The ONLY Gun Control/Regulation Fix....and yes, something has to be done

And for all you proles who constantly spout the line "durr guns back in them there days could only shoot real slow like", you're wrong.

I know you proles don't ever read articles or watch videos so here are the cliffs:
Invented by 1780
.45 caliber, capable of taking large game (and certianly, therefore, people)
Able to fire rapidly (at least 40 times) before needing to be recharged

In short, you have been TOLD.
Nope - That was never my argument.

"So as long as it makes it harder for the criminal, then the average citizen should just accept it being harder for them also?"

If your conviced that your solution is the best; then this should be easy enough to answer, with either a Yes or a No.

Your decison and choice as to how dedicated you truly are.

You clearly don't know what I'm stating and are fixated on old text. If you think taking a course that teaches gun safety, locking them up and the such then yes, it may make it harder for you if you think that is hard. And CLEARLY in America, it seems to be hard.

So basically, it only makes it harder for the people who shouldn't own them....not the people who should. Or, It wasn't hard for me to get my deer hunting license, even though I hated the time it took. Yet I learned a lot about deer hunting when watching video's of worst case scenarios. It wasn't hard, it was easy.
You have to point out where being a doctor is a right. Also where its required to pass a test to buy a car. Also both standards aren't voted on, they're set by private professionals

Technical again even though you know what I am stating...I just didn't think I would have to elaborate, but this IS politics..........

Owning a gun is a right with no background checks unless the PEOPLE think otherwise and the people have talked. They think something needs to be done. So the people we put in power should do what the people want because that is what America is about. Politicians are the voice of the people. Accepting corruption and accepting they don't have to represent us is bs.

There is no test to buy a car, just to drive one. But smarty pants will say, "since when do criminals follow laws" Basically stating that all laws are obsolete because an occasional criminal will break them anyway....just ignorance.

And you stating that Congress are "private professionals" is an absolute joke. They are PUBLIC professionals.
First of all, the 2nd amendment is not about how long it takes to reload. Yes, when the US Constitution was written the guns were much different. But the idea of the 2nd amendment was to give the citizens the power to keep the gov't in check or to replace it if needed. The men who wrote it had just finished defeating one of the greatest military powers of the time. Yes, it took 12+ seconds to reload what the citizens carried. But it took 12+ seconds to reload what the military carried too.

The basic rules of safety (and that is all education will help) are the same whether it is an AR-15 or a single shot muzzleloader.
#1 - The gun is always loaded.
#2 - Never point a gun at anything you don't intend to kill or destroy.
#3 - Keep your finger off the trigger until you are ready to shoot.
#4 - Be aware of what is around your target or beyond your target.

Education will help with the accidental shootings and the tragedies in which a 5 year old shoots and 6 year old. But it will do nothing to prevent massacres like Sandy Hook, the theater shootings or Columbine.

There was a time when teaching these basic safety rules was common. Now it seems to be an act of terrorism to want to teach them. There used to be shooting teams in public schools. The Boy Scouts used to teach these rules and also taught marksmanship. Now the very mention of such things bring in panic, wailing and gnashing of teeth. Shooting competitions used to be like baseball games and the entire community came out for them.

The criminals will not be disarmed. The question is whether or not we have citizens that are too ignorant to own firearms. If the answer is yes, the blame falls squarely on the shoulders of the anti-gun liberals. And they are insuring we have no recourse against tyranny or the criminal element.

I hate people who don't read entire posts but I stopped reading pretty early due to no value.

I hated that your 4 steps of gun safety said nothing about locking them up when needed. Perhaps when you stated "sandy hook" would have happened anyways you were mistaken. Or;

"I have a child that is out of control and should be in a mental hospital. I teach him to shoot an AR-15. I don't lock it up"

Would you call that lack of education or educated? .........basics
You clearly don't know what I'm stating and are fixated on old text. If you think taking a course that teaches gun safety, locking them up and the such then yes, it may make it harder for you if you think that is hard. And CLEARLY in America, it seems to be hard.

