The next fake scandal

They wouldn't tell Nerdberg before the leftist propaganda machine starts telling him what to be outraged about. He's only a useful idiot, and he's of very little use.

Legion, stay stupid and dishonest.It suits you, your political proclivities and utter lack of knowledge. Go back to Breitbart and Infowars and complete your education.
Legion, stay stupid and dishonest.It suits you, your political proclivities and utter lack of knowledge. Go back to Breitbart and Infowars and complete your education.

Poor little lefty. Did the big bad booms booms scare him?
I believe that both Democrats and Republicans know better than to pull a stunt like this a week from an important election. Well, I mean even a serious political hack that clings to one side or the other. So, please everyone, stop making allegations that are not proven just because you hate each other- and each other's political party.

May I suggest a 3rd party- such as Russia? Let me tell you, Russia don't have any love for Donald Trump. He deplores him and see's him as the worlds largest stooge. And I can certainly see where he is coming from on that.

But, Russia's meddling in the last election was more about helping a stooge become our president, because of all the discourse, fear, and actual damage that he would cause for most Americans- and low and behold if that isn't what happened.

What Putin does is instill fear and doubt, and wants Americans to distrust our institutions, and wants us to question our own elections, and basically create a civil war between Americans so that we can all be caught off guard by what they are doing, while we sling shit and think we are now bombing each other. Basically he is capitalizing on the fact that we hate each other, and are already in a Cold Civil war with each other, and basically turn it into a real war where we end up fighting each other in the streets.

So, I can clearly see how Putin, could get behind a bombing assassination, that could easily have us pointing fingers at each other and physically start an actual civil war over it.

And I see some of you idiots playing into his hand- just like Donald Trump!

Putin is winning guys, and making idiots out of America for the whole world to see, and all you Republicans can do, is do what Putin wants you to do, and blame it all on your fellow Americans who just happen to be Democrats- because he knows just how much you hate us- as he, himself helped to instill the hatred between us. And here comes lumber-headed President Donnie to further divide us and antagonize us with his hateful policies of basically pure self-interest, greed, and hatred towards others.

That is why I believe you Republicans are about as dumb- well, as dumb as your leader himself- Donald Idiot Trump!

I am predicting the FBI will prove that these bomb threats today were carried out by Russian agents that have infiltrated our country!

And meanwhile all you have your eyes on is this irrelevant caravan 1100 miles away- only capable of walking 10 miles a day- made up of mostly women and children, and wearing the only things they own! And Donald Trump is calling this a national threat? Shit! It's like being scared of the fucking dark! Idiots- the lot of you!

And after today's events, now you idiots are accusing Democrats of literally trying to assassinate our own political heroes and presidents that we have a lot of respect for- regardless to whether you idiots do or not! I am sorry to have to report, but NO! Democrats don't turn on our own like you chicken-shit Republicans do! So you better stop that kind of stinking thinking!


Talk about taking your eye off the ball! Talk about the fucking blind leading the totally fucked up blind! You people are blinded with hate! No wonder you can't see reality anymore!

Putin is playing you people like a fiddle!
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Would you bet that probability?

Possible, yes, just as a mule winning the Kentucky Derby is possible, but not very probable, wouldn't make sense, not like any of this is going to change any person's intended vote, so, why?

Early voting numbers are rolling in and they are not looking good for the democrat party. Probably done to gin up democrat voters

Too much is suspicious about this

1) no bomb went off
2) they weren’t even functional
3) the targets were all too convenient
4) they were all delivered by courier and discovered around the same time on the same day
5) the one was loaded with stamps yet sent by courier
6) Brennan’s name was spelled wrong probably to highlight the stupidity of the alleged bomber
7) they put Git Er Done on the package. Really?

None of it adds up
I believe that both Democrats and Republicans know better than to pull a stunt like this a week from an important election. Well, I mean even a serious political hack that clings to one side or the other. So, please everyone, stop making allegations that are not proven just because you hate each other- and each other's political party.

May I suggest a 3rd party- such as Russia? Let me tell you, Russia don't have any love for Donald Trump. He deplores him and see's him as the worlds largest stooge. And I can certainly see where he is coming from on that.

But, Russia's meddling in the last election was more about helping a stooge become our president, because of all the discourse, fear, and actual damage that he would cause for most Americans- and low and behold if that isn't what happened.

What Putin does is instill fear and doubt, and wants Americans to distrust our institutions, and wants us to question our own elections, and basically create a civil war between Americans so that we can all be caught off guard by what they are doing, while we sling shit and think we are now bombing each other. Basically he is capitalizing on the fact that we hate each other, and are already in a Cold Civil war with each other, and basically turn it into a real war where we end up fighting each other in the streets.

So, I can clearly see how Putin, could get behind a bombing assassination, that could easily have us pointing fingers at each other and physically start an actual civil war over it.

And I see some of you idiots playing into his hand- just like Donald Trump!

