The President is trapped

For his entire adult life, Donald Trump has created his own alternate reality, complete with his own alternate set of facts. He has shown himself to be erratic, impulsive, narcissistic, vindictive, mendacious, and devoid of empathy. None of that is new.

I stopped reading at this lie; what a pile of mendacious bile. Why do you read such tripe?

The only one's wallowing in an alternate reality of their own are media morons like this writer. To suggest that a man who gives away his $400K salary as being impulsive, narcissistic and devoid of empathy is not just lying, it is asinine.

I want you to THINK as you read such tripe that what these leftist hacks are actually doing are describing themselves. What has this Peter Wehner done for anyone other than himself. He is a self promoting dip shit on steroids who is a worthless speck on the face of the planet.

How many people has Peter Wehner employed? Does he give away hundreds of thousands of dollars to charity every year? Has he won the Presidency in an effort to do great things for the American people? Things like having more and better paying jobs?

One thing you can always be certain about hacks like Peter Wehner; they are self absorbed, impulsive, narcissistic, vindictive, mendacious liars who promote themselves at the cost of others.

You should read better material than tripe like this that satiates your misplaced hatred of man you don't even know. :rolleyes:
Fred Trump always preferred his eldest son over "Donnie". Sadly, tRUMP never got the counseling that he sorely needed to deal with this issue. tRUMP will be an insecure and petty person until his last breath.

The defense of Trump is a false world of right wing nonsense, 100% trash talk and falsification.

There will be a reckoning beginning toward the end of next January for these right wingers.

You sad, pathetic, dumb leftist moron; we aren't defending Trump. He doesn't need anyone to do that. We are defending the truth. Something worthless, lying leftist hacks like you shit on every fucking day.