So basically, it only makes it harder for the people who shouldn't own them....not the people who should. Or, It wasn't hard for me to get my deer hunting license, even though I hated the time it took. Yet I learned a lot about deer hunting when watching video's of worst case scenarios. It wasn't hard, it was easy.

Then you would have no problem with every motor vehicle being forced to be equipped with an ignition lock out device; so that those who drink and drive, won't be able to borrow a car or steal one.
Plus; since we can't predict when anyone might drink and drive, it would stop everyone from doing it.

It would only be a small inconvience for those who don't drink and drive; but it would go a long way in preventing death's from DUI's.

Don't you agree?
Technical again even though you know what I am stating...I just didn't think I would have to elaborate, but this IS politics..........

Owning a gun is a right with no background checks unless the PEOPLE think otherwise and the people have talked. They think something needs to be done. So the people we put in power should do what the people want because that is what America is about. Politicians are the voice of the people. Accepting corruption and accepting they don't have to represent us is bs.

There is no test to buy a car, just to drive one. But smarty pants will say, "since when do criminals follow laws" Basically stating that all laws are obsolete because an occasional criminal will break them anyway....just ignorance.

And you stating that Congress are "private professionals" is an absolute joke. They are PUBLIC professionals.

Ummm Congress doesn't set the rules for who is and isn't qualified to perform brain surgery (which is again, not a right). And where exactly have these people spoken? In Congress? Not according to you. You say they're corrupt and no longer represent us yet also want them to make standards for us to live by because they represent the people? Which is it?
Technical again even though you know what I am stating...I just didn't think I would have to elaborate, but this IS politics..........

Owning a gun is a right with no background checks unless the PEOPLE think otherwise and the people have talked. They think something needs to be done. So the people we put in power should do what the people want because that is what America is about. Politicians are the voice of the people. Accepting corruption and accepting they don't have to represent us is bs.

There is no test to buy a car, just to drive one. But smarty pants will say, "since when do criminals follow laws" Basically stating that all laws are obsolete because an occasional criminal will break them anyway....just ignorance.

And you stating that Congress are "private professionals" is an absolute joke. They are PUBLIC professionals.

You appear to be trying to make it look like ALL "the people have talked"; when in truth, they haven't.
And for all you proles who constantly spout the line "durr guns back in them there days could only shoot real slow like", you're wrong.

I know you proles don't ever read articles or watch videos so here are the cliffs:
Invented by 1780
.45 caliber, capable of taking large game (and certianly, therefore, people)
Able to fire rapidly (at least 40 times) before needing to be recharged

In short, you have been TOLD.


The 2A was ratified in 1791 if I am not mistaken. And Lewis&Clark set foot in 1804? 13 years difference. If you know nothing about gun technology, then you don't know about the significance of this statement and won't be able to comprehend what guns we will have 13 years from today.

The video implies that there was only ONE of these rifles and never states anything about the 2A in general, but does imply that these were rare even 13 years after the 2A was ratified.

And just like today it states, "Perception of peace through superior fire power" which basically describes the Right Wing today, kind of sums them up. But many have opened their eyes beyond a "perception"

We had no right to take land via firepower. Humans have a tend to think "survival of the fittest" applies to them as well as all creatures, but it doesn't. Everything wrong with America and the planet is due to selfishness and ego.

In short.........You have been educated.

The 2A was ratified in 1791 if I am not mistaken. And Lewis&Clark set foot in 1804? 13 years difference. If you know nothing about gun technology, then you don't know about the significance of this statement and won't be able to comprehend what guns we will have 13 years from today.

The video implies that there was only ONE of these rifles and never states anything about the 2A in general, but does imply that these were rare even 13 years after the 2A was ratified.

And just like today it states, "Perception of peace through superior fire power" which basically describes the Right Wing today, kind of sums them up. But many have opened their eyes beyond a "perception"

We had no right to take land via firepower. Humans have a tend to think "survival of the fittest" applies to them as well as all creatures, but it doesn't. Everything wrong with America and the planet is due to selfishness and ego.

