Poet and Low IQ are dumber than Obama and Bush.
They Hate everything about America. they rejoiced in their hearts and danced in the streets when 911 happened.
Sounds like we have 2 girly men on the board, who in their small brains believe they are some type of elitist who rule over all.
damn they must be progressives.
I believe the picture below represents their idiotic views.
They (Poet and Low IQ) are so stupid they do not even know they are commi marxists
Well, what you believe and what is true, are two completely different things.
I hate everything about America? Proof? Evidence? Or is that speculation on your part? Rejoiced and danced in the streets when 9/11 happened?
I remember waking up from a dream about fire and helicopters crashing, to a television image of a repeat showing of the first plane crashing into the tower, as I sleep with the news on.
I was horrified, and actually watched the second plane crash into the second tower. I cried.
I tell you what...I'm more of an American than you are. You and your racist ilk, are trying to bring down a president, at the cost of the nation....meaning you don't care about this country, but only your own servile interests.
Communist? Marxist? Please. Liberals have been called that by the Fascist Right, since Truman. Communism is a failed ideology. So is Marxism. I believe in Democracy, and people governing themselves. What I don't believe in, is the violation of the rights of others. You're free to believe as you do, but you're not free to tell me how to be.
The Democrats are in the White House. The Dems control the Senate. And the Repubs control the House. Musical chairs will persist and endure. And folks have to play along, despite their displeasure. Get over yourself.