The Plan, not a "theory"

No uscit, we are not suppose to sit back and take it!!!! We are to oppose it at every turn....(Remember, I believe according to Revelation, that those that work for a New world order, are those that follow the antichrist movement)

I was just a little concerned with asshat's health....I remember how I was obsessed with it at one point a few years back, and like I had mentioned, it sickened me....because there isn't much a person can do....people will always have more money than me, which gives them more control and gives them the power to follow an agenda, even if it is silent and unobservable to most.

We can't reach these people, but we can reach the people that seem to be their pawns.....the ones we vote for....


I know picking a few nits here Care, but isn't the intent of Christianity or many religions to have a new world order in their image ?
I know picking a few nits here Care, but isn't the intent of Christianity or many religions to have a new world order in their image ?
No, we are only commissioned to Spread the Good News, not to force it upon people, just to make them aware of it...only they can accept it, free will still reigns..... :)
No, we are only commissioned to Spread the Good News, not to force it upon people, just to make them aware of it...only they can accept it, free will still reigns..... :)

No onward Christian Soldiers than ?
It does not seem like you belong to a pentecostal church Care.

Church was hell for me as a child....Teaching me christian values is one thing, but forcing "salvation" doen my throat is quite another. I was in intervention until I was 16, and told my partents I was leaving if they did not back off on the church stuff. Of course dad dies a few months later and mom blamed me for that...

My mom was a travel agent, but I did not realize it for many years. She sure booked me rides on lots of guilt trips :rolleyes:
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No onward Christian Soldiers than ?
It does not seem like you belong to a pentecostal church Care.

Church was hell for me as a child....Teaching me christian values is one thing, but forcing "salvation" doen my throat is quite another. I was in intervention until I was 16, and told my partents I was leaving if they did not back off on the church stuff. Of course dad dies a few months later and mom blamed me for that...

My mom was a travel agent, but I did not realize it for many years. She sure booked me rides on lots of guilt trips :rolleyes:

i am soooo sorry uscit!

i don't belong to any church now, i came from a ''mixed'' family, father protestant born and raised, mother catholic born and raised....she raised my sister and i married very young to another catholic, who was an asshole and abusive....quite a bit older than 2.5 years we got a divorce... i knew i was never to marry again according to the catholic church....stayed single for about a decade, but then, well then i met matt, my soul mate.

i was excommunicated from the catholic church when i married matthew....:(, but had already stopped going....

so, matt and i got married in his church, a non-denominational Bible Study church in tampa....we participated in sunday services for a while, but then we moved....we tried other churches, any denomination was fine with me....but we never found a church that felt like i then dragged matt to some catholic churches which did feel like home to me and matt went along with it....but i was NOT permitted to receive communion....i wore a scarlett letter for marrying matt, (excommunicated)....which is odd, because marrying matt was about the holiest thing i had ever done in my life....matt did not like them branding me....

so we eventually just started to read and discuss the bible at home....we are both believers, we just don't have a church building to enter.... :(

i bet ya 100 bucks my mother could give more guilt trips than your mother!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! lol

only my mother's guilt trips were always about ''right and wrong'', never about religion per say.....but morals, and God was never part of the wasn't god i had to worry about, it was my mother's upper hand!!!lol (but she was real tiny and all i had to do from 13 onwards was stick my arm out and she could not reach! :D )

That is what it is really about Care, You relationship with your religion/God.
The rest is mostly a social club/support group.
Religion is not for me, But I am a bit envious of those that can draw comfort from their religion.
As long as they don't mess with others rights I fully support any religion.
Care, but back to my origional question.
You do not believe that Christians would like to rule the world and will do what they can (within their limits) to make it happen ?
Care, but back to my origional question.
You do not believe that Christians would like to rule the world and will do what they can (within their limits) to make it happen ?
No, I do not believe so uscit....there is no goal to rule the world....unless of course you are talking about a very few nutzoid ones imo...but at leat in the largest church in the world, they want no part of it....that was their WORST PERIOD, been there, done that.... nothing like that is preached in Church, or it never was back when I went...

There are some church folk that have gotten involved in politics and have made a deal with the devil, but those are just non Christians to me...they follow nothing that Christ taught, they are mean people, I've never seen anything like it...but like I said, these people sold their souls to the Devil and do not practice Christianity....even if it appears that they do on the surface.... and they are the ones that have given TRUE CHRISTIANS a bad name...imo.
I'm already on AlGore's Information Superhighway! I'm finding lots of people are wearing the tin foil hats out there, it's like Pinhead Vogue or something... I figure, a smart and well-timed investment in the tin foil market, should set me up for life. Keep talking up this shit, Asshat! If you can come up with some story angle involving alien abduction of Dick Cheney, I bet that would fly too! Give it a shot!

