The Night Witches (aka, tales of kicking Nazi ass)...

Right. No more lectures - none, nada, zilch - about Russia from pro-Kremlin, Putin-worshipping Trumpettes.

This thread is not about Stalin, a thuggish dictator who the Russian people know the sins of much better than do barely educated Trumpettes.

This thread is about Russian people, citizens of the Soviet Union, who drove back the Nazi hordes, crushed Hitler under their boots, and forever ended the existential threat to the world represented by the genocidal Adolph Hitler.

The Anglo-American alliance didn't stand a chance of defeating Hitler and occupying Germany without the Red Army and the Red Air Force. It is unequivocal that citizens of the Soviet Union are responsible for utterly defeating Hitler. The Western Front was basically a side show.

Allies in Arms: American and Russian soldiers meet at the Elbe River and celebrate their joint victory over the genocidal Nazis...

What a bullshit American hater.
Well, I don't know what kind of crowd you hang with, but the Hitler-Stalin non-aggression pact and the joint invasion of Poland is one of the best known historical facts widely known by most college educated people, erudite individuals, well-read people, and folks with a passing interest in history.

Did you literally just find out about it listening to the Boss Limbaugh show, and assumed you had been let in on some dark secret that liberals have desperately been trying to cover up for decades??

This thread is not about Stalin, or about the non-aggression pact. This thread was about intrepid aviators who showed extraordinary skill and courage in kicking the shit out of Nazis, and thereby eliminating the global threat of Hitler and making the world a better place for us - Americans, British, and French.

And American, British and French women did nothing ....

You're a sick fool.
And American, British and French women did nothing ....

You're a sick fool.
He's a hopeless Russiaphile. I guess if I were a Germanphile I could start a thread about Wirtschaftswunder.

Or if a Confederacyphile , a thread about the gallant soldiers of the Confederacy that were outnumbered 1 - 3 and were winning the civil war and could well have put it away without tactical mistakes.
Irrelevant, apologist for appeasement.

BTW, Bonaparte lost at Waterloo, thanks to Von Bülow, Blücher, and the Prussians.

But Wellington claimed the credit.

I've been to Waterloo, so spare me the cod history lessons.
And American, British and French women did nothing ....

You're a sick fool.

I think I'll remind Cypress of some of the "ass-kicking" his beloved Soviets did.


Katyn massacre victims

The Katyn massacre (Polish: zbrodnia katyńska, "Katyń crime"; Russian: Катынский расстрел Katynskij rasstrel, "Katyn shooting") was a series of mass executions of Polish nationals carried out by the NKVD ("People's Commissariat for Internal Affairs", a Soviet secret police organization) in April and May 1940. Though the killings took place at several different locations, the massacre is named after the Katyn Forest, where some of the mass graves were first discovered.

The massacre was prompted by NKVD chief Lavrentiy Beria's proposal to execute all captive members of the Polish officer corps, dated 5 March 1940, approved by the Politburo of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union, including its leader, Joseph Stalin.

The number of victims is estimated at about 22,000.

The victims were executed in the Katyn Forest in Russia, the Kalinin and Kharkiv prisons, and elsewhere. Of the total killed, about 8,000 were officers imprisoned during the 1939 Soviet invasion of Poland, another 6,000 were police officers, and the rest were Polish intelligentsia that the Soviets deemed to be "intelligence agents, gendarmes, landowners, saboteurs, factory owners, lawyers, officials, and priests".

Confirms what I said, Tommy.

Yet the sons of perfidious Albion took the lions' share of credit for Wellesley. There is no triumphal arch named for a Blücher in the Muslim capital of Londonistan, is there?

A British source is unlikely to admit that victory was only achieved because Prussians kept an entire French corps busy at Walhain, away from Waterloo and Wellington, and that only the timely arrival of more Prussians - who marched through the night to the field of Waterloo - clinched the victory over Napoleon.
These women were real heroines in WW2, sadly the last of them died recently.

Calling someone "heroic" because they did their duty is a bit over the top. May I remind you that Britain was only under attack by Hitler because they foolishly declared war on Germany after it was too late to save Poland from the rapacious forces of Hitler and Stalin?

Why didn't Britain act decisively to halt Hitler's aggrandizement when he was too weak to resist?

Why did Britain appease the dictator and sacrifice the Czech nation to his lust for territory?
Calling someone "heroic" because they did their duty is a bit over the top. May I remind you that Britain was only under attack by Hitler because they foolishly declared war on Germany after it was too late to save Poland from the rapacious forces of Hitler and Stalin?

Why didn't Britain act decisively to halt Hitler's aggrandizement when he was too weak to resist?

Why did Britain appease the dictator and sacrifice the Czech nation to his lust for territory?

Easy for you to say sitting in your mum's basement in your undercrackers! Again you need a history lesson!! Here is an excellent WaPo article on that era.
Easy for you to say sitting in your mum's basement in your undercrackers! Again you need a history lesson!! Here is an excellent WaPo article on that era.

A leftist reporter apologizing in an opinion piece for a notorious British appeaser? That's not "history", Tom. Weak, even for a blind Britain-backer like you, Tommy.

"After a Yale career defined by an involvement in left-wing political activism"... :rofl2:

Did he interview any of the Czechs that Britain betrayed?

A leftist reporter apologizing in an opinion piece for a notorious British appeaser? That's not "history", Tom. Weak, even for a blind Britain-backer like you, Tommy.

"After a Yale career defined by an involvement in left-wing political activism"... :rofl2:

Did he interview any of the Czechs that Britain betrayed?


Suit yourself sonny, I'm going out now.
He's been known to establish his own martial bona fides by boasting of numerous ancestors, relations and acquaintances who supposedly covered themselves in military glory throughout the ages.

I suspect he's lying.

Post the corroborating links or admit you're lying.

I'll understand if you don't.

Color me shocked!

Pressed for details, GBA scuttles for the shadows, as he so often does when caught in a lie.
My understanding is that my brother joined the Air Force to earn money for college, earn a second college degree, and further his career options. I have a cousin who served as a junior officer in the Red Army. My step father was conscripted into world war two.
I always got the impression from my great-Uncle, who was at the Battle of the Bulge, that he was fighting for his friends, his mates who in the foxholes with him. I also have a letter from a distant great uncle on my mother's side of the family from the civil war. Written to his wife, circa 1864. He was serving in a Pennsylvania regiment.