The Origin of Life

I didn't say someone said that, please read what I posted instead of knee-jerk reacting.

An element not found in non-living natural surroundings? DNA!

Oh my fucking God.


He is so fucking retarded. SO SO SO RETARDED. This is difficult to watch.
Well, yes it's true. Life has not been found to exist on another planet. If you want to refute that, you need to show the evidence, not just pop off some ignorance and stupidity.

Saying "life hasn't been found on another planet," and "life doesn't exist anywhere but earth," are two completely different things.

If you meant to say the former originally, that's cool.
I didn't say someone said that, please read what I posted instead of knee-jerk reacting.

An element not found in non-living natural surroundings? DNA!

then why are you stating that in argument? evolution doesn't claim that, and no one in this thread claimed that. so your point of that dumbass analogy was what?

dixie you are so out of your league in this thread it is very sad.
So... We have all these "life-coalescing" elements, which are apparent throughout the universe, supposedly... and the happened to converge on this planet in such a way as to facilitate the emergence and growth of living organisms, not just one kind, but millions of various kinds, and all of these living things were somehow dependent on each other and balanced in nature.

These various types of living organisms "evolved" and turned into even more diverse living creatures, which were also dependent on each other, and each of them had specific components which are complex and full of interdependent parts which would not function without the other. And all of this "just so happened" to take place here, and nowhere else in our solar system, because we "just so happened" to get liquid water and an atmosphere. Amazing!

You see.... I look at the miraculous and wondrous living world, with all its diversity and complexity, and I see how it is harmoniously balanced and dependent on all the various types of living things... I see the beauty of the flowers and trees, the beauty of a newborn deer or horse, the beauty of a dolphin.... and I find it hard to believe this all happened as the result of certain abundant chemicals in our universe reacting with one another.

One of the astronauts... may have been Buzz Aldrin... I can't recall... once said, if you ever doubted God's existence, you need only look at our planet from the perspective of space. Just the sight of our magnificent planet, teaming with life, glowing with a presence of life that is unlike anything else in the skies. We've seen images of Mars, Saturn, Jupiter... they are pretty planets... amazing and beautiful in their own right, but none of them compare to the presence of Earth.

What astounds me the most is, many of you will sit here and argue that complete random chance, resulted in all the living world we know, with all its connectivity and interrelation, in spite of the fact that NOTHING in science can support such nonsense.
plenty of science supports what we have said. Much more so than a random sky god.

Also I think there is about 5 logical fallacies in your above post.

Dixie, you actually thought bees produced pollen. I mean this when I say the following: you are a dumb person. You likely have a low IQ. You have a mental deficiency. It's very clear with this post and your history. You just are not a very smart individual.

Stop talking about things you don't understand.
then why are you stating that in argument? evolution doesn't claim that, and no one in this thread claimed that. so your point of that dumbass analogy was what?

dixie you are so out of your league in this thread it is very sad.

Well the point is simple. We have millions of various forms of life. True or false???? Okay, if it's true, then you must give some logical explanation for how they got here! So far, that is sorely missing from any analysis presented! Sure, you have Evolution Theory, which predicts that certain species change with time... that's all well and good, but it doesn't explain cross-genus evolution, or how we ended up with millions of different forms of living things.

What I have said in my 'analogy' was... IF the world we live in, were made up of rocks that "coalesced" into plants... fish that "coalesced" into birds... lizards that "coalesced" into warm blooded primates..... THEN I may be inclined to accept some far-fetched notion that all of this was the result of abundant life-coalescing chemical elements coming together on the planet and generating what we obviously have today. That is NOT the case, so I am NOT inclined to believe such nonsense.
plenty of science supports what we have said. Much more so than a random sky god.

Also I think there is about 5 logical fallacies in your above post.

Dixie, you actually thought bees produced pollen. I mean this when I say the following: you are a dumb person. You likely have a low IQ. You have a mental deficiency. It's very clear with this post and your history. You just are not a very smart individual.

Stop talking about things you don't understand.

No science supports your idiocy, NONE! ZERO! NADDA!
Saying "life hasn't been found on another planet," and "life doesn't exist anywhere but earth," are two completely different things.

If you meant to say the former originally, that's cool.

As far as we know, life only exists on Earth. It has never been discovered elsewhere. You got some proof to refute that or not? If not, shut the ever-lovin fuck up and go away!
Well the point is simple. We have millions of various forms of life. True or false???? Okay, if it's true, then you must give some logical explanation for how they got here! So far, that is sorely missing from any analysis presented! Sure, you have Evolution Theory, which predicts that certain species change with time... that's all well and good, but it doesn't explain cross-genus evolution, or how we ended up with millions of different forms of living things.

What I have said in my 'analogy' was... IF the world we live in, were made up of rocks that "coalesced" into plants... fish that "coalesced" into birds... lizards that "coalesced" into warm blooded primates..... THEN I may be inclined to accept some far-fetched notion that all of this was the result of abundant life-coalescing chemical elements coming together on the planet and generating what we obviously have today. That is NOT the case, so I am NOT inclined to believe such nonsense.

For someone who supposedly has a degree from a major university, you certainly have a knack for completely misstating things.

Also, in the beginning of this thread, didn't you insist that it was to be about origins, not about diversification, of species?

