The no shower or bath bandwagon

I know about that...who do you take me for?

:rolleyes: more 'peace treaty'.

What do I take you for?

A fucking lunatic who bites off people's heads for trying to help him.
And some sort of freak who actually is considering not bathing ever.
What kind of retarded kook actually desires to not bath...ever?

And where the fuck do you live anyway?
All you fucking do is run around telling everyone the West is going to die or explode or whatever.
And anyone whom knocks China gets an ear full.
What are you?
Some sort of Mao worshipper whom dances through forests, bashing frying pans together to force Sparrows to die of sleep depravation whilst killing anyone whom wears glasses...all the time, slowly starving to death in your Great Cultural Stumble Backwards Revolution Bowel Movement?


Your country sucks.
Your freedoms suck.
You commit mass genocide an anyone whom is not 'Chinese' enough.
You have NO elections that matter.
Have a leader whom is dictator for life.
Your corruption level is ridiculous.
You cause so much smog that you probably have to wipe the soot off your children every morning.

You dickheads are 100% to blame for Covid-19.
And what kind of demented crazoids eat bats...for fuck's sake?
What's next?
Opening cockroach restaurants.
Excrement Take-out stores?
Fried Mucus While You Wait kitchens?

You killed how many fucking little girls thanks to your old, LUNATIC 'one child policy'.
And you fucking sheep do whatever the government fucking tells you to do.
With a fucking smile less.

And now you want to give up bathing?
When do you start to drink your own urine and naming your front door 'Leopold The Goddess of Love and 45.6785943 Day Old Bread'?

Get help you fucking whacko...before it is too late.

Oh...and have a wonderful day.
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This seems to be more popular these days, for the sake of argument let's define it as bathing somewhere between once a week and never. Does anyone have an opinion? Has anyone tried it. I am currently playing with once a week and have not made up my mind. I am pretty sure I dont want to go further.

Minimum of twice a day, sometimes more depending on how many times I do various workouts.
E.g., no workout, first thing in the morning, last thing before bed.
Sometimes as many as four times a day.

I loathe swimming pools. The stink of the chlorine is bad enough. It's like taking a bath with strangers. Ugh.
I do three serious swim workouts a week and distance lap swims another 2 , 3 X’s a week. First thing out of the pool is either the hot tub then shower or directly into the shower. I hear ya.
I take it you don't have many friends/relatives with their own pools. :dunno:

Um no, not up here. The ppl that had this house before us had an above-ground pool for their kids; rumor has it that they have one where they moved as well. That's the only ones I know. You can only use it from June through maybe early Sept. Not worth the bother. Our hottest average high in July is 76F.
This seems to be more popular these days, for the sake of argument let's define it as bathing somewhere between once a week and never. Does anyone have an opinion? Has anyone tried it. I am currently playing with once a week and have not made up my mind. I am pretty sure I dont want to go further.

My hair would get greasy.
This thread, coupled with the fact that straight women exist, proves with certainty that orientation is not a choice.
The gulf stream comse so close to the shore here, that the water is incredibly clean

That helps. I've been in some pretty shitty seawater...and that's not an exaggeration. LOL

Clear seawater is great, especially good for visibility. Do you snorkel or scuba? See an barracudas, the psychos of the sea?