The Next Election Topic...Fact....Either do homework on it or fail

This is happening to 99% of the people.........what kind of idiot says "This is a Left Wing only issue"...moron.
Why do people thread ban selected posters based on ideology; what is that supposed to think?

I only ban trolls. Trolls are people that bring absolutely no debate. I can and will debate my view with anyone. But when it's someone who's only responses have nothing to do with the topic or just one liners like "your stupid" you don't belong on debate forums.

At this point you are holding a losing debate, but you are at least holding a debate. I won't ban you because this is why I'm here. If you simply came in and said, "YOur stupid" like those other guys, you would be banned in the future too. And Big Money is a Big Lie repeater. He's just one of those uneducated Fox news junkies that repeats what they say without researching it.