You must have a inferiority complex.
In some ways we are being governed by the mega rich like George Soros. Who have put dumb people in office like Obama and use them like a puppet.
You should remember that America is a country where you are still allowed to own property and own your own business. So we can and will overcome duche bags like these creeps because we also have open elections and term limits.
Our founding fathers who most people like you take a crap on, had it right from the start.
I do believe that we are the only country that has a bill of rights. you wouldn't be allowed to have that in a plutocracy
Thank you for being so much dumber than Obama.
George Soros? How about the Koch Brothers, who are trying to put dummies like Rick Perry, or whores like Chris Christie into office?
And how are you going to call somebody dumb when you can't spell yourself?
Term limits? If that were true, then half the Republican Congress would be gone.
And excuse me, but the founding fathers( who were actually "dissenting liberals") don't belong to you...just like the Constitution doesn't belong to you. You distorting reality and history,
does nothing for your credibility.