PNAC was comprised of intellectuals and their pontifications over how we can move forward in the coming century. It wasn't a "plan" it is a "project" and there is a difference. NWO is a concept designed around commerce and economy, and objectively looks at the global market in a different dynamic. If the EU and China continue current growth rates, the isolated US market will eventually collapse, and so will our economy. If the US can form a coalition with Canada, Mexico, and Central and South America, the combined economic power can compete in a future global market economy. Furthermore, if we can continue to foster trade relations with the EU and China, we can all benefit from the strength of consolidation, and our economy will grow over time.

PNAC and NWO are IDEAS, not PLANS. It is a concept, an idea, a suggestion of how we can continue to compete in a growing global market. Keep in mind, countries like China, who benefit from cheap labor and production cost, and the reality that we simply can't compete head to head with them in any market. Keep in mind, other countries are always going to buy goods from the cheapest source, with little or no regard for human rights or wage levels. So, taking this into consideration, even the most retarded moron pinhead can understand, something has to change the dynamic of the market, or we will be left with no one to trade with in the future.

Of course, it sounds so much more exciting and romantic, to imagine some secret cartel of powerful men, pulling the strings behind the curtain, instigating some evil plot to take over the world.... bwahahahahaha! That plays better to the tin-foil hat wearing pinhead crowd, like yourself.

So you fully defend the new world order. It is a plan and it's bad.

Corporate interests are portraying the conclusions you present as the "the only option", but they're not. If you're concerned about competing with china, maybe you should advocate NOT giving them billions of dollars in orders. We don't HAVE to condone slave labor by accepting it's products in the world market. We would not accept an apartheid south africa, so we punished them with trade sanctions, and it worked. Business, like all else in life, should also be conducted within a moral framework.

The borders of nations have always functioned to protect the resources of a nation for the people controlling that land; jobs are a resource too. You're advocating flooding our nations with millions of mexican workers, driving wages to rock bottom levels, simply because that's what CORPORATIONS want. The people have the right to the traditional protections of a functioning border. You do not have the right manipulate the human population because it benefits the bottom line.

We don't have to trade with china. They are fascist and totalitarian; our trade support of them is an abomination. Attempting to compete with china will drive the whole world into slavery, but that's the plan, isn't it?

So you can take your one sided view, and your personal insults, and shove them straight up your noahide ass.
So you fully defend the new world order. It is a plan and it's bad.

Corporate interests are portraying the conclusions you present as the "the only option", but they're not. If you're concerned about competing with china, maybe you should advocate NOT giving them billions of dollars in orders. We don't HAVE to condone slave labor by accepting it's products in the world market. We would not accept an apartheid south africa, so we punished them with trade sanctions, and it worked. Business, like all else in life, should also be conducted within a moral framework.

The borders of nations have always functioned to protect the resources of a nation for the people controlling that land; jobs are a resource too. You're advocating flooding our nations with millions of mexican workers, driving wages to rock bottom levels, simply because that's what CORPORATIONS want. The people have the right to the traditional protections of a functioning border. You do not have the right manipulate the human population because it benefits the bottom line.

We don't have to trade with china. They are fascist and totalitarian; our trade support of them is an abomination. Attempting to compete with china will drive the whole world into slavery, but that's the plan, isn't it?

So you can take your one sided view, and your personal insults, and shove them straight up your noahide ass.
The New World Order actually sounds better than the alternative you present.
The New World Order actually sounds better than the alternative you present.

The alternative of countries pursuing their interests in shifting alliances for mutual self betterment, on various issues, as independant sovereign nations? Like now and all of history?

Free enterprise, specialization, comparative advantage, all those concepts have value in the context of business, but these economic ideas shouldn't be implemented to the extent that our interests are harmed in other dimensions. For instance, allowing jobs to follow cheap labor to a degree is fine, but to the extent that it rewards slave labor and prices non slave nations out of the market it should be avoided. It is a decision we make as a society to make crime not pay. Otherwise, crime does pay. Justifying crime on the basis that it pays is typically the act of a no-good-nik, a criminal. Is it true that if you erode the morality of everyone, it makes everything ok, by comparison? Is this ultimate endpoint of satanic moral relativism? Should we step off the path to Satanic Enslave or HOE (Hell On Earth)?
The New World Order actually sounds better than the alternative you present.

What do you dislike most about what I've indicated? Functioning borders? Maintaining some production capacity on principle, just because depending on military enemies for goods could be a conflict of interest?
No, I do not believe so uscit....there is no goal to rule the world....unless of course you are talking about a very few nutzoid ones imo...but at leat in the largest church in the world, they want no part of it....that was their WORST PERIOD, been there, done that.... nothing like that is preached in Church, or it never was back when I went...