The fact that the various matter needed for life's beginning was abundant on this planet has been documented in rock samples that predated any life forms. Add to that, there was plenty of water available and much energy from heat and lightning. These chemicals, heat and lightning covered the surface of the earth for eons. Do you think it completely impossible that the right combination at the right place with the right energy input was possible? Because numerous respected scientists certainly think it was quite possible.

and once the first life form appeared, it would have consumed any later life forms that appeared. And the process of evolving has been documented. And once a species evolves more than a few steps away from its original strain, it is often unable to reproduce with the original strain.
As far as we know, life only exists on Earth. It has never been discovered elsewhere. You got some proof to refute that or not? If not, shut the ever-lovin fuck up and go away!

There is no reason to be so hostile. You asserted that life did NOT exist elsewhere. That's a very definitive conclusion. The fact is, we have not DISCOVERED life elsewhere, which is hardly proof that it doesn't exist. And it is a mistake to say that we have examined every planet closely. We have not.
As far as we know, life only exists on Earth. It has never been discovered elsewhere. You got some proof to refute that or not? If not, shut the ever-lovin fuck up and go away!

Considering that there are billions of stars out there that may well have planets surrounding them, and we have only really examined a couple of the planets in our own solar system, your dismissal of there being life on any other planets is ridiculous.

Its funny that you dismiss other life on other planets because it has not been discovered yet.

And yet you are perfectly willing believe that some unknown, unproven, unproveable, untraceable, unquantifiable intelligent force designed all life on this planet.

lmao Thats funny.
How can we presume to know how life was created? Evolution doesn't barely answer anything. how could life come from rocks if rocks don't have DNA? Scientists have more in common with religion, in ignoring common and plain facts, than anything else.
For someone who supposedly has a degree from a major university, you certainly have a knack for completely misstating things.

Also, in the beginning of this thread, didn't you insist that it was to be about origins, not about diversification, of species?

The fact that the various matter needed for life's beginning was abundant on this planet has been documented in rock samples that predated any life forms. Add to that, there was plenty of water available and much energy from heat and lightning. These chemicals, heat and lightning covered the surface of the earth for eons. Do you think it completely impossible that the right combination at the right place with the right energy input was possible? Because numerous respected scientists certainly think it was quite possible.

and once the first life form appeared, it would have consumed any later life forms that appeared. And the process of evolving has been documented. And once a species evolves more than a few steps away from its original strain, it is often unable to reproduce with the original strain.

Okay,,,, again.... I get that prehistoric life-coalescing material existed.... I can understand how heat and lightning may have jolted these elements into an organic state, and sparked something to happen.... I don't get how that "evolved" or "coalesced" or "transformed" into the millions of various life forms, which are all interdependent. That's some pretty fucking phenomenal material! AND... if that is the case, wouldn't it be logical to think you would find at least SOME kind of life elsewhere in the solar system?
Considering that there are billions of stars out there that may well have planets surrounding them, and we have only really examined a couple of the planets in our own solar system, your dismissal of there being life on any other planets is ridiculous.

Its funny that you dismiss other life on other planets because it has not been discovered yet.

And yet you are perfectly willing believe that some unknown, unproven, unproveable, untraceable, unquantifiable intelligent force designed all life on this planet.

lmao Thats funny.

I'm not "dismissing" anything.... again, you need to learn how to READ!

I stated FACTUALLY... there has not been any life discovered on any other planet! That's not "dismissive" that is a fucking fact of reality, dude!

And we have thoroughly examined most every planet we can examine, which would have any chance of supporting life as we know it, within our solar system. We have sent probes to even more planets, taken close-up pictures of the surface, explored their moons, etc.... we have found no trace of life anywhere in this solar system.

I'm sorry about that, I know it disappoints you guys, but really.... that is how it is! You can speculate that there might be life on another planet in a different solar system, but again, this hasn't been discovered or concluded as of yet. As far as we currently know, Earth is the only place life exists. That is a fact, and it's irrefutable.
"And we have thoroughly examined most every planet we can examine"

That is simply not factually accurate.

Both Titan & Ganymede have water; the latter looks to have an ocean, which we have certainly not been able to explore at all. Even though we have landed probes on Mars, they have barely scratched the surface in the search for life there, past or present.

And you keep asserting that it's all proof that life does NOT exist on other planets in this solar system. Again, because we have not discovered it, that does not mean at all that it does not exist.
"And we have thoroughly examined most every planet we can examine"

That is simply not factually accurate.

Both Titan & Ganymede have water; the latter looks to have an ocean, which we have certainly not been able to explore at all. Even though we have landed probes on Mars, they have barely scratched the surface in the search for life there, past or present.

And you keep asserting that it's all proof that life does NOT exist on other planets in this solar system. Again, because we have not discovered it, that does not mean at all that it does not exist.

I can see you moron idiots sitting in your underwear in grandmother's basement, picking your noses, and reading my posts.... foaming at the mouth... looking for just one little thing I post that you can jump on and "Prove Dixie Wrong!" as if that puts some pinhead feather in your cap or something! Please stop bogging my thread down with minutia, and deal with the subject at hand. I really grow tired of thwacking you upside your stupid pinheads with your own idiocy... it's boring to me... really!

The statement stands, just as one can't be divided by three without a remainder... Earthlings have not discovered living organisms on another celestial body. FACT!