Putin is winning guys, and making idiots out of America for the whole world to see, and all you Republicans can do, is do what Putin wants you to do, and blame it all on your fellow Americans who just happen to be Democrats- because he knows just how much you hate us- as he, himself helped to instill the hatred between us. And here comes lumber-headed President Donnie to further divide us and antagonize us with his hateful policies of basically pure self-interest, greed, and hatred towards others.

That is why I believe you Republicans are about as dumb- well, as dumb as your leader himself- Donald Idiot Trump!

I am predicting the FBI will prove that these bomb threats today were carried out by Russian agents that have infiltrated our country!

And meanwhile all you have your eyes on is this irrelevant caravan 1100 miles away- only capable of walking 10 miles a day- made up of mostly women and children, and wearing the only things they own! And Donald Trump is calling this a national threat? Shit! It's like being scared of the fucking dark! Idiots- the lot of you!

And after today's events, now you idiots are accusing Democrats of literally trying to assassinate our own political heroes and presidents that we have a lot of respect for- regardless to whether you idiots do or not! I am sorry to have to report, but NO! Democrats don't turn on our own like you chicken-shit Republicans do! So you better stop that kind of stinking thinking!


Talk about taking your eye off the ball! Talk about the fucking blind leading the totally fucked up blind! You people are blinded with hate! No wonder you can't see reality anymore!

Putin is playing you people like a fiddle!

Could have been MBS to fade the heat on Kashoggi
Midterms are coming up soon, so lefties will need to come up with some huge fake scandal as a way of cheating to gain a better position. They will try to make it bigger than the fake gang rape thing that they tried with Kav. Anybody care to predict what it will be? Fake sexual allegations? Accusations of racism? How close to election day will they release the huge fake scandal? Go ahead and make a prediction!

I wouldn't be surprised to see threatening messages painted all over some political offices...maybe some broken windows, perhaps even some gunfire that miraculously doesn't hurt anyone.
Could have been MBS to fade the heat on Kashoggi

I don't think so Don!

This was not a Republican act. This was not a Democrat act! It was made to look like an intentional politically motivated act. An act that would have us all pointing fingers at each other.

This was an all out terrorist attack on our country in the way of assassinating 2 presidents, a Congressman, our media, and several other past high ranking government leaders in an attempt to create controversy and thus a civil war between Americans.

This is the kind of assassinations that go on in Russia to create fear in the people.

Sure, it could be a loner out there, but I believe that if the intent were to actually create a bombing at CNN, it would have been done on a much larger scale. And I also believe that had a real Hillary hater wanted to do her in, let me tell you, a real hater would have made sure the job got done.

NO, these acts were intended to just piss us all off, scare us, and start a war that would lead us to fighting in the street.

This is a time for us to dial back, and realize we are not our own enemies, and to come together as a nation, just as we did after 9/11.

We have real enemies now! And it is not ourselves.
Early voting numbers are rolling in and they are not looking good for the democrat party. Probably done to gin up democrat voters

Too much is suspicious about this

1) no bomb went off
2) they weren’t even functional
3) the targets were all too convenient
4) they were all delivered by courier and discovered around the same time on the same day
5) the one was loaded with stamps yet sent by courier
6) Brennan’s name was spelled wrong probably to highlight the stupidity of the alleged bomber
7) they put Git Er Done on the package. Really?

None of it adds up

You do know votes are not tallied now. However, the lines are very long and lots of early and absentee voting has occurred. I am sure, even you, know that bigger turnout favors Dems. The bomber was caught. His van was full of Trump stickers and the presidentail seal.
only if its dems turning out.......

C'mon don't show your total ignorance again. If you know anything about politics, and you have not shown you do, you would understand big turnout has favored Dems for many, many campaigns. That is why you rightys are so adept at voter suppression and creating laws to make it harder to vote.
Early voting numbers are rolling in and they are not looking good for the democrat party. Probably done to gin up democrat voters

Too much is suspicious about this

1) no bomb went off
2) they weren’t even functional
3) the targets were all too convenient
4) they were all delivered by courier and discovered around the same time on the same day
5) the one was loaded with stamps yet sent by courier
6) Brennan’s name was spelled wrong probably to highlight the stupidity of the alleged bomber
7) they put Git Er Done on the package. Really?

None of it adds up

A Trumpanzee, wasn’t it , bitch?
odd none of these worked......almost as if it was made by a demmycrat.......

Nope. Obviously made by a stupid righty. As it turns out, just that way. he was a righty fired up by daffys constant diatribes. Leaders should not wrap themselves in hate and naming enemies. The packaging falls on those he designates. 14 leftys were threatened with death. At least daffy can be pleased, his speeches worked as planned.
C'mon don't show your total ignorance again. If you know anything about politics, and you have not shown you do, you would understand big turnout has favored Dems for many, many campaigns. That is why you rightys are so adept at voter suppression and creating laws to make it harder to vote. one should have to explain this to you......obviously it all depends on who turns out to vote in are counting your chickens before you find out if they're not ostriches.....