First of all, this is not about us being able to trade with China. Until Richard Nixon normalized relations, we didn't trade with China, and the world didn't end. And it's not about just competing with China, there are a number of competitors in a global market. I understand your liberal knee-jerk concerns for the poor people enslaved in China, but honestly, many of the deplorable human rights issues have been resolved, since becoming trade partners with the US. No, it's not completely gone, China is not the model country, and people are still not being treated fairly in China, but really, unless you want to go to war with China and stop it, there isn't a lot we can do.
You suggest not trading with them, but we didn't trade with them before Nixon, and it didn't fix the problem. It's like the Cuban Embargo, we aren't helping the Cubans by refusing to trade with Castro. Through a strong trade alliance, we have actually been able to lobby the Chinese government to moderate its position on human rights, and this is more than we've ever been able to achieve there before.
Still, the NWO isn't just about China, or trade with China, or slave labor. It's about market competitiveness in a global economy. It's about alliances of strong economies, and the power of such alliances in a global market. If we isolate ourselves from this, we will naturally slide down the slippery slope to economic disaster, because we can't compete with China, or the EU. In many areas, our trade with China actually helps to drive the price of goods up on the market, because of our buying power alone, it's supply and demand.
I'll explain what I mean with an example. Let's say China makes bluejeans and sells them for $2 a pair, netting a nice 100% profit over their cost of $1. The US agrees to buy their jeans at $4 a pair, if they observe international laws concerning the treatment of the people working in the jean factory. China agrees, and sells us their $1 jeans for $4 a pair... we put fancy tags on the pocket and sell them to the French for $200 a pair... everyone is happy! But the most important thing is, the flood of $2 jeans on the market from China, never happens, we bought their stock. Now, Levis and Wrangler can sell jeans on the market at $4 a pair, and compete with the Chinese in the global market.
This is a rather crude and simple example, but it demonstrates the concept of establishing trade alliances, and the NWO you so fear. It's not some diabolic plot to control the world, it's not some cartel of the wealthy trying to gain more power, it is the vision and idea for keeping America competitive in the global market place for years to come.
We simply can't stand in the world market with our hands on our hips, demanding these countries conform to our mandates, they don't have to, and we can't make them, unless we are willing to go to war.... which we're not. So, our objective becomes, how do we handle this so our economy doesn't collapse and our trade deficit doesn't continue to grow?