, then moving from MA back to Kenya after getting his Master's (example below). Some blogs mention CT in passing but don't back it up with a cite.

1960 At 24, Barack Obama Sr. meets fellow student Ann Dunham at a Russian language class. Ann is 18, an American white girl, who recently moved to Honolulu from Washington with her family and enrolled in the University of Hawaii. The two start dating.

1961 At 25, only several months after they first meet, Barack Obama Sr. marries Ann Dunham in a discreet ceremony to which no one is invited. At the time of the wedding Ann is 18 and already three months pregnant with Barack Obama Junior. Ann doesn't know Barack Obama Sr. has a wife and children back in Kenya.

On August 4, 1961, Barack Obama Jr. is born.

At 26, Barack Obama Sr. wins a graduate scholarship to Harvard. He enrolls in September 1962 to pursue a Ph.D. in economics and for that end moves from Hawaii to Boston, Massachusetts, leaving behind his 19 year-old wife Ann and his 1 year-old son, Barack Obama Jr.

1964 Ann Dunham divorces Barack Obama Sr.

1965 - 1981 At 29, Barack Obama Sr. receives his Master's degree in economics from Harvard. Upon completing his Master's degree he returns to Kenya with Ruth Nidesand, an American teacher he meets at Harvard. Ruth later becomes his third wife.

In Kenya, Barack Obama Sr. works as an economist in the Ministry of Economic Planning.

In 1965, the East Africa Journal publishes an article by Barack Obama Sr., where he criticizes the government approach to economic planning. Barack Obama Junior in his autobiographical book Dreams from My father says that his father's published views put him in a conflict with Kenyan president, Jomo Kenyatta, and consequently his career is ruined. Philip Ochieng, Obama Senior's friend, says that Obama Senior's character ("extraordinary clever, but also cruel and given to boasting about his brain and wealth") is the reason to his failure.

When Barack Obama Sr. later loses his job he suffers long periods of poverty and wounded ego.

Barack Obama Sr. and Ruth Nidesand have two children together, but she too divorces him. Ruth, who was married to Obama Sr. for seven years, says he was a "very difficult man" and that "he wasn't an easy person to be around." Obama Senior is described by his friend Philip Ochieng as one who is "excessively fond of Scotch". He adds that Obama Senior "in his later years had fallen into the habit of going home drunk every night." And that "this was what forced Ruth to sue for a divorce."

In 1971 Barack Obama Sr visits Hawaii to see his 10-year-old son, Barack Obama Junior. This is the last time the two see each other.

1982 At 46, Barack Obama Sr. is involved in a car accident and both his legs are amputated. Not long afterwards he dies in another car crash in Nairobi, Kenya..
"If" his father lived in Connecticut is correct. Every record I've seen has him moving directly from Hawaii to Cambridge, MA to attend Harvard, then moving from MA back to Kenya after getting his Master's (example below). Some blogs mention CT in passing but don't back it up with a cite.

1960 At 24, Barack Obama Sr. meets fellow student Ann Dunham at a Russian language class. Ann is 18, an American white girl, who recently moved to Honolulu from Washington with her family and enrolled in the University of Hawaii. The two start dating.

1961 At 25, only several months after they first meet, Barack Obama Sr. marries Ann Dunham in a discreet ceremony to which no one is invited. At the time of the wedding Ann is 18 and already three months pregnant with Barack Obama Junior. Ann doesn't know Barack Obama Sr. has a wife and children back in Kenya.

On August 4, 1961, Barack Obama Jr. is born.

At 26, Barack Obama Sr. wins a graduate scholarship to Harvard. He enrolls in September 1962 to pursue a Ph.D. in economics and for that end moves from Hawaii to Boston, Massachusetts, leaving behind his 19 year-old wife Ann and his 1 year-old son, Barack Obama Jr.

1964 Ann Dunham divorces Barack Obama Sr.

1965 - 1981 At 29, Barack Obama Sr. receives his Master's degree in economics from Harvard. Upon completing his Master's degree he returns to Kenya with Ruth Nidesand, an American teacher he meets at Harvard. Ruth later becomes his third wife.

In Kenya, Barack Obama Sr. works as an economist in the Ministry of Economic Planning.

In 1965, the East Africa Journal publishes an article by Barack Obama Sr., where he criticizes the government approach to economic planning. Barack Obama Junior in his autobiographical book Dreams from My father says that his father's published views put him in a conflict with Kenyan president, Jomo Kenyatta, and consequently his career is ruined. Philip Ochieng, Obama Senior's friend, says that Obama Senior's character ("extraordinary clever, but also cruel and given to boasting about his brain and wealth") is the reason to his failure.

When Barack Obama Sr. later loses his job he suffers long periods of poverty and wounded ego.

