You are stating that life is rare, when science and statisitcs point to it being very abundant in our universe.
"Science statistics" WTF? So because you believe the universe is made up of magical life-coalescing materials, it stands to reason there would be life elsewhere, but you can't show it to me, you haven't found evidence of it, and it doesn't exist elsewhere in our solar system... but that somehow refutes my statement that life is not present in our solar system? Forget "statistics" here, focus on what we know and don't know! Life does not exist anywhere on any planet or moon in our solar system. Yet, all the planets have the same access to this magical life-coalescing material because it is all over the universe, according to you.
you are talking about 8 other planets in our solar system out of TRILLIONS in the universe.
Well, yeah... but "statistically" speaking, life is only found on one of the planets (and moons) in our solar system. Even though, this miraculous material which enables rocks to turn organic and ultimately produce millions of inter-dependent life forms, is supposedly all over the place!
Can you comprehend how small our solar system is compared to our galaxy, let alone the entire universe? Do you not see that 1 planet with intelligent life out of 9 planets is PRETTY FUCKING GOOD?
Not really... not considering the life-coalescing material which enables rocks to become organic, simple-cell organisms to become human beings, and millions of various forms of life to emerge in a system of inter-dependent relationship... no, I think that is pretty dismal. You would think with this amazing stuff, we'd find life everywhere, on all the planets and moons!
evolution does not make this claim. Again, perhaps you should familiarize yourself with what evolution is before you start discussing the origin of life.
Oh, I am well aware ET doesn't make that claim. But the thing is, all those life forms exist... ET doesn't deal with origin of life, which is why it's not a part of this discussion, but you brought it up. ET doesn't explain how we got from simple-cell organisms to intelligent human beings. It offers a POSSIBLE explanation for how certain species adapted and changed with their environment over time. That's a far cry from explaining the millions of different types of life found on earth. Do you have a theory which explains this, or is it just another "just so happens" thing, that you can't explain?
Haha yes there is a theory. I'll let you figure out what that theory is.
No, there's really not a valid theory to explain all the vast life forms and how they interact with each other in a harmonious natural balance... well, except for "creationism" that is. There isn't any scientific evidence to support any theory for this, and that is why you can't answer the challenge.
Yes 1 out of 9. That's supposed to be unique.
Yeah but it's missing these little things called an atmosphere and water.
Ahh yes... but why? If our universe is composed of this life-coalescing material, why isn't water and atmosphere found on other planets? Did you know, if it weren't for atmospheric pressure, water would not exist in liquid form on earth?
no you don't...
as evidenced by this:
No, I do.. I was giving you an example of what kind of universe we would have to live in, for your theory of evolution to explain the magnitude of life forms on the planet. Listen up! I believe ET is a theory to explain how various species changed and adapted over time, nothing more. I don't believe (and you haven't shown) the theory explains millions of different and diverse species, which are interconnected and interdependent on each other.
Bees pollinate the flowers... without that process, flowers can't grow... so did the bees "coalesce" first? What did they do with their pollen before the flowers came along? Here's a bee, born with the natural inclination to go pollinate something, but there is nothing for him to pollinate! Yikes! Or maybe, the flowers came first... but... they didn't have bees to pollinate them, so how could that be? Now we are left with the possibility that bees and flowers "coalesced" together... but how did the magic life-coalescing material know how to make bees and flowers, or how many of each to make?
What I am saying is, you can't explain the complex, diverse, interdependent multitude of life forms found here, with evolution theory! It just doesn't logically compute! You have no other scientific theory to go by, nothing explains it, nothing can explain it... except intelligent design.
we haven't even really explored our solar system to a significant extent yet to rule any of that out.
Yes we have. Every planet in our solar system has been examined, some of them in amazing detail, and life doesn't exist anywhere else but earth.
Seriously dixie, learn about what evolution really is.
I know what ET is, but it's obvious many of you don't. If you think it offers ANY explanation for the millions of life forms on earth, the natural interconnection of living things, the complexity of the circle of life and food chain... you are a total idiot.
ET merely predicts that certain species adapt and change with their environment.