The Night Witches (aka, tales of kicking Nazi ass)...

That was after the Nazis turned on their erstwhile Allies in 1941, long after the mutual rape of Poland by the Soviets and Hitler. No sense pretending there's anything noble about resisting a treacherous invader, which Stalin's hapless minions were forced to do, sometimes at gunpoint.

Fun fact: Many Russians were shot by their own Commissars during the war.

There is nothing brave or gallant about the monstrous Soviet regime, and celebrating it is disgusting.

I find Cypress' laudatory comments about women pilots hypocritical, given what I've heard about his personal conduct toward females.

Yeh so what, so Stalin was a monster!! It is also a fact that if Germany had successfully invaded Russia then the world would vastly different. Not least that Hitler would have access to vast amounts of uranium, oil and minerals.
Yeh so what, so Stalin was a monster!! It is also a fact that if Germany had successfully invaded Russia then the world would vastly different. Not least that Hitler would have access to vast amounts of uranium, oil and minerals.

Churchill gladly embraced the Soviet evil himself when it was the only way he could stave off Hitler.
Churchill gladly embraced the Soviet evil himself when it was the only way he could stave off Hitler.

It is time to remember that old wisdom our soldiers will never forget: that whether we are black or brown or white, we all bleed the same red blood of patriots, we all enjoy the same glorious freedoms, and we all salute the same great American Flag.

Donald Trump
He's been known to establish his own martial bona fides by boasting of numerous ancestors, relations and acquaintances who supposedly covered themselves in military glory throughout the ages.

I suspect he's lying.

Post the corroborating links or admit you're lying.

I'll understand if you don't.
Peace in our time. :rofl2:

Keep ignoring the fact that Stalin and Hitler teamed up to invade and occupy Poland, whose territory they divvied between them.

Soviets are not heroes. They served a monstrous dictator who was in league with another monstrous dictator until one betrayed the other.

Not many people are aware of that because of selective history taught.

So why do you grovel and worship at Putin's feet and kiss his ass?

Why do you support Trump for doing the same?
not using all your talent is really pretty stupid huh.

that is what racism did do

totally wasted Brillent talented people and their abilities.

limiting your own chances for success.

How many brillent talented minds has mankind already wasted?

Time to stop this stupid

So you are anti abortion?
So why do you grovel and worship at Putin's feet and kiss his ass?

Why do you support Trump for doing the same?

Right. No more lectures - none, nada, zilch - about Russia from pro-Kremlin, Putin-worshipping Trumpettes.

This thread is not about Stalin, a thuggish dictator who the Russian people know the sins of much better than do barely educated Trumpettes.

This thread is about Russian people, citizens of the Soviet Union, who drove back the Nazi hordes, crushed Hitler under their boots, and forever ended the existential threat to the world represented by the genocidal Adolph Hitler.

The Anglo-American alliance didn't stand a chance of defeating Hitler and occupying Germany without the Red Army and the Red Air Force. It is unequivocal that citizens of the Soviet Union are responsible for utterly defeating Hitler. The Western Front was basically a side show.

Allies in Arms: American and Russian soldiers meet at the Elbe River and celebrate their joint victory over the genocidal Nazis...
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Not many people are aware of that because of selective history taught.

Well, I don't know what kind of crowd you hang with, but the Hitler-Stalin non-aggression pact and the joint invasion of Poland is one of the best known historical facts widely known by most college educated people, erudite individuals, well-read people, and folks with a passing interest in history.

Did you literally just find out about it listening to the Boss Limbaugh show, and assumed you had been let in on some dark secret that liberals have desperately been trying to cover up for decades??

This thread is not about Stalin, or about the non-aggression pact. This thread was about intrepid aviators who showed extraordinary skill and courage in kicking the shit out of Nazis, and thereby eliminating the global threat of Hitler and making the world a better place for us - Americans, British, and French.
So why do you grovel and worship at Putin's feet and kiss his ass?

Why do you support Trump for doing the same?

Before I answer that question you'll have to repost one of my posts that supports the assumptions in the questions. I won't hold my breath.