I do wish you'd learn to spell demagogue, anchovies.
Why everyone, especially individuals as yourself, know what they are and certainly who they are
I do wish you'd learn to spell demagogue, anchovies.
The bombs may be a Dem black flag op, but I bet it is not.
Why everyone, especially individuals as yourself, know what they are and certainly who they are
not like any of this is going to change any person's intended vote
By planting it there and pretending to "discover" it, and by tipping off the authorities to the existence of a package you sent yourself. BTW none of the "bombs" exploded. Guess why.
It's a pathetic attempt to appear relevant. The "bomb" Cuomo pretended to get was a thumb drive.
How would you know that, anchovies?
Spelling, like national borders, is something to be respected and observed, anchovies.
Know, not likely, educated guess, sure, majority of people voting have either already made up their minds or have pretty good idea of who they are voting for, how does bombs being sent to top Democrat individuals change any of this? If they knew the culprit, and it was proven that he/she/they were attached or influenced by a particular political entity, perhaps, but that ain't happening till long after the election
Spelling, only for the anal retentive, and I didn't misspell borders
I do wish you'd learn to spell demagogue, anchovies.
dumb moron cockroach
Poor anchovies.
Nope, Legion, you have him dense beat down.
No one on this Board, with the exception of Evmetro, is as dense as you.
Except .... You .
What kind of scandal do you guys have planned? Fake bomb scare?
They wouldn't tell Nerdberg before the leftist propaganda machine starts telling him what to be outraged about. He's only a useful idiot, and he's of very little use.
Nope, Legion, you have him dense beat down. No one on this Board, with the exception of Evmetro, is as dense as you.
What kind of scandal rightys have brewing, a REAL bomb scare or 6. yep, that's what it is. Bingo .