Barack Obama Sr. and Ruth Nidesand have two children together, but she too divorces him. Ruth, who was married to Obama Sr. for seven years, says he was a "very difficult man" and that "he wasn't an easy person to be around." Obama Senior is described by his friend Philip Ochieng as one who is "excessively fond of Scotch". He adds that Obama Senior "in his later years had fallen into the habit of going home drunk every night." And that "this was what forced Ruth to sue for a divorce."

In 1971 Barack Obama Sr visits Hawaii to see his 10-year-old son, Barack Obama Junior. This is the last time the two see each other.

1982 At 46, Barack Obama Sr. is involved in a car accident and both his legs are amputated. Not long afterwards he dies in another car crash in Nairobi, Kenya..
It did not take his father from 1965 to 1981 to get his Masters. How much of that time was in Connecticut, and was it (as the reports state) within the frame of 1977 to 79 (that was supposedly when the SSN was issued)? As far as I understand it, in 1971 he went back to Kenya to start his life's dream of helping people there...

Yes "IF" his father lived in Connecticut at that time would be a salient question.
It did not take his father from 1965 to 1981 to get his Masters. How much of that time was in Connecticut, and was it (as the reports state) within the frame of 1977 to 79 (that was supposedly when the SSN was issued)? As far as I understand it, in 1971 he went back to Kenya to start his life's dream of helping people there...

Yes "IF" his father lived in Connecticut at that time would be a salient question.

By the timeline she provided even it states that Obama only saw his father/had anything to do with him, during a visit by SR. to Hawaii when he was 11. So why would Obama get a CT SSN at age 15/16? And Harvard is in MA not CT
By the timeline she provided even it states that Obama only saw his father/had anything to do with him, during a visit by SR. to Hawaii when he was 11. So why would Obama get a CT SSN at age 15/16? And Harvard is in MA not CT
True, but I think there are places close in CT... but heck. I hate the East Coast so I could be wrong. From what I understand Sr. lived in CT while he went to Harvard, which certainly didn't take more than a decade...
True, but I think there are places close in CT... but heck. I hate the East Coast so I could be wrong. From what I understand Sr. lived in CT while he went to Harvard, which certainly didn't take more than a decade...

Well, I was using her source that had him living in MA. From what I see Harvard is Closer to NH and quite a bit north of CT...hmmmmmmmmm

This guys past is as transparent as mud.
It did not take his father from 1965 to 1981 to get his Masters. How much of that time was in Connecticut, and was it (as the reports state) within the frame of 1977 to 79 (that was supposedly when the SSN was issued)? As far as I understand it, in 1971 he went back to Kenya to start his life's dream of helping people there...

Yes "IF" his father lived in Connecticut at that time would be a salient question.

Because it didn't take him that long. The last paragraph from my post was just a recap of his life from 1965-81. He returned to Kenya in 1965 after getting the Master's. I already posted on this, but again:

While at Harvard, Obama Sr. met an Jewish American teacher named Ruth Nidesand. She followed him to Kenya when he returned there after he received a master's degree (AM) in economics from Harvard in 1965...

On his return to his native Kenya in 1965, Obama Sr. was hired by an oil company and then served as an economist in the Kenyan Ministry of Transport and later became a senior economist in the Kenyan Ministry of Finance...

In 1965, Obama Sr. published a paper entitled "Problems Facing Our Socialism" in the East Africa Journal, harshly criticizing the blueprint for national planning, "African Socialism and Its Applicability to Planning in Kenya", which had been produced by Tom Mboya's Ministry of Economic Planning and Development. The article was signed "Barak H. Obama."

Look at page two of this link:

The journal is from 1965 and states that Obama, Sr. was living in Nairobi and working on his doctorate.
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Because it didn't take him that long. The last paragraph from my post was just a recap of his life from 1965-81. He returned to Kenya in 1965 after getting the Master's. I already posted on this, but again:

While at Harvard, Obama Sr. met an Jewish American teacher named Ruth Nidesand. She followed him to Kenya when he returned there after he received a master's degree (AM) in economics from Harvard in 1965...

On his return to his native Kenya in 1965, Obama Sr. was hired by an oil company and then served as an economist in the Kenyan Ministry of Transport and later became a senior economist in the Kenyan Ministry of Finance...

In 1965, Obama Sr. published a paper entitled "Problems Facing Our Socialism" in the East Africa Journal, harshly criticizing the blueprint for national planning, "African Socialism and Its Applicability to Planning in Kenya", which had been produced by Tom Mboya's Ministry of Economic Planning and Development. The article was signed "Barak H. Obama."

Look at page two of this link:

The journal is from 1965 and states that Obama, Sr. was living in Nairobi and working on his doctorate.
So, the "His father got it for him" wouldn't be the case then. Still more interesting.