Well Damo, you apparently had a sip or two of that koolaid, because the way I saw it (I didn't have any of the koolaid), was an investigation revealed the president of the United States was guilty of lying under oath. Regardless of what he lied about... (in this case, another relationship, which effected the sexual harassment lawsuit he was involved in...) it is a serious offense for the main man who is sworn to uphold the law. It was a matter of principle, and it became mired in the rhetoric of what it was over. I don't give a damn if he lied under oath about giving popsicles to orphans! It's the principle of the matter... or do principles not mean anything to you? YES... I know he sold our secrets to the Chi-Coms for campaign donations... unfortunately, there is nothing "illegal" in doing that, or a case couldn't be made! It's kind of like the Al Capone thing... I don't recall people bitching and turning on law enforcement because they put him away for tax evasion, do you?
you diverted the attention of the nation for years on whitewater and fostergate and filegate and troopergate and travelgate and got ZIP for any of it...except a diverted presidency, of course, which was your intention all along. Like I said, the republicans forfeited their right to any legitimate bitch about democrats using the politics of diversion.