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I consider them away to avoid people who post nothing but crap.
It’s one thing to ignore crap and another thing to pretend you have some kind of special power by threatening to ignore somebody especially when you have no fucking way to prove you’re ignoring anybody, and why should anybody give a flying fuck if you are?
You don't understand the constitution or support it. You support what you want it to say.
Easy for you to say but actually posting evidence of the accusation is a horse of a different color. I back most of my post with constitutional articles and amendments and so far nary a fucking peep from you in constitutional opposition.
On what basis does a libertarian or constitutionalist argue for these regulations on the qualification of the clinic or the associations of the doctor?
This basis. “The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution nor prohibited by it to the States are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people.” (Amendment 10, United States Constitution) What in the Texas abortion law is prohibited by the Constitution Of The United States or the Constitution Of Texas? Make your case!!!
These requirements are nothing more than a cynical attempt to burden abortion providers, as Cuccinelli (sp?) did in Virginia with strict enforcement of regulations dictating door widths.
Of course that’s nothing more than your opinion. Others may well opine that the State has the duty and authority to protect public safety even safety for women. And to disobey the law infringes on a woman’s right to be reasonably safe while getting an abortion and thereby even doorway measurements are valid if a women has to be sent to the hospital in an emergency on a stretcher.
It also requires an invasive ultrasound. On what basis does a libertarian or constitutionalist dictate treatments?[
Again, “public safety.” A State may well determine that a pre-abortion ultrasound is the safest way to protect the woman’s safety. Can you prove differently?
The regulations I mention do not have anything to do with that. Any one who supports them is nothing but a pos statist attempting to use regulatory powers of the state as an end around.
What about the 20 week regulation does that have anything to do with a right to life?