The Next Election Topic...Fact....Either do homework on it or fail

80 percent of your profits come from 20 percent of your customers.

that is the 20 80 rule.

The reason being is who has money and who doesn't.

when you push that balance over the edge of you get revolution.

Its the maximum you can crank that number to.

Parento studied all of history and that is what he found.

A liberal revolution is about to hit this country.

grab your ankles and shove your head between your legs and kiss your asses goodbye
Of course they will. I have a valuable skillset and prior military service. They'll let me serve just fine.

Just like they do now. Just like we all do now. Why do you think you're not under their thumb?
If you want to be prepared for the next election, you need to watch this clip no matter what party you are in. Next election, as I stated before, is going to entirely based on this topic. This is a VERY significant video.

I thought class envy was what the last election was all about? But I cannot say I would be surprised that this will be the Democrat strategy for next years midterm elections. After all, Demicrats have to pander to low information dullards that apparently now outnumber informed voters who see these tactics as transparently stupid.

So to be fair, I watched the video and there was no recommendations as to what could be done to make things more "fair."

I believe that arguments about Government that begin with "what is fair" are common with Liberal ideologues who arrogantly pander to gullible uninformed voters by proclaiming that only they can be the arbiters of what is fair and what cobstitues caring. This arrogance is fed by a desire for political power based on a false claim that they should be he "deciders" of what is fair because they "care" more than everyone else.

But if you actually have a brain and study history, you find that the primary causes for poverty and unequal outcomes is born from massive Government intrusion into every aspect of our lives from birth until death. Unfortunately for us, our educational systems are failing us by graduating dullards who are historically and economically ignorant. You see, the only way arrogant Liberals can implement their job destroying ideological policies is through ignorant voters, lies and deceipt.

The current Administration in its efforts to determine what is fair have done more to increase the wealth and poverty gap than any previous administration. The Fed has done more to enrich bankers and walls street with its lunatic quantitative easing than any previous Fed policy.

After nearly five years of malaise and massive deficits of historic proportions, fanatical suporters of Obamanomics and Obamascare appear to be unfased by the malaise it has created resulting in even greater wealth gap.

With that, I say bring it on. Let's have that debate and point the finger directly at the misguided lunatic policies of this Presidnt and his fanatical supporters in he Senate who have yet to even pass an acceptable intelligent budget that reigns in this last five years of irresponsible spending and buffoonery.

If the American voters are stupid enough to be duped by the moronic Marxist class envy arguments of the DNC, then they deserve the predictable result that will make the rest of America look like Detroit.
Government creates the poor huh lol.......You're sure it has nothing to do with your Free Market?

How does the free market create poor people? I would be fascinated to see studies supporting this claim.

While you're at it, can you please provide evidence showing people being forced to take jobs that do not pay them what they think they are worth; id like to see that as well.

Oh, while you are at it, can you also please provide a study that shows that Government can legislate equality and fair distribution of wealth; I'd like to see that also.
The problem with that is the extremeists scream "slippery slope" and jump to Socialism, even when it's no where near the same thing. Salary caps would be an entire discussion on it's own. Do you cap the amount or the % of profit?

I am amused that those who argue against salary caps are somehow extremists. I think arguing for such policies is extremist and patently stupid.

So tell me sage independent who posts like an extremist Liberal, who will be the "decider" of these salary caps and how will they prevent the predictable shortages and job losses that will result from such decisions.

While you're at it, please show me how such Socialist programs have helped the poor in Venezuela, Cuba And China.
I would say something under the lines of forced profit sharing with the team that helped them get the profit.

Of course this would not be necessary at all if the system wasn't being abused. Employers should know their employee's are part of the reason they are making so much money. Instead we see employers lately viewing their employees as a leech to the company and their biggest expense. In fact it's all over social networking that companies are cutting benefits. They do this claiming "hard times" when business is great and it's simply so the top can keep more. A direct spit in the face to the workers getting them rich.

The people are catching on. The movement has begun.

So who will "force" this profit sharing on employers? Something similar has been tried by Unions in this country; the results were disastrous for the industries they have tried this.

The first mistake made by liberals with this Socialist mentality is their concept of what is fair. History has shown that the best arbiter of what is fair is a free market based on supply and demand and the skills workers obtain and learn. History has also shown time and time again that when Governments attempt to intrude into free markets to force this ideological view of fairness, they have created a much worse condition for everyone.

Why is it that Liberal ideologues refuse to learn these lessons and keep trying to do what has historically been shown as unworkeable?

Again I would ask, where are these workers that are being forced to work for unfair wages in a free unfettered market?

Do you also believe that he economic pie is finite.
Like I said financial inequality is always directly connected to the size and scope of government. Markets are never really free as long as there is government. The BIGGER the government the lesser free the markets.

