The Next Time A Dumb Hipster Tells You Communism Is Cool

Only for those who choose not to study history, so that mistakes do not repeat themselves.

If you pay attention to the rhetoric coming from the left towards anyone who opposes their idealogy of obomunism and all of his crap of hope and change while he turns this country inside out then you are blind and stupid.

The obamanites who worship all of this socialist crap make attacks that are hateful towards their opposition, and if some of the obama extremists had their way they would silence and take political prisoners.

I think, upon further consideration, that it would be better to be blind and stupid than a tea party supporter who is dumb and stupid.
I see that you were at the end of the queue when the humour gene was given out.
I think, upon further consideration, that it would be better to be blind and stupid than a tea party supporter who is dumb and stupid.

I see you are making another ignorant comment about a group of people that you have no ideal of what they represent. Then again isn't most liberals dumb blind and stupid?

I see that you were at the end of the queue when the humour gene was given out.

Not really I am just exhausted from working all of the long hours so I can pay an unbelievable amount of taxes while others sit on their ass and eat free cheese.
LOL! Communists! oh my sides hurt! If the radical right hates American communists- all 6 of them- why do they love China? LOL remember China is still communist? didn't think so.

another piece of radical right booga booga boogie man bullshit.
Terrorist? No no no .. according to your dummy past president it is tourists you should fear. and terrorists. and muslims. ... and foreigners. .. and communists. .. and democrats, bird watchers, train spotters, stamp collectors. In fact be very afraid of EVERYONE. Raise the alarum. Light beacons. Run for your lives. They are coming. You are not safe in your beds!!!!!

but, most of all ...

be afraid of


You're making a point.

LOL! Communists! oh my sides hurt! If the radical right hates American communists- all 6 of them- why do they love China? LOL remember China is still communist? didn't think so.

another piece of radical right booga booga boogie man bullshit.

Can't see much communism from my window. See a thriving capitalist market and BMWs selling faster than in Germany and more Ferraris, Lambos and Mazzos than you've ever seen, major British public (private to you) schools opening branches in Beijing and elsewhere and, from the very window in front of me now, the almost completed building of another, due to open at prices most Americans and Brits can only wonder at.. If that is communist then so be it.
However it somewhat satisfying to be continually reminded that many Americans still see the country as a booga booga man.
Can't see much communism from my window. See a thriving capitalist market and BMWs selling faster than in Germany and more Ferraris, Lambos and Mazzos than you've ever seen, major British public (private to you) schools opening branches in Beijing and elsewhere and, from the very window in front of me now, the almost completed building of another, due to open at prices most Americans and Brits can only wonder at.. If that is communist then so be it.
However it somewhat satisfying to be continually reminded that many Americans still see the country as a booga booga man.

And yet; you have to live in gated communities, to isolate yourself from the poor.
I see you are making another ignorant comment about a group of people that you have no ideal of what they represent. Then again isn't most liberals dumb blind and stupid?

Not really I am just exhausted from working all of the long hours so I can pay an unbelievable amount of taxes while others sit on their ass and eat free cheese.

Wow, that opener is some sentence! You must be very tired.
and you learned nothing about 'collectivism', communism, socialism ? didn't understand the truth behind all the nice utopian words about sharing..????

you must not have, because you still believe that Utopian bullshit even today as spouted by the liberals...

Thank you for verifying my signature.

BTW, many liberals in America were behind Mikhail Gorbachev's attempt in the late '80's to create a more democratic Soviet Union. But those efforts were vehemently Russian conservatives; the Stalinists, xenophobic fringe groups, like Pamyat, as well as large numbers of less extreme nationalists who yearn for what they saw as the simple values of Old Russia and the Orthodox church. They fought for a return to more authoritarian ways.

Terrorist? No no no .. according to your dummy past president it is tourists you should fear. and terrorists. and muslims. ... and foreigners. .. and communists. .. and democrats, bird watchers, train spotters, stamp collectors. In fact be very afraid of EVERYONE. Raise the alarum. Light beacons. Run for your lives. They are coming. You are not safe in your beds!!!!!

but, most of all ...

be afraid of


I ment Biden.

Not you.
I see you are making another ignorant comment about a group of people that you have no ideal of what they represent. Then again isn't most liberals dumb blind and stupid?

Not really I am just exhausted from working all of the long hours so I can pay an unbelievable amount of taxes while others sit on their ass and eat free cheese.

Most liberals can at least string an articulate sentence together.
Most liberals can at least string an articulate sentence together.

Like I said before you must be the grammer Nazi. Like I give a shit what you think, your only reply to anything on this thread is about spelling.

I know a Tom Prendergrast, and he is a little pussy also. Must be the same guy.

Thank you for verifying my signature.