There are some church folk that have gotten involved in politics and have made a deal with the devil, but those are just non Christians to me...they follow nothing that Christ taught, they are mean people, I've never seen anything like it...but like I said, these people sold their souls to the Devil and do not practice Christianity....even if it appears that they do on the surface.... and they are the ones that have given TRUE CHRISTIANS a bad name...imo.

Here in KY there is a "Republican Christian Church".

anyway, when I was imprisioned in church, they taught that we would conqueor the world, with conversions not cannons. This is what I am talking about. those people genuine believed that. This was/is the denomination of Jim Baker and Jimmy Swaggert :)
Here in KY there is a "Republican Christian Church".

anyway, when I was imprisioned in church, they taught that we would conqueor the world, with conversions not cannons. This is what I am talking about. those people genuine believed that. This was/is the denomination of Jim Baker and Jimmy Swaggert :)
But their dollars proudly go to the military industrial complex which uses violence to open markets and control resources. That's not christian.

Their overt message of spreading their faith by merely spreading exposure to it, is just an optimism in their message. Nothing sinister there. The sinister is those who seek to suppress religious speech.
The new world order is going to be great! Seriously, has anyone seen the brochure? You get a free time-share in Florida and it's not like the 'other' time-shares either, you can count on that.
So you fully defend the new world order. It is a plan and it's bad.

Corporate interests are portraying the conclusions you present as the "the only option", but they're not. If you're concerned about competing with china, maybe you should advocate NOT giving them billions of dollars in orders. We don't HAVE to condone slave labor by accepting it's products in the world market. We would not accept an apartheid south africa, so we punished them with trade sanctions, and it worked. Business, like all else in life, should also be conducted within a moral framework.

The borders of nations have always functioned to protect the resources of a nation for the people controlling that land; jobs are a resource too. You're advocating flooding our nations with millions of mexican workers, driving wages to rock bottom levels, simply because that's what CORPORATIONS want. The people have the right to the traditional protections of a functioning border. You do not have the right manipulate the human population because it benefits the bottom line.

We don't have to trade with china. They are fascist and totalitarian; our trade support of them is an abomination. Attempting to compete with china will drive the whole world into slavery, but that's the plan, isn't it?

So you can take your one sided view, and your personal insults, and shove them straight up your noahide ass.

First of all, this is not about us being able to trade with China. Until Richard Nixon normalized relations, we didn't trade with China, and the world didn't end. And it's not about just competing with China, there are a number of competitors in a global market. I understand your liberal knee-jerk concerns for the poor people enslaved in China, but honestly, many of the deplorable human rights issues have been resolved, since becoming trade partners with the US. No, it's not completely gone, China is not the model country, and people are still not being treated fairly in China, but really, unless you want to go to war with China and stop it, there isn't a lot we can do.

You suggest not trading with them, but we didn't trade with them before Nixon, and it didn't fix the problem. It's like the Cuban Embargo, we aren't helping the Cubans by refusing to trade with Castro. Through a strong trade alliance, we have actually been able to lobby the Chinese government to moderate its position on human rights, and this is more than we've ever been able to achieve there before.

Still, the NWO isn't just about China, or trade with China, or slave labor. It's about market competitiveness in a global economy. It's about alliances of strong economies, and the power of such alliances in a global market. If we isolate ourselves from this, we will naturally slide down the slippery slope to economic disaster, because we can't compete with China, or the EU. In many areas, our trade with China actually helps to drive the price of goods up on the market, because of our buying power alone, it's supply and demand.

I'll explain what I mean with an example. Let's say China makes bluejeans and sells them for $2 a pair, netting a nice 100% profit over their cost of $1. The US agrees to buy their jeans at $4 a pair, if they observe international laws concerning the treatment of the people working in the jean factory. China agrees, and sells us their $1 jeans for $4 a pair... we put fancy tags on the pocket and sell them to the French for $200 a pair... everyone is happy! But the most important thing is, the flood of $2 jeans on the market from China, never happens, we bought their stock. Now, Levis and Wrangler can sell jeans on the market at $4 a pair, and compete with the Chinese in the global market.

This is a rather crude and simple example, but it demonstrates the concept of establishing trade alliances, and the NWO you so fear. It's not some diabolic plot to control the world, it's not some cartel of the wealthy trying to gain more power, it is the vision and idea for keeping America competitive in the global market place for years to come.

