They knew it, there was no way that they could gather 2/3 of the Senate to vote for removal and we all knew it.No, everybody DIDN'T know it! Else Congress would not have voted for articles of impeachment! They actually had a vote on whether to remove him from office AFTER HE WAS IMPEACHED! Why would they go to that trouble, if "everyone knew" he couldn't be removed from office? Apparently, everyone DIDN'T know, until they voted! As it turned out, some R's (like McCain) wimped out and sided with the whining Democrats, and decided that the nation just couldn't go through the ordeal of kicking the president out! What you want to bet, had Clinton been a Republican, his ass would have hit the curb?
The "mistake" was made in allowing the "moderate" voice of the Republican party to side with liberals in retaining Clinton, and not holding him to the same standards of law as other Americans are held to.
There is no possible way you will be able to convince anybody except maybe an 8 year old relative otherwise.