The no trolls discussion.

Jade Dragon

And I'm the one that jaded you.
Let's face it that this place is really gone to the trolls. A few of us have trouble even having discussions with the purposeful nonsense that this place is becoming known for. Just talk whatever here and the trolls can just be squatters outside. To be fair I'm cutting a few that have been considered leftist trolls.
Let's face it that this place is really gone to the trolls. A few of us have trouble even having discussions with the purposeful nonsense that this place is becoming known for. Just talk whatever here and the trolls can just be squatters outside. To be fair I'm cutting a few that have been considered leftist trolls.

My policy is to add trolls to a thread ban list, and supplement that list with the forum's known racists, bigots, liars, slanderers, and sociopaths.
I am 90 percent sure Earl is legion.

Because I am a geek for archaeology, Here is my contribution to the thread.
Because the Black Sea has widespread anoxic conditions below a depth of a 100 meters or so, I suspect that searching for well preserved ancient shipwrecks in the Black Sea is going to be a prominent growth area in marine archaeological research moving forward.

Ancient Black Sea shipwreck is unprecedented discovery

Archaeologists say the 2,400-year-old ship is so well preserved that even the mast and rowers' benches have survived for millennia.

ARCHAEOLOGISTS ARE HERALDING the discovery of an unusually intact ancient shipwreck, found more than a mile below the surface of the Black Sea off of the Bulgarian coast. The 2,400-year-old wooden vessel features elements of ship construction, including the mast and rowing benches, that until now have not been preserved on ships of this age.

An announcement of the discovery, made by the Black Sea Maritime Archaeology Project (MAP), first appeared in the Guardian. MAP has discovered more than 60 historic shipwrecks during a three-year survey of the Black Sea.

The 75-foot-long ship, documented by a Remote Operated Vehicle (ROV) equipped with cameras, appears similar to merchant vessels depicted on ancient Greek vases. A small piece of the wreck was raised and radiocarbon dated to around the fifth century B.C., a time when Greek city-states were frequently trading between the Mediterranean and their colonies along the Black Sea coast.
JD, how come I'm not banned from this thread? You have previously called me a flaming troll. So not just a troll but a flaming one. There are a lot of people who troll on this board. In my mind a flaming troll is one who has taken it to the next level. If I've achieved that status shouldn't I be banned along with the other folks?
jade this is just another random thread that doesn't serve much of a purpose. now don't get me wrong, I make about 2 of those a day myself. but lets call a spade a spade.
Hello Jade Dragon,

Let's face it that this place is really gone to the trolls. A few of us have trouble even having discussions with the purposeful nonsense that this place is becoming known for. Just talk whatever here and the trolls can just be squatters outside. To be fair I'm cutting a few that have been considered leftist trolls.

That's not a complete list by far. But it's a beginning.

Nice concept, this thread.

Totally not needed, in my view.

I have a troll-free posting experience every time I come. I just don't put up with it. You know, anybody can attack you personally one time. That's on them. But if you don't place them on Permanent Ignore, then any additional times you get attacked by that troll? That's on you.

You had your chance.

That's the way it has to be if you want troll-free posting. You just have to put your foot down and draw the line. I have no qualms about it. Anybody who goes off on me goes on Ignore. And the more names I add, the easier it gets.

Now, some people would wonder if you would have anybody left to talk to. And that answer to that would be definitively yes. I get into very deep and extended discussions with liberal and conservative moderates. The extremists are usually so angry they tell me off, so they get Ignored. (I have both liberal and conservative posters on my Ignore List) But moderates of all stripes appreciate an honest non-challenging approach. I have so many people to talk to that I can just stay in JPP for hours if I want to. And the discussions I am having? It's all about the actual subject. I just don't get into the baloney about other posters. I see that as a waste of time. I come here to talk about politics.

Yup, I have excellent discussions, even with 62 names on Ignore. Not a problem. I just scroll right by all the 'on your Ignore List' messages. I don't even read it if somebody else replies to one of the names on Ignore. I don't want to have anything to do with them. There is a perfectly fabulous posting experience, with lots of challenging ideas, without those 62 posters.

Nope. I don't attack other posters so I don't want them attacking me. We're just talking about politics. And it's all no trolls.

No trolls. I love it. One and done. Anybody can troll me once. They better make it good. Cause that will be their only shot. And they can even go and make up new identities, come try again. Doesn't matter. Either they maintain civil discourse or poof they go just as fast as the first one. Hardly worth their effort. I can poof them in one click.


So, the bad news is: no-troll be-nice threads never go anywhere; but the good news is: anybody who really wants a troll-free posting experience every day can absolutely have that. I already do.

Just steal my PIP and crack the whip!

It's like havin a can of Troll-B-Gone spray.

And it never runs out.

Been here a little over a year and had time to collect an impressive list:

Anarchon; Arminius; AssHatZombie; Bigdog; Bobb; BodyDouble; Boris The Animal; Buck Tucker; CFM; CharacterAssassin; CookieCrusher; coolzone; countryboy; Dark Soul; DonaldvoTrumpovich; Earl; Enlightened One; Evmetro; Getin the ring; Granule; Grumpy; Havana Moon; I Love America; Into the Night; Irish; katzgar; Legion; Life is Golden; lisasanders1964; Lord Yurt; Loving91390; LV426; Mohamud Loves Bukkake; PostmodernProphet; PraiseKek; RB 60; Ralph; rhym3pays; Robo; Sailor; SmarterthanYou; Superfreak; Teflon Don; Terri4Trump; The Ugly Truth; tinfoil; Tkaffen; Tommatthews; Truth Detector; TTQ64; USFREEDOM911; Vasquezrocks; volsrock; Wolverine; Yurt; zymurgy

-great posting experience without a single one of 'em. Covering all the subjects. All of it pleasant and informative. You are given the tools. All you have to do is use them.
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JD, how come I'm not banned from this thread? You have previously called me a flaming troll. So not just a troll but a flaming one. There are a lot of people who troll on this board. In my mind a flaming troll is one who has taken it to the next level. If I've achieved that status shouldn't I be banned along with the other folks?

Maybe you're just the token troll...:| lol
I think legion had the biggest list 90% of the board was on it & the days of that 10% are

Use that list but watch out you don't bad yourself from your own thread.....:rofl2:

I would guess it would ban you??? ANYONE TRIED IT?? :thinking: