The persecution of Christians

Actually the opposite is true. Atheists insist that the universe and life happened by chance; that's just plain stupid.

Theists insist that the universe happened by chance as well. They simply hide this fact behind a wall of obfuscations to make it intuitively appear that their world somehow doesn't happen by chance while the atheist one does. You lack the creativity, knowledge, and intelligence to contemplate how natural forces could have created us, so you instead replace "natural forces I do not understand" with something you do know and understand, other intelligent beings. People did the same thing in ancient times to explain thunderbolts and other natural phenomena they had no explanation for.

If my vase falls over, I guess I could say "It just happened, not sure why". And a superstitious person would respond "That's stupid! A vase can't just fall over by chance! Clearly a ghost did it!" Because, after all, if a vase falls over, and the superstitious person can't come up with an explanation, it must be a ghost. What are breezes for anyway? To a primitive person, if an Earthquake happens, well, stuff like that just can't happen "by chance"! The Gods are showing us their anger! Clearly, we need to sacrifice some virgins! Be gone with your pointy-headed tectonic plate bullshit, use some common sense! And to SM if a universe is created, and he can't understand why, God did it.

Well, I guess I will take you up on this, SM. I am now an Egyptian Pagan. Thanks for making me the see the light.
As for the OP, its a simple straw man. Christians are persecuted in many areas of the world, but not here. We've made our stand here, especially in the South, which includes a large area that is God's country.

Yeah, Christians, after utterly dominating the world for the past 3 or 4 centuries, enslaving nearly every other people's of nearly every other religion at various points in time, and still dominating the politics of dozens of countries, need to retreat to America, a country founded with no religion in mind, to "make a stand". America should've let the south succeed. Good fucking riddance!
That's assuming that our understanding of universal laws is total

It's not.

and that god cannot exist inside those parameters. Both are assumptions without a complete understanding of either concept.

If God exists, then he would simply be one of the natural laws. However, I think there's a lot of sense in believing that, should we find more about how the universe was created (we don't yet know everything) it will probably look a lot more like other natural laws look, something completely new and unexpected, rather than proving a superstitious proposition. How many times has a superstitious proposition been proven correct? How many times has the superstitious explanation even remotely resembled the real one? The explanation we came up for in ancient times for what causes earthquakes (God did it!) bears little resemblance to what we know now. I don't see why other ancient explanations would be any different.
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Atheism makes no such claim. It's simply the lack of beliefs in deities.

What elements of the universe show evidence of design that cannot be explained by physics?

I think I can nip this tangent in the bud by referring you to the Anthropic Principle

One day, some water fell into a hole and became a puddle. The puddle was amazed. What on Earth is the probability that a hole would exist right where it fell of the exact proportions necessary to hold it?
Intelligence from your perspective does not equate with wisdom, and wealth does not equate with spirituality. And yes, your abortion society has been successful at targeting black children, congratulations.

I suppose it would've been better to have many more black children born into horrific poverty by mothers who didn't want them. I suppose that what is equally irrelevant in this equation is the millions of black women who would've been denied controls over their own body, just as they were back in the good old days by those same old noble Christian southerners you mentioned earlier.
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Set or Seth... (spelled both ways) is the God of Chaos. Anyway Set didn't kill his brother. He and Horus (his cousin) were enemies because Set killed Osiris. Isis put him back together and Osiris became the God of the Underworld as a mummy... She then sexed up the dead corpse creating Horus. Horus inherited Upper Egypt, while Set inherited Lower Egypt. Later, when the lands were united they were seen acting together to crown the Pharaohs...

I could go on, but really I should have stopped at Chaos.

You should have stopped at necrophilia. :eek:
If you take some of the stories literally as you have, you are stupid.

translation: "the stuff that has been disproven by logic I conveniently ignore, even though the bible is supposed to be divinely inspired. I still believe in a man-god rising from the dead though to forgive me of my sins so I don't have to get tortured."
I suppose it would've been better to have many more black children born into horrific poverty by mothers who didn't want them. I suppose that what is equally irrelevant in this equation is the millions of black women who would've been denied controls over their own body, just as they were back in the good old days by those same old noble Christian southerners you mentioned earlier.

Have Democrats informed Black American women about birth control?
How is that obvious? Intelligence is not the highest, most important part of creation. Intelligence is merely a curious side effect of creation.

wtf, did you even bother to think before you posted? is obvious that if the laws were not designed they have to be random....that doesn't mean you have to conclude they were just means you have to admit they were random if you reject design......
translation: "the stuff that has been disproven by logic I conveniently ignore, even though the bible is supposed to be divinely inspired. I still believe in a man-god rising from the dead though to forgive me of my sins so I don't have to get tortured."
What has been disproved? :D
I suppose it would've been better to have many more black children born into horrific poverty by mothers who didn't want them. I suppose that what is equally irrelevant in this equation is the millions of black women who would've been denied controls over their own body, just as they were back in the good old days by those same old noble Christian southerners you mentioned earlier.
"Horrific poverty" in the US is on par with wealthy in many countries. By your logic, at least half the population of these poor countries should be aborted. :D
Yeah, Christians, after utterly dominating the world for the past 3 or 4 centuries, enslaving nearly every other people's of nearly every other religion at various points in time, and still dominating the politics of dozens of countries, need to retreat to America, a country founded with no religion in mind, to "make a stand". America should've let the south succeed. Good fucking riddance!
Another straw man, suggesting that Christianity is to blame for slavery, a secular institution. :D