Conclusion: Big government hinders & abolishes freedom in the markets thereby creating economic inequality among the masses.

Free markets create wealth. Governments create social and economic inequality and injustice. BIG governments create bankruptcy and eventual revolutions.

The Free Market creates tons of wealth, only for a few. We still have a relatively free market and it's failing. The free market got us into the Great Depression. It's a fail.

The Free Market should be free until it starts to fail and then regulation should be put in place if the majority of Americans agree to it. In a free market you will have crack heads having their children work all day instead of getting an education and paying for their drugs. And we all know education is the key to ending all of the shooting violence.

The absolute free market is a total fail. It's proven with history.
guess what you idiots are about to face?

just what Reich said.

the balance is tipping and your about to get fucked big time.

The funny part is most of you smucks we talk to will be far better off after what you fear the most happens

You should read my posts and educate yourself on my position before talking to me. You sound like an idiot.
So you think a revolution is coming? will it be violent and in the streets?

I don't know what revolution evince is talking about, I don't know if anyone knows what that clown is talking about anymore.

But yes, a revolution is coming. People are going to start demanding their worth.
I thought class envy was what the last election was all about? But I cannot say I would be surprised that this will be the Democrat strategy for next years midterm elections. After all, Demicrats have to pander to low information dullards that apparently now outnumber informed voters who see these tactics as transparently stupid.

So to be fair, I watched the video and there was no recommendations as to what could be done to make things more "fair."

I believe that arguments about Government that begin with "what is fair" are common with Liberal ideologues who arrogantly pander to gullible uninformed voters by proclaiming that only they can be the arbiters of what is fair and what cobstitues caring. This arrogance is fed by a desire for political power based on a false claim that they should be he "deciders" of what is fair because they "care" more than everyone else.

But if you actually have a brain and study history, you find that the primary causes for poverty and unequal outcomes is born from massive Government intrusion into every aspect of our lives from birth until death. Unfortunately for us, our educational systems are failing us by graduating dullards who are historically and economically ignorant. You see, the only way arrogant Liberals can implement their job destroying ideological policies is through ignorant voters, lies and deceipt.

The current Administration in its efforts to determine what is fair have done more to increase the wealth and poverty gap than any previous administration. The Fed has done more to enrich bankers and walls street with its lunatic quantitative easing than any previous Fed policy.

After nearly five years of malaise and massive deficits of historic proportions, fanatical suporters of Obamanomics and Obamascare appear to be unfased by the malaise it has created resulting in even greater wealth gap.

With that, I say bring it on. Let's have that debate and point the finger directly at the misguided lunatic policies of this Presidnt and his fanatical supporters in he Senate who have yet to even pass an acceptable intelligent budget that reigns in this last five years of irresponsible spending and buffoonery.

If the American voters are stupid enough to be duped by the moronic Marxist class envy arguments of the DNC, then they deserve the predictable result that will make the rest of America look like Detroit.

I can't believe I took the time to read this. This is more uninformed nonsense from a Right Winger that has never taken a day out of her life to study what the Left is and what it stands for.

First off you are declaring that it's the "Left" making this video and state they shouldn't be able to decide what is fair. This is just another case of the Right Wing media pounding information into the heads of the weak minded convincing them that "The rich need more money to create jobs and for America to prosper". Basic ignorance of modern day statistics.

The people do have the power and the responsibility to decide when enough is enough. (Note Democrats focus on people, Republicans focus on corporations)

This notion that big government is the reason the pay gap is bad shows how ignorant some of you are to Right Wing media. I won't elaborate because you should know better. Research the depression, what started it, and what ended it. Republicans have the memory of a gold fish.

The only measure the Left has been taking lately has been raising the minimum wage in hopes greedy corporate giants will budget their money and let the gap close. But they simply raise prices so they don't "suffer"..The Fed enriching bankers and wall street is due to the Right Wing notion that "Corporations are people" and you know it.

You state that Obama made the gap bigger even when Obama passed nearly no bills.....the control has been in the hands of Republicans.....but thanks for exposing that.

You are blaming schools because you are an uninformed idiot probably with no children. It has NEVER been 100% the schools job to educate our children. The teachers have dozens of children in a small time frame. It's the parents fault and any child can become educated and excel in our system if the parent takes the time to work with their child. The PROBLEM with that is so many parents are having to work overtime or second jobs to pay bills. See the OP and tell me why this is necessary!

I'll end with this. Again you assume it's only the Left that notices this. Pure uneducation. Solid Conservative voters in solid conservative states are angry they are getting paid so little. They are waking up and if you were educated this does not mean they are changing their party, it means they are starting to notice the gap and realizing they could spend more time with their kids if their boss wasn't so greedy.

The pay gap has nothing to do with being "duped" it's fact kid. The respect for labor is going to be closer to the respect of the investor soon. Bank on that kid.