The Official Round II Debate thread

we want to avoid former contestants being a judge, which is why damo is a last resort. damo is less invested in this than others as he was kicked out first round and hasn't even been paying attention to it. Plus him being admin makes other things easier to like setting up debate threads to exclude the proles etc

soooo you can be 4th string yurt, just kill the othger 3

stop being silly.....i have no vested interest in this comp...i've already given my trophy to 3d...

damo is no less vested than i am....since annie is out....i make the perfect choice. and i won't bail on the debate comp....

you want to have a true debate need people who like and know debate comps....

make the debate comp something, or stfu grind
Wow, my picks for round 2 were dead fucking accurate.

I predict it'll be me and SF in the finals.

Also, I'd like to point out for Mott, the success of the youngins thus far. And that the chance of a Libertarian victory is now at 100%.
Wow, my picks for round 2 were dead fucking accurate.

I predict it'll be me and SF in the finals.

Also, I'd like to point out for Mott, the success of the youngins thus far. And that the chance of a Libertarian victory is now at 100%.

We Youngins are far too sexy for this forum, but what's a playah to do - go to USMB?
sooo i'll get the final 4 schedule out probably by tonight. We will be doing both debates on the same day, I could use some input on which days works the best for everyone.

Final debate will likely be early next week or even at the end of this week