In short.........You have been educated.

You obviously don't read well. 1780 is 11 years BEFORE the 2A was written and ratified. So yes, the technology certainly existed back then and was known about. Also you are the LAST person to try and educate me on anything about guns. I've forgotten more about guns then your whole lineage will ever hope to know.
Then you would have no problem with every motor vehicle being forced to be equipped with an ignition lock out device; so that those who drink and drive, won't be able to borrow a car or steal one.
Plus; since we can't predict when anyone might drink and drive, it would stop everyone from doing it.

It would only be a small inconvience for those who don't drink and drive; but it would go a long way in preventing death's from DUI's.

Don't you agree?

I know what the Left stands for as well as the Right. If both parties wouldn't jump to conclusions without educating themselves about the other, then America would be a better place. Putting words in my mouth will not make you win an argument.

I never said a thing about ignition systems and this is just a trash way of projecting I want tax payer funded ignition lock out devices.

Yet I'm one of the few smart Americans that accept the difference between profiling and statistics. Both parties see statistics, yet when the other party does something about it, it's called "profiling" whether it be pulling over Mexicans or the IRS.
Ummm Congress doesn't set the rules for who is and isn't qualified to perform brain surgery (which is again, not a right). And where exactly have these people spoken? In Congress? Not according to you. You say they're corrupt and no longer represent us yet also want them to make standards for us to live by because they represent the people? Which is it?

Stopped reading early...............................

You DO recognize that there is a separate Board that does require qualification to perform brain surgery................(R)ight?

If you know anything about politics they have different groups who decide on different things to prevent bad things from happening. It's basic politics...

I know what the Left stands for as well as the Right. If both parties wouldn't jump to conclusions without educating themselves about the other, then America would be a better place. Putting words in my mouth will not make you win an argument.

I never said a thing about ignition systems and this is just a trash way of projecting I want tax payer funded ignition lock out devices.

Yet I'm one of the few smart Americans that accept the difference between profiling and statistics. Both parties see statistics, yet when the other party does something about it, it's called "profiling" whether it be pulling over Mexicans or the IRS.

I never put words in your mouth.
What I did was lay out a scenario and asked you a specific question.
I also never said or suggested anything about "tax payer" anything.

How you were able to work profiling into this, is something I'm unable to fathom.

Since the lock out devices would be a small inconvenience, wouldn't it make sense to have all motor vehicles equipped with them?
You appear to be trying to make it look like ALL "the people have talked"; when in truth, they haven't.

I recognize that "polls" aren't generally accurate but when they hit 89%, you should assume they are. It would take a lot of Bush cousins to fudge that number
I recognize that "polls" aren't generally accurate but when they hit 89%, you should assume they are. It would take a lot of Bush cousins to fudge that number

By your reasoning; all that's stopping slavery from being reinstituted, is a supposed majority of the people desiring it.
I never put words in your mouth.
What I did was lay out a scenario and asked you a specific question.
I also never said or suggested anything about "tax payer" anything.

How you were able to work profiling into this, is something I'm unable to fathom.

Since the lock out devices would be a small inconvenience, wouldn't it make sense to have all motor vehicles equipped with them?

Lockout devices have absolutely nothing to do with this post and you are clearly using them to dis-rail the current argument. Basic.
You obviously don't read well. 1780 is 11 years BEFORE the 2A was written and ratified. So yes, the technology certainly existed back then and was known about. Also you are the LAST person to try and educate me on anything about guns. I've forgotten more about guns then your whole lineage will ever hope to know.

So that gun wasn't a rifle?...............................
By your reasoning; all that's stopping slavery from being reinstituted, is a supposed majority of the people desiring it.

I don't want to taunt you and make you look stupid but you do realize that the "Union" is a union of citizens who band together to speak for a large majority and they decided that the few, the ones who were swimming in profits, shouldn't own slaves. This is the basic foundation of politics and America to the educated.