The only moral thing now is to put a blockade on SA until they stop this atrocity

We should stop them with diplomacy but won't.
They have oil in one hand and our nut's in the other.
We should stop them with diplomacy but won't.
They have oil in one hand and our nut's in the other.

Bullshit. The sad fact is our leadership will support any form of totalitarianism.

They're importing jihadists here to help subdue us as well.
Wow. Just fricking wow.

Wow all the way around. Not only was he accused, he actually was charged and went to trial, a real trial in the SA legal system. He was convicted of sorcery (!!!) in 2010, the conviction was appealed and the SA legal system upheld the conviction. For sorcery. Now the punishment phase: no time in prison for this guy, a foreign national convicted of sorcery, but here in 2010 they're going to behead him. Tomorrow. For sorcery, in 2010.

As you said, Damo, Wow.

I'm glad that we're increasing our own oil production and working toward developing more, cleaner, renewable energy resources. The sooner we can sever (no pun intended) the ties with this archaic, brutish society, the better.
dixie wm and I are crusaders for truth, we battle religion constantly. this isn't a muslim problem, this is a delusional human being that believes in a invisible sky god problem. dont forget, the roman empire converted to christianity and soon collapsed afterward. Time and time again, history has shown us, that once people find religion, it dooms the society. the greatest empires of the world have fallen due to their godly holy principles.

Well perhaps you and WM can enlist the White House and become interns with Obama. Then you can sit down with these heathens and hear the "truth" about what they really feel about what we think of what they do.

I'd call it a "Come to Jesus" meeting, but I'd hate to lose my head over it.
Wow all the way around. Not only was he accused, he actually was charged and went to trial, a real trial in the SA legal system. He was convicted of sorcery (!!!) in 2010, the conviction was appealed and the SA legal system upheld the conviction. For sorcery. Now the punishment phase: no time in prison for this guy, a foreign national convicted of sorcery, but here in 2010 they're going to behead him. Tomorrow. For sorcery, in 2010.

As you said, Damo, Wow.

I'm glad that we're increasing our own oil production and working toward developing more, cleaner, renewable energy resources. The sooner we can sever (no pun intended) the ties with this archaic, brutish society, the better.
Well stated.
I don't care about SA's sovereignty. No country has any right to do this to any one ever. I think the west has a moral and ethical responsibility to put real economic pressure on these barbarians to stop this. Human rights conventions need to have some teeth put in them.

The money you used to buy your gas to drive to work this morning bought the saber that beheaded this poor man.
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I don't care about SA's sovereignty. No country has any right to do this to any one ever. I think the west has a moral and ethical responsibility to put real economic pressure on these barbarians to stop this. Human rights conventions need to have some teeth put in them.

The money you used to buy your gas to drive to work this morning bought the saber that beheaded this poor man.

The Sauds are too good a friends with Shrubco.
All this because he offered "predictions" in his show in Lebanon. Basically the guy would take information and, based on that information, he would "predict" that certain things were likely. This convicted him of "Sorcery", all while he was making his required Muslim pilgrimage.

I wonder if they used the larder scales to test their theory...
i think bittermark's internet access should be blockaded, he shouldn't be allowed to roam the interwebs without adult supervision
in order to understand religion and concepts such as spirituality, our brains would have already needed to evolve to think about such abstract concepts. This is just another moronic dixie belief.

Humanities greatest triumph will be when we defeat religion once and for all.
You would agree then the the Romans did civilization a diservice by not crucifying enough Christians?
You would agree then the the Romans did civilization a diservice by not crucifying enough Christians?

Most Christians who died died in local uprisings of the populace, who blamed them for natural disasters which the gods had obviously heaped upon them for tolerating "atheists" who didn't believe in the God. As soon as Christians got into power they turned around and did the exact same thing to pagans. Today, this logic is becoming dangerously prevalent again. Religion that believes that God kills innocent people for tolerating those of other fates is very dangerous, because under there moral code the only logical thing to do is to kill those who are inciting gods' "righteous" wrath.