The Plan, not a "theory"

Kamala Trump

Verified User
So why won't you guys accept the truth about the new world order? Denying the plan just isn't going to work anymore. You're going to have to start with the name calling "Nationalist!", "Protectionist", "racist". Bring it on, Noahide cretins.
"It would have been quite impossible for us to develop our plan for the world if we had been subjected to the lights of publicity during those years. But, the world is more sophisticated and prepared to march towards a world government. The supranational sovereignty of an intellectual elite and world bankers is surely preferable to the national autodetermination practiced in past centuries ..."
- David Rockefeller, Bilderberg club permanent member, 1991
i believe it can happen, because the bible tells me so! ;)

If you're insinuating my beliefs are some kind of bible-thumping delusion, you might be interested to know that most christian churches, and especially the evangelicals, are actually agenteurs of the new world order, being brainwashed to believe they are "helping" to fulfill prophecy by unconditionally supporting israel and the jews. basically, they're just stupid.
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If you're insinuating my beliefs are some kind of bible-thumping delusion, you might be interested to know that most christian churches, and especially the evangelicals, are actually agenteurs of the new world order, being brainwashed to believe they are "helping" to fulfill prophecy by unconditionally supporting israel and the jews. basically, they're just stupid.

nooooo, i am not!

i honestly believe it because Bible prophesy has spoken about it, as evil! and i also can see it happening and know what to look for....and can read! :)
i just don't think we can do anything about it, we have no power to change it no matter how much we want to! :(
Honestly though, there are not many options asshat...we can vote for those against a one world order....which are near impossible to find.

we can continue to read about the rockafellers and melons and rothchilds etc and try to keep up with the trilateral commisions and bilderberger group, council on foreign relations etc....but WHAT can really be done? I used to make myself sick over it all...spending hours a day reading as much as I could....

not as much anymore because it became too frustrating and unhealthy to stress over it and to try to talk to others about it was like talking to a brick wall...
Immanentizing the Eschaton, eh?

No Damo, not at all....

I have no urge whatsoever to be a part of those false prophets that want to "bring this on"....

Like I have said many times, I believe those supposed Christians that want to bring on ww3 are the ones that are evil and support evil and support "the beast" in the book of Revelation in the Bible! :o
Honestly though, there are not many options asshat...we can vote for those against a one world order....which are near impossible to find.

we can continue to read about the rockafellers and melons and rothchilds etc and try to keep up with the trilateral commisions and bilderberger group, council on foreign relations etc....but WHAT can really be done? I used to make myself sick over it all...spending hours a day reading as much as I could....

not as much anymore because it became too frustrating and unhealthy to stress over it and to try to talk to others about it was like talking to a brick wall...

I reject your "if you can't beat it, join it" appoach to global evil. It's not easy to talk about considering the various ways so many people are invested in it and defend it, but nothing worth doing is easy. Trying to convince others to give up definitely isn't helpful.:)
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So we are just supposed to belly up and take it Care ?
Just because it is foretold in the bible ?

No uscit, we are not suppose to sit back and take it!!!! We are to oppose it at every turn....(Remember, I believe according to Revelation, that those that work for a New world order, are those that follow the antichrist movement)

I was just a little concerned with asshat's health....I remember how I was obsessed with it at one point a few years back, and like I had mentioned, it sickened me....because there isn't much a person can do....people will always have more money than me, which gives them more control and gives them the power to follow an agenda, even if it is silent and unobservable to most.

We can't reach these people, but we can reach the people that seem to be their pawns.....the ones we vote for....

No uscit, we are not suppose to sit back and take it!!!! We are to oppose it at every turn....(Remember, I believe according to Revelation, that those that work for a New world order, are those that follow the antichrist movement)

I was just a little concerned with asshat's health....I remember how I was obsessed with it at one point a few years back, and like I had mentioned, it sickened me....because there isn't much a person can do....people will always have more money than me, which gives them more control and gives them the power to follow an agenda, even if it is silent and unobservable to most.

We can't reach these people, but we can reach the people that seem to be their pawns.....the ones we vote for....


Don't threaten me.

More important than voting at this point is just educating the public, because as you said, there are none to few anti-globalist candidates.
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Don't threaten me?????? huh????

Huh? what?

Don't reference my health please.

Wouldn't you agree an information campaign is what is needed at this point?

I think explaining the power of money creation and the dangers of fiat currency is a good starting point for most.

I wouldn't be so anti the order if it's goals weren't so diabolical. They are pro genocide and pointedly anti-white. Promising to destroy white solidarity and ascendancy is the way they got all the other races to sign onto their plan.
Wow . That's really funny, and original. You're a king of comedy. Seriously. Take this stuff on the road!

I'm already on AlGore's Information Superhighway! I'm finding lots of people are wearing the tin foil hats out there, it's like Pinhead Vogue or something... I figure, a smart and well-timed investment in the tin foil market, should set me up for life. Keep talking up this shit, Asshat! If you can come up with some story angle involving alien abduction of Dick Cheney, I bet that would fly too! Give it a shot!

PNAC was comprised of intellectuals and their pontifications over how we can move forward in the coming century. It wasn't a "plan" it is a "project" and there is a difference. NWO is a concept designed around commerce and economy, and objectively looks at the global market in a different dynamic. If the EU and China continue current growth rates, the isolated US market will eventually collapse, and so will our economy. If the US can form a coalition with Canada, Mexico, and Central and South America, the combined economic power can compete in a future global market economy. Furthermore, if we can continue to foster trade relations with the EU and China, we can all benefit from the strength of consolidation, and our economy will grow over time.

PNAC and NWO are IDEAS, not PLANS. It is a concept, an idea, a suggestion of how we can continue to compete in a growing global market. Keep in mind, countries like China, who benefit from cheap labor and production cost, and the reality that we simply can't compete head to head with them in any market. Keep in mind, other countries are always going to buy goods from the cheapest source, with little or no regard for human rights or wage levels. So, taking this into consideration, even the most retarded moron pinhead can understand, something has to change the dynamic of the market, or we will be left with no one to trade with in the future.

Of course, it sounds so much more exciting and romantic, to imagine some secret cartel of powerful men, pulling the strings behind the curtain, instigating some evil plot to take over the world.... bwahahahahaha! That plays better to the tin-foil hat wearing pinhead crowd, like yourself.
She cares about your health of mind and you say it's a threat? Come on Asshat, you know she made no threats...