No. I dont know where you got that, moron?
I got that from your post idiot! You insinuate that no good libertarian should accept liability laws. Go back and read your own shit.
What are your credentials?
I don’t need any medical credentials! You’re the one who’s claiming that Texas law is unnecessary medical procedures. That might have some credibility if you could show some credentials that showed you knew something about what the fuck you were talking about.
I am not telling them what procedures they need to perform. I am saying they are best at choosing that and free market forces, like liability, will regulate them. You are opposing the free market and for no reason other than to burden those seeking and providing a procedure you don't like.
Actually what I’m doing is supporting the Constitution which gives States the authority to make all State law as long as State law doesn’t violate the national Constitution and thus far you have shown nothing that shows where Texas State law violates the Constitution.
They violate the constitution .
OK, explain where Texas State law is violating the Constitution.
Libertarian thought does not end at the federal government. These laws are an infringement on individual rights and serve no rational state interest.
So you say! OK explain how.
And abortion laws violate the right to privacy. These Texas laws also compel speech, which is a violation of the first amendment.
One’s privacy is limited when they enter into a public facility whereby the State has every constitutional right to regulate.
I did not mention him. Why is not the point. The point is that you lied in claiming I had defended him. You are trying to change the topic rather than showing integrity and retracting the false charge you made against me. You are just another Republican scumbag.
You didn’t mention him exactly for the reason I have already submitted. These State laws to more stringently regulate abortion are the unintended consequences of the leftist agenda for abortion on demand unregulated. You didn’t mention him because he’s the Achilles heel of your fucking leftwing agenda. You defended him purely by omitting him from your flawed presentation.
BTW, I’ve been called a “Republican scumbag” often by the communist left and I’ve been called a “Democrat scumbag” by the fascist right. I revel in such glory! When both left and right hate my guts, I know I’m a loyal patriot to our Constitution.