We simply can't stand in the world market with our hands on our hips, demanding these countries conform to our mandates, they don't have to, and we can't make them, unless we are willing to go to war.... which we're not. So, our objective becomes, how do we handle this so our economy doesn't collapse and our trade deficit doesn't continue to grow?
First of all, this is not about us being able to trade with China. Until Richard Nixon normalized relations, we didn't trade with China, and the world didn't end. And it's not about just competing with China, there are a number of competitors in a global market. I understand your liberal knee-jerk concerns for the poor people enslaved in China, but honestly, many of the deplorable human rights issues have been resolved, since becoming trade partners with the US. No, it's not completely gone, China is not the model country, and people are still not being treated fairly in China, but really, unless you want to go to war with China and stop it, there isn't a lot we can do.

You suggest not trading with them, but we didn't trade with them before Nixon, and it didn't fix the problem. It's like the Cuban Embargo, we aren't helping the Cubans by refusing to trade with Castro. Through a strong trade alliance, we have actually been able to lobby the Chinese government to moderate its position on human rights, and this is more than we've ever been able to achieve there before.

Still, the NWO isn't just about China, or trade with China, or slave labor. It's about market competitiveness in a global economy. It's about alliances of strong economies, and the power of such alliances in a global market. If we isolate ourselves from this, we will naturally slide down the slippery slope to economic disaster, because we can't compete with China, or the EU. In many areas, our trade with China actually helps to drive the price of goods up on the market, because of our buying power alone, it's supply and demand.

I'll explain what I mean with an example. Let's say China makes bluejeans and sells them for $2 a pair, netting a nice 100% profit over their cost of $1. The US agrees to buy their jeans at $4 a pair, if they observe international laws concerning the treatment of the people working in the jean factory. China agrees, and sells us their $1 jeans for $4 a pair... we put fancy tags on the pocket and sell them to the French for $200 a pair... everyone is happy! But the most important thing is, the flood of $2 jeans on the market from China, never happens, we bought their stock. Now, Levis and Wrangler can sell jeans on the market at $4 a pair, and compete with the Chinese in the global market.

This is a rather crude and simple example, but it demonstrates the concept of establishing trade alliances, and the NWO you so fear. It's not some diabolic plot to control the world, it's not some cartel of the wealthy trying to gain more power, it is the vision and idea for keeping America competitive in the global market place for years to come.

We simply can't stand in the world market with our hands on our hips, demanding these countries conform to our mandates, they don't have to, and we can't make them, unless we are willing to go to war.... which we're not. So, our objective becomes, how do we handle this so our economy doesn't collapse and our trade deficit doesn't continue to grow?

Not willing to go to war? That's funny.

We shouldn't be empowering people who have no intention of improving their human rights abuses. They have no intention of becoming free. They like totalitariansism and we're just enablers. Im no socialist, but you're ignoring all other concerns based on an abstract notion of ever expanding markets combined with the moral bankruptcy of never taking a moral stand. We can simply make different choices. Your conclusion is errant because it ignores the intrinsic value of freedom and morality, which may not easily translate into a value in the asset column of your balance sheet.
These new world order people have given up fighting totalitarianism. they will accept totalitarianism, as long as they get a cut. And this is the party of the christians? The moral christians. Funny.
you're ignoring all other concerns based on an abstract notion of ever expanding markets combined with the moral bankruptcy of never taking a moral stand.

How are we taking a moral stand by ignoring and not dealing with the Chinese? We can do that, we were doing that, but what was happening was, the Chinese were beating our brains out in the global market. Not only us, but the countries in Europe as well, that is why they formed the EU, to consolidate market buying power, and be competitive in the global market with China. Now, we can afford to keep ignoring China, letting them continue to beat our brains out in the market, and continue to run a trade deficit, we are strong enough at this time to do that, but this will not last indefinitely. Eventually, our trade deficit will catch up with us, and our economy will likely collapse.

The reason you see the movement toward Ameri-Mexi-Canada, is because, from a global market standpoint, that is precisely how we solve the problem here. We must consolidate as the EU has, in order to compete in the years to come. If we fail to lay the ground work for this now, we can't do it later, we will miss the opportunity and the error in judgement will cause our economy to collapse, and pinheads to scream and moan. Likewise, we also have to work toward a global alliance of powers, the EU, China, NAFTA partners, all have to work together in trade, and through this, markets are stabilized.

The issue regarding conditions in China, and other similar nations, can be addressed through an idea promoted by a great Democrat President! A rising tide lifts all boats-- JFK. By bringing China into the fold of the world economy and global market, we can exert diplomatic pressure to change and reform, we have some leverage then, whereas, if there is no trade, what is their incentive to change? They have none. We stand a much better chance of fixing the human rights problems in China, by being invested in the Chinese economy, by purchasing and selling goods and services to China, and having that financial interest together, as opposed to having nothing to negotiate with.