The Next Time A Dumb Hipster Tells You Communism Is Cool

Talk about a stretch.

Digging a canal has nothing to do with sharing anymore than free capitalism supports the right to rob banks.

Could you explain what you mean by that? So all capitalists are bank robbers?

Liberals talk about helping the less fortunate through financial contributions/taxes.

I believe that Obama and the Progressives refer to that as wealth redistibution.
It's well known and no one is looking under their beds for commies any more.

They dont have to look under their beds because they are all over the internet and almost every major media and news outlets. Not to mention the the White Huse is home to Obamunism.

One of my dad's favorite reads in the 70s was Will the Soviet Union Survive until 1984? He got my brother to read it a short while back, and has explained the background of the critique pretty well. One reason why he liked it was because he could walk into any coffee house in Seattle at that time, and hear lefties talking about how the standard of living was better in the USSR, and how the US was failing miserably (of course, life in Seattle during the 70s was essentially a great depression, as the unemployment hit 12% in 1969, setting the following decade into motion). He had a similar lack of information as they did (minus reading materials such as that book), but couldn't see how they could be close to correct.

I will have to track that one down, in '69, well, I was busy with non political stuff, well until Brent became President of the Young Republicans and then, suddenly, I became interested and my reason have varied since then as much as my politics. I just remember praying for the end of Communism at St. Mary's. We said a lot of rosary for it to happen!
They dont have to look under their beds because they are all over the internet and almost every major media and news outlets. Not to mention the the White Huse is home to Obamunism.

Wouldn't be the first time Eugenics was practiced in the good old USA, look up, Ford, Sanger, Carnegie and Woodrow Wilson, it was the good ole USA's interest in the matter that got Hitler started! It was Ford admired him! I am afraid to click on your site for fear of nasty things attacking my computer!
Don't waste your time pinhead....I've joined the now growing group of posters that seldom, if ever, read anything you post.....I tried and it just ain't worth the time...

Stupidity really doesn't earn a response....but I thought I'd be nice and save you from wasting keystrokes and bandwidth that others can use....

Good, then it will be even easier to point how how stupid you are to everyone else. Thanks for making my job just a little easier.
Went and looked up Obama and eugentics, and sure enough, Glen Beck crazy talk. If you have solid proof I would love to see it, not the ramblings of a mad man.
Wouldn't be the first time Eugenics was practiced in the good old USA, look up, Ford, Sanger, Carnegie and Woodrow Wilson, it was the good ole USA's interest in the matter that got Hitler started! It was Ford admired him! I am afraid to click on your site for fear of nasty things attacking my computer!

You shouldn't have any fears of clicking on the site. I wouldn't redirect you to some sicko image of tubgirl.
Went and looked up Obama and eugentics, and sure enough, Glen Beck crazy talk. If you have solid proof I would love to see it, not the ramblings of a mad man.

If you are using google search you will have to go deeper or use a different search engine that isn't so biased. Try
Why don't you just show me, besides this disrespectful video of your President, what proof you have of eugentics being used currently in the USA, other than the conservatives who wish to take away the safety nets for the working poor, women and the elderly. There have always been factions on our society that wish to do away with the poor, and not by creating a better standard of living for them.
Webcrawler and Google actually have about the same articles listed and nothing that seems realistic, mostly rhetoric.
Pure trash...I didn't even finish it, pure crappola and if this type of stuff is what you offer as proof of your claims, well, I'll pass.
And before you go on a rant...yes...we know...command and control economics have been as thoroughly reputed and discredited as supply side economics. It's well known and no one is looking under their beds for commies any more.

There is no room under the beds. They are full of Muslim 'tourists'. McCarthyism lives!
Words from a terrorist!

Terrorist? No no no .. according to your dummy past president it is tourists you should fear. and terrorists. and muslims. ... and foreigners. .. and communists. .. and democrats, bird watchers, train spotters, stamp collectors. In fact be very afraid of EVERYONE. Raise the alarum. Light beacons. Run for your lives. They are coming. You are not safe in your beds!!!!!

but, most of all ...

be afraid of

Terrorist? No no no .. according to your dummy past president it is tourists you should fear. and terrorists. and muslims. ... and foreigners. .. and communists. .. and democrats, bird watchers, train spotters, stamp collectors. In fact be very afraid of EVERYONE. Raise the alarum. Light beacons. Run for your lives. They are coming. You are not safe in your beds!!!!!

but, most of all ...

be afraid of


Only for those who choose not to study history, so that mistakes do not repeat themselves.

If you pay attention to the rhetoric coming from the left towards anyone who opposes their idealogy of obomunism and all of his crap of hope and change while he turns this country inside out then you are blind and stupid.

The obamanites who worship all of this socialist crap make attacks that are hateful towards their opposition, and if some of the obama extremists had their way they would silence and take political prisoners.