BTW, many liberals in America were behind Mikhail Gorbachev's attempt in the late '80's to create a more democratic Soviet Union. But those efforts were vehemently Russian conservatives; the Stalinists, xenophobic fringe groups, like Pamyat, as well as large numbers of less extreme nationalists who yearn for what they saw as the simple values of Old Russia and the Orthodox church. They fought for a return to more authoritarian ways.


Good ole Mikhail Gorbachev, the liberals savior to the world. I dont believe that they even listened to what he had to say about our countries. He stated that the United States was adding more and more laws and regulations and they will become like soviet Russia while Russia was removing restraints on the people to enable a free market to stimulate their economy.

Pretty mush when he stated this he said that within 10 years we the"US" would become them while they "Russia" would become like the US.

Add in the patriot law and all of the commie control style laws that Obamao, Reid and Pelosi have passed and look at what we have. We have a economy going into the tank with skyrocketing unemployment and several american families living off of governmanr assistance.

So I will say it.... Liberals are FOOLS!
Like I said before you must be the grammer Nazi. Like I give a shit what you think, your only reply to anything on this thread is about spelling.

I know a Tom Prendergrast, and he is a little pussy also. Must be the same guy.

Good ole Mikhail Gorbachev, the liberals savior to the world. I dont believe that they even listened to what he had to say about our countries. He stated that the United States was adding more and more laws and regulations and they will become like soviet Russia while Russia was removing restraints on the people to enable a free market to stimulate their economy.

Pretty mush when he stated this he said that within 10 years we the"US" would become them while they "Russia" would become like the US.

Add in the patriot law and all of the commie control style laws that Obamao, Reid and Pelosi have passed and look at what we have. We have a economy going into the tank with skyrocketing unemployment and several american families living off of governmanr assistance.

So I will say it.... Liberals are FOOLS!
Great...just what JPP needs. Another wingnut who failed his GED.
Like I said before you must be the grammer Nazi. Like I give a shit what you think, your only reply to anything on this thread is about spelling.

I know a Tom Prendergrast, and he is a little pussy also. Must be the same guy.

Good ole Mikhail Gorbachev, the liberals savior to the world. I dont believe that they even listened to what he had to say about our countries. He stated that the United States was adding more and more laws and regulations and they will become like soviet Russia while Russia was removing restraints on the people to enable a free market to stimulate their economy.

Pretty mush when he stated this he said that within 10 years we the"US" would become them while they "Russia" would become like the US.

Add in the patriot law and all of the commie control style laws that Obamao, Reid and Pelosi have passed and look at what we have. We have a economy going into the tank with skyrocketing unemployment and several american families living off of governmanr assistance.

So I will say it.... Liberals are FOOLS!

Your only problem is with FACTS. I have been around since Harry Truman was in the White House, so I lived through a good part of the liberal era that started with the New Deal and ended with The Great Society. And I have lived through the conservative ear that continues today.

The last 50 years in America is the result of conservatism in America, NOT liberalism.

Mikhail Gorbachev was RIGHT:

It's ironic, conservatives scream, cry and groan about BIG government, warn of the dire perils of government intervention and intrusion, but most of all, they always hammer home the ever lurking 'unintended consequences'


The conservative 'Nanny State'


Bad laws are the worst sort of tyranny.
Edmund Burke
Your only problem is with FACTS. I have been around since Harry Truman was in the White House, so I lived through a good part of the liberal era that started with the New Deal and ended with The Great Society. And I have lived through the conservative ear that continues today.

The last 50 years in America is the result of conservatism in America, NOT liberalism.

Mikhail Gorbachev was RIGHT:

It's ironic, conservatives scream, cry and groan about BIG government, warn of the dire perils of government intervention and intrusion, but most of all, they always hammer home the ever lurking 'unintended consequences'


The conservative 'Nanny State'


Bad laws are the worst sort of tyranny.
Edmund Burke

IMO: Bad regulations have done more harm than bad laws. Take for instance the rise in crime in this country. You could take your charts and compare them to a graph that shows when we stopped disciplning children in the schools to parallel it next to your charts on those incarcerated. And to stop making children behave and backing up the teachers comes from some mind numb liberal who thought that corporal punishment was bad.

It was a nice try to flip this problem over onto conservative republicans, but you are wrong. I to have been around for a while, but I'm not as old of dirt as you are. I only go back to LBJ. You do have to agree that the Progressives in the likes of Bill Ayers have Hi-jacked the democratic party and have turned a party that once used to be the good ole conservative bunch into a bunch of left wing socialists and commies. You can say it.... "Damn those hippies!" they have taken over your party.

Be wise and dont vote party line and keep an open mind otherwise you will be nothing more than a tool for bad politicians.