Uwaa OmO
So that gun wasn't a rifle?...............................
So that gun wasn't a rifle?...............................
Lockout devices have absolutely nothing to do with this post and you are clearly using them to dis-rail the current argument. Basic.
Absolutely. But we covered that long ago..........WELCOME TO AMERICA! *omg*
But it does.
It goes back to your comment of "It doesn't stop a person from being a criminal, it's stops a criminal from getting a gun fast which has been the issue in tons of shootings......basics."; because the ignition lockout devices would make it harder for someone drinking to drive and thereby making society safer.
And since more people are killed by drunk drivers, isn't public safety the underlying argument?
I don't want to taunt you and make you look stupid but you do realize that the "Union" is a union of citizens who band together to speak for a large majority and they decided that the few, the ones who were swimming in profits, shouldn't own slaves. This is the basic foundation of politics and America to the educated.
Oh, I understand your ignorant perspective now.
A gun was built to kill things. A car was built to transport. Only an idiot would confuse the two.
And the "WELCOME TO AMERICAN", includes the 2A.
So now only those "swimming in profits" were the only ones who owned slaves?
Is that what you're suggesting?
I see by your comments; that you now find it necessary to include denigrating comments, as a way to attempt to make your presentation appear truthful.
Simple question. Was that gun you posted the video about a rifle or not?
I'm fully aware of the 2A and support it's basics. But I'm not ignorant of weapons technology. I'm also not ignorant to America's people.
My ONLY fear is that the ignorant fight long enough, America will end up like Australia even though soft measures were introduced long ago.
I have guns, I shoot them, I like them. But I hate ignorant Right Wingers who listen to Fox News and the Corporate driven NRA.
So were spears, swords, clubs, etc.
Are you suggesting back ground checks for them also?
There's also no need for cars to be built to go so fast and as we know, speed kills.
Nice to see that all you left, to support your assertions, is your ability to continue to attempt to denigrate.
Speaks more about you, then it does me.
And you are pinned in a corner on this comment.
Swimming in profits depends on your perspective. Maybe you should think about the slave and wonder what profits that slave got..........ignorance.
I'm fully aware of the 2A and support it's basics. But I'm not ignorant of weapons technology. I'm also not ignorant to America's people.
My ONLY fear is that the ignorant fight long enough, America will end up like Australia even though soft measures were introduced long ago.
I have guns, I shoot them, I like them. But I hate ignorant Right Wingers who listen to Fox News and the Corporate driven NRA.
Yes....it was a rifle. An air rifle to sure, but still a military arm none the less. I assume that's where you were going right? To try and trip me up?
Hate is such a strong behavior; but since it usually comes from realizing that your arguments hold no truth.
Yes, you're a fudd and think you know about guns because you have fudd guns. No one is impressed.
So no debate, just a vague statement on a forum where you are supposed to "debate"...............
So easy..
Rifles were first SOLD 13 YEARS after the 2A. My point.
I'm a Country boy but more directly a Nature boy that loves to shoot. I'm a good aim because I shoot by feel, not sight. I could more than likely outshoot you bowfishing, archery, rifle and muzzle. You might get me with a hand gun because I never had one.
But I love my Country and I will not let it get taken over by Fox News and their army of Libertarians that are confused on what Liberty actually is.