The only moral thing now is to put a blockade on SA until they stop this atrocity


Saudis Will Behead Lebanese TV Host Convicted of "Witchcraft" on Friday...

Medieval gutter regime...
AFP - A Lebanese man sentenced to death in Saudi Arabia on charges of witchcraft is due to be beheaded this week, his lawyer said on Wednesday, urging officials and rights groups to intervene on his behalf.
"Last night we got news through unofficial channels that Ali Sabat would be beheaded within 48 hours," May el-Khansa, Sabat's attorney in Beirut told AFP.
"I have since been contacting Lebanese officials, including President Michel Sleiman and Lebanon's ambassador to Saudi Arabia to appeal his case."
Sabat was sentenced to death in November of last year by a Saudi court for practicing witchcraft.
He was arrested in May 2008 by the religious police in Medina, where he was on a pilgrimage before returning to his native Lebanon.
The case against him was brought after he gave advice and made predictions on Lebanese television.

Saudi Arabia is beheading a guy because he pronounced on television what they deemed "witchcraft". IMHO, we shouldn't stop until the subhumans responsible meet a similar fate.
if christian retards had any say in the matter they'd probably want to do the same here though
Hey you best get used to it, these are the wacko's you don't think it's worth it to fight and defeat! They want to impose this Sharia law stuff on ALL of us, and you are willingly aiding them in doing just that, because you are afraid to confront them... afraid you may hurt their feelings... afraid the Europeans will call you names.... afraid people will think you're a warmonger NEOCON.... So just shut the fuck up with your bitching, and deal with it! This is exactly what you will reap from what you've sown.
dixie wm and I are crusaders for truth, we battle religion constantly. this isn't a muslim problem, this is a delusional human being that believes in a invisible sky god problem. dont forget, the roman empire converted to christianity and soon collapsed afterward. Time and time again, history has shown us, that once people find religion, it dooms the society. the greatest empires of the world have fallen due to their godly holy principles.
dixie wm and I are crusaders for truth, we battle religion constantly. this isn't a muslim problem, this is a delusional human being that believes in a invisible sky god problem. dont forget, the roman empire converted to christianity and soon collapsed afterward. Time and time again, history has shown us, that once people find religion, it dooms the society. the greatest empires of the world have fallen due to their godly holy principles.

Radical Muslim Fundamentalists OWN the middle east, and have owned it for the past three generations. These radicals indoctrinate their youth into this fanatical ideology in SA and elsewhere across the middle east. Our nation protects against theocracy by guaranteeing freedom of religion and establishing a 'wall of separation' between religion and government. Sky God isn't the problem, most human civilizations that lasted ANY length of time, rely on a robust spirituality among the people. History shows, when civilizations lose that connection, they crumble... as did Rome! It wasn't overt Christianity that cause Rome to fail, it was corruption, decadence, and moral decay. Nero wasn't Billy Fucking Graham!

Back on point.... the kind of incident happening in SA is a result of radical fanatics out of control.... but you don't want us to get involved in that.... you want us to mind our own business.... you think we should leave them be, and let them do as they please! When a story like this pops up, you want to act all outraged and appalled by it, but honestly, you don't want to do one fucking thing to stop it or curtail it in any way, you lack the intestinal fortitude to do so, you are weak-kneed chicken shit moron who thinks only of yourself, and "war" is simply something for you to detest. This radical Sharia ideology is making its way across Europe now, and eventually, will overtake them as well as us, and you prefer we sit on our hands and not take action... that is viewed as 'warmongering' or 'nation-building' and is unacceptable to you. When someone tries to do something to stop radical Islam, you turn on them like a rabid dog and defend the fanatics.... want to give them Constitutional rights and trials in US courts.

The thing is, you can't have it both ways... You can't rail against the US for the War on Terror and Radical Islam, and also protest what Radical Islam is practicing in the countries they control.
These radicals indoctrinate their youth

just like christians :)

Our nation protects against theocracy by guaranteeing freedom of religion and establishing a 'wall of separation' between religion and government.

And it's a good thing we do that, because the more religion we have in government, the higher chance of our nation collapsing. As history has shown time and time again.

It wasn't overt Christianity that cause Rome to fail,

Constatine legalized christianity in the 4th century. Merely 100 years later the western empire collapsed. Coincidence???? O_o

Nero wasn't Billy Fucking Graham!

errr the empire collapsed about 400 years after Nero. You see, when Rome was persecuting christians and burning them, they prospered. It was pax romana. Only after christianity was accepted, did rome begin to truly fall.

you think we should leave them be, and let them do as they please!

Nope I think we should work to undermine their hate filled religion as much aspossible.

and "war" is simply something for you to detest.

I love war what are you talking about there is nothing better than seeing shit blow up on tv. We need another one imo I'm getting bored of seeing news stories of kidnapped blonde white girls.
just like christians :)

Not like Christians at all. Christianity is a religion of tolerance, forgiveness, peace and love. It's also a religion of acceptance, you simply can't be "indoctrinated" into Christianity, you must ACCEPT Christ to be a Christian, there is no other way. In America, I don't even think school teachers can mention the "G" word in classrooms anymore, I have no idea where you get that Christians are indoctrinating children in our schools. Apparently, you don't have a clue as to the stark contrast between America and radical Islam. That doesn't surprise me... if MTV hasn't had a special about it, you are clueless.

And it's a good thing we do that, because the more religion we have in government, the higher chance of our nation collapsing. As history has shown time and time again.

History has never shown this, but it's something you need not worry about in the United States, as long as the Constitution remains valid. Now, after the hoard of radical Islamics take over power, all bets are off... we will live under Sharia law, if we value our heads. The most radical extreme Christian wackos in America, look like the Mormon Tabernacle Choir compared to these people.

Constatine legalized christianity in the 4th century. Merely 100 years later the western empire collapsed. Coincidence???? O_o

Are you saying some event that happened 100 years before, was the cause of the Roman Empire to crumble? Please expound on the specifics of how that worked, so I can better understand your point, please? I've read a lot of books on the fall of Rome, and none of them mention Christianity being the culprit.

errr the empire collapsed about 400 years after Nero. You see, when Rome was persecuting christians and burning them, they prospered. It was pax romana. Only after christianity was accepted, did rome begin to truly fall.

The Official Roman Empire did collapse 400 years after Nero, but the Fall of Rome was not a single event, rather a gradual protracted process over time. Most people of intelligence, understand that Nero was the last Roman Emperor, and the Empire would never be the same after the great fire. For the next 200 years, they slaughtered Christians by the thousands, so it wouldn't surprise me that when Christians did finally become legal, the demise of such an evil empire was inevitable. Rightly so!

Nope I think we should work to undermine their hate filled religion as much aspossible.

LOL.... Yeah, let's send some UN inspectors in!

I love war what are you talking about there is nothing better than seeing shit blow up on tv. We need another one imo I'm getting bored of seeing news stories of kidnapped blonde white girls.

You are just a fucked up nitwit who doesn't have a clue what you believe. You just want to rail on Religion, like some kind of goofy idiot. If it weren't for spiritual belief (which encompasses all religion), we would likely still be swinging from tree to tree in a jungle somewhere, trying to stay alive.
Most people of intelligence, understand that Nero was the last Roman Emperor,

LOLOLOLOLOLOLO oooooh my god you are fucking retarded. Rome would never be the same again? Right after nero (68 a.d.) rome saw its greatest glory. After the year of 4 emperors following nero they got vespasian who was immensely popular with the romans. then titus, also immensely popular, and then shortly thereafter pax romana was in full swing and the era of the 5 good emperors lasted about a century. nerva, trajan, hadrian, antoninus pius, and marcus aurelius. Shit didn't start going downhill until after commodus took over, followed by the crisis of the third century about 40 years later. retard.
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You are just a fucked up nitwit who doesn't have a clue what you believe. You just want to rail on Religion, like some kind of goofy idiot. If it weren't for spiritual belief (which encompasses all religion), we would likely still be swinging from tree to tree in a jungle somewhere, trying to stay alive.

in order to understand religion and concepts such as spirituality, our brains would have already needed to evolve to think about such abstract concepts. This is just another moronic dixie belief.

Humanities greatest triumph will be when we defeat religion once and for all.
in order to understand religion and concepts such as spirituality, our brains would have already needed to evolve to think about such abstract concepts. This is just another moronic dixie belief.

Humanities greatest triumph will be when we defeat religion once and for all.

Truer words have never been spoken.
just like christians :)

And it's a good thing we do that, because the more religion we have in government, the higher chance of our nation collapsing. As history has shown time and time again.

Constatine legalized christianity in the 4th century. Merely 100 years later the western empire collapsed. Coincidence???? O_o

errr the empire collapsed about 400 years after Nero. You see, when Rome was persecuting christians and burning them, they prospered. It was pax romana. Only after christianity was accepted, did rome begin to truly fall.

Nope I think we should work to undermine their hate filled religion as much aspossible.

I love war what are you talking about there is nothing better than seeing shit blow up on tv. We need another one imo I'm getting bored of seeing news stories of kidnapped blonde white girls.
You're knowledge of Roman History is shoddy. First the Pax Romana lasted only around 200 years from the time of Augustus defeat of Antony at the battle of Actium through the 5 good Emperors. After that faction supported by one military warlord after the other toppling the Emperor (civil war) and invasions by barbarians into the western empire plus the fact that the Empire was over extended both militarily and economically lead to the collapase of the western Roman Empire around 450AD. Religion had very little to do with it.

You also convienantly ignore that prior to the advent of Christianity Rome was all ready a very deeply religious society with a formal state Religion and a largely illiterate populace that was very superstitious.
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LOLOLOLOLOLOLO oooooh my god you are fucking retarded. Rome would never be the same again? Right after nero (68 a.d.) rome saw its greatest glory. After the year of 4 emperors following nero they got vespasian who was immensely popular with the romans. then titus, also immensely popular, and then shortly thereafter pax romana was in full swing and the era of the 5 good emperors lasted about a century. nerva, trajan, hadrian, antoninus pius, and marcus aurelius. Shit didn't start going downhill until after commodus took over, followed by the crisis of the third century about 40 years later. retard.
True but what did Christianity have to do with this? At this period in time Christians were persecuted by the Romans as the represented a threat to the State Religion but were not very large in numbers at that time. Again the Advent of Christianity had very little to do with the decline of the Western Empire.
It is sad that we consider totalitarian theocrats our ally.

We used to stand for good things. Now our leaders just want global power and don't care about freedom anymore.
dixie wm and I are crusaders for truth, we battle religion constantly. this isn't a muslim problem, this is a delusional human being that believes in a invisible sky god problem. dont forget, the roman empire converted to christianity and soon collapsed afterward. Time and time again, history has shown us, that once people find religion, it dooms the society. the greatest empires of the world have fallen due to their godly holy principles.
or, you're jack off college students who spend more time posting here than you do studying.....thus explaining your woeful lack of knowledge about